Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Opinion About 2 Of My Sisters (Elizabeth And Victoria.) Personality.
They Have A Kind Heart But A Pain-In-The-Cake Attitude, They Are Nice People But They Think They Are Masters Of The Universe Cuz They Are Older Than Me, They Keep Making Fun Of Everyone And I Mean EVERYONE! Not That Its Not Funny But... Um... UUUMMM... Acctully Its Just Funny, They Have Hilarious Humor I Learned More Than Halft Of My Jokes From Them, I Try To Spend Time With Them Sometimes, But They Sometimes Seem Like They Wanna Avoid Me... Sometimes, Maybe Cuz I'm A Pain-In-The-Cookie-Jar. But They Are My Awesome Sisters And I love Them.

The End

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually we dont make fun of EVERYONE, and its not like we make fun of people in a mean way, only in a humoristic way.. (or i admit that its both sometimes, if the person is evil.)Remember: its not cool to pic on people who r less fortunate than yourself in life.

God im such a joke ruiner.

Anyways love you to Bro very mucho.
Hope its alright that i download some virus-stuff on your computer while deinstalling your virusprotection. You know.. just for fun :)