Monday, November 24, 2008

My First Day At Work

Tryed out working for four hours at a game shop called: GAME. It was fun at first putting price tags on 50 diffrent games, then i put price tags on 25 more games... Okay... Then i had to sort 120 games in order from A-Z... Then, i had to put alarms on 80 Ps2 games, Then i had to put EVERY SINGLE ONE of the games i sorted into the shop in Order From A-Z... Thats About The Time Where I Started To Think Working In A Game Shop Might Not Be As Fun As I Thought... But anyway after that i had to take the plastic of up to 50 DS games and then sort them from

A-Z. Then I Found Out That I Was Only Half Way Done!!!!!!! In The Last Hour I Was Longing For School!!!!!!! I Mean Seriusly!!!!!!! And I Never Got To Sit Down!!! I Was Standing Working For Four Hours... Just To Find Out I Was Half Way Done!!! I Worked My Ass Of, i was working hard to show great promise in the future, but lucky enough mom came to the rescue 20 minutes before i was done!... And afterwards i felt so tirsty that even my spit was dry!!! i didn't even though that was possible!!!!!!! and i was sooooo hungry, and Tired, and i couldent wait until i got home to play some computer... but when i got home... my sisters wanted to use the computer, and i said i waited all day i was sooo tired thirsty and hungry, but of course if you know my sisters you know that they found over ninthousand different exuses to use the computer that of course SOUNDS good, but they mostly make no sence what-so-ever... Me And Dad Was The Only Ones Working Our Asses Of To Day! While The Others Was Lazing Their Asses Of, And Complaint When I Want To Rest! Why Cant They Understand!!!!!!!

Until Next Time!

Later Guys I'm Outta Here!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sonic The Hedgehog The Next Generation 2006 Xbox360/Ps3 Review

Opening: This Game Is Not As Bad As Most People Say It Is. 4/10

GamePlay: The GamePlay is rushed. Its really flawed, sonic doesn't move as fast as he should, the gameplay is full of glitches and slowdowns when too much things happens on the screen, but its still pretty fun to play the stages sometimes to try and beat your previous record and the four mach stages are fast, fun and easy to control. silvers gameplay is good if you want to fight monsters and robots with super powers, play as silver, but he runs at the speed of snails, even my sisters are faster than silver, fun but hard to master. shadow is good if you want to show the true power of chaos, he's really slow but he makes up for it with Power. You can also play as alot of other charecters, so its a great over use of charecters. 4/10

Graphics: The Graphics are awesome! they are next gen graphics the only thing about them are that they are amazing. 9/10

Sound: The Sound Is Great The Music Is Super Awesome Even If His World Is Greatly Over Used, the song doesent get old to me that easy. 8/10

Story: The Game Supports Bestiality!!!!!!! In a relationship between a princess and a blue hedgehog! The story starts of with that Eggman is up to his old plans and Sonic has to stop him again Sonic saves the princess of soleana named Elise, and as the story progresses Sonic and Elise fall in love and in the last story they kiss, does sega support bestiality now!? but its shows a good messege that you could be inlove no matter what skin colour or where you come from, but its still weird, but when you se the compleat story its pretty amazing. 8/10

Overall: 32/50 = Great Game!!!!!!! With Thousands Of Errors!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Opinion About 2 Of My Sisters (Elizabeth And Victoria.) Personality.
They Have A Kind Heart But A Pain-In-The-Cake Attitude, They Are Nice People But They Think They Are Masters Of The Universe Cuz They Are Older Than Me, They Keep Making Fun Of Everyone And I Mean EVERYONE! Not That Its Not Funny But... Um... UUUMMM... Acctully Its Just Funny, They Have Hilarious Humor I Learned More Than Halft Of My Jokes From Them, I Try To Spend Time With Them Sometimes, But They Sometimes Seem Like They Wanna Avoid Me... Sometimes, Maybe Cuz I'm A Pain-In-The-Cookie-Jar. But They Are My Awesome Sisters And I love Them.

The End

Personal Info
AGE: 13
BIRTHDAY: 27 October
LIKES: Video Games, Quiet People, Girls, Things That Smells Good. Movies And Shows: Comedys, Adventures And Anime.
DIS-LIKES: Haters, Caramell Dansen, Charamell Dansen English Version, People That Try To Force Their Beliefs On Others, Racists, Mosquitos.
FAVE SONG: In The End (By Linkin Park.)
PERSONALITY IN MY OPINION: Guy Who Likes To Be Alone (Sometimes), And Loves To Play Video Games.
PERSONALITY IN ONE OF MY SISTERS OPINION: Smart (No Joke It Really Is Her.), Caring (Sure Why Not.), Stubborn (Yeah Thats Me Alright.), Person That Likes Joke And Havie Fun (Gee No Kidding. XD), Sencetive (How Did You See Through My PERFECT Disguise!?), Thats About It. (Well, Ok! Thanks For Your Time.)
FAVE FOOD: Fried Shrimps.
PS: I'm A Demi-Vegitarian.

For the first time in world history i'm acctually going to buy a christmas gift for my sisters. I know i have been a selfish bastard these last years. I'm going to get them a ******.............. What? You didnt think i would ruin it did ya? Thats all for now!... stop reading... seriusly thats not funny... are you going to comment or leave!?... STOP READING... stop being an asshole and stop reading... your really getting on my nerves... get out... this is going to far... Alright Now I'm Leaving Instead There You Happy, But Just Remember: I Can Send Pepole To Your House... BAD PEPOLE! PS. That Was The Largest Picture Of MySelf With Out A Wig I Could Get.

Until Next Time!

Later Guys I'm Outta Here!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Unleashed Fury Of MalcolmX

Hi, i'm MalcolmX! This is my blog, i hope you enjoy your stay. And yeah, about the picture, its a wig i'm wearing, i acctually have dreadlocks but my computer wont let me upload a new pic so i had to pick a year old one. Anyway this blog is going to be about me, video games and stuff like that. BTW I Almost Named The Title: (Unleashed ''FURRY'' Of MalcolmX) LOL! That just sounds wrong!....... What you want a cookie or something?!
Until Next Time!
Later Guys I'm Outta Here!