Saturday, May 9, 2009

Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii (The Demon's Pure Soul) Chapter 6 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Sakura Tree''

Chapter Six: Makoto... He sucks...!

Sakura: ''I've been outside... For the first time in 8 years... I should have enjoyed it more....... The villiage havent changed since i last was there...''
Then Eddy came through the door!
Eddy: ''Sakura, We found you a fiance!''
Sakura: ''Wha-Wha-Wha-What!?''
Eddy: ''Your getting married next week!''
Sakura: ''Bu-But!''
Eddy: ''Makoto! Come in here!'' (Makoto means ''Sencerity'' In Japanese!!!!!!! Right?)
Then a middle aged man walked in the door.
Makoto: ''You'll be mine next week... I'll be gentle, Heh.
Sakura almost threw up.
Makoto: ''See ya next week.''
Makoto left the room.
Sakura: ''Father, I'm NOT going to marri-''
She got slapped.
Eddy: ''You will!!!!!!!''
Eddy left the room...
Sakura held her hand at the place she was slapped...
Sakura thinking: ''I MUST escape!''
Kiyoshi: ''Are we there yet?''
Isamu: ''What do you think! Where NOT there stop asking!!!!!!!''
Isamu: ''Geez''
5 Minutes later.
Hotaru: ''Isamu?''
Isamu: ''Oh come'on! What is it now!''
Hotaru: ''Where here.''
Isamu. ''I can see that...''
They saw Makoto.
Makoto: ''Who these fair ladies? Why are you traveling with such a low life? Come with me, Makoto the great and i'll rock your world!''
Hotaru: ''Premission to ''rock his world'' Isamu?''
Isamu: ''Premission Granted.''
Hotaru punched Makoto right in the face.
Makoto: ''How dare you turn me down woman!''
Isamu: ''Kiyoshi Now!''
Kiyoshi burned Makoto with her fire breath!
Makoto: ''Oh noes, my noes!''
Isamu: ''You want to taste my wrath?... Heres a hint: ''You dont!'' Heh!''
Makoto stod up and ran away with the last shread of his pride, He was owned 3 times in a row, he must be down for good.
Hotaru: ''Couldn't we just have killed him, and make everybody happy.''
Isamu: ''We dont want to make a scene.''
Kiyoshi: ''We just did.''
Isamu: ''Dont turn this around.''
They cept walking, and all the guards on the way dropped their wepons and ran away, cause they recognised him.
They heard some gossip by leting Hotaru talk to the birds.
They got to know Sakura was getting married, and to who.
Isamu let Hotaru and Kiyoshi check out the market, while he went to the church.
Finnaly he got to Sakuras room.
Sakura: ''There must be some way to escape.''
The door got broken in.
Isamu: ''Come along if you want...''
Sakura: ''You came for me! You saved me again!''
Isamu: ''You dont wanna get married to that Makoto guy, right''
Sakura: ''No way!''
Isamu: ''Then get on my back.''
Sakura climed on his back and said: ''Sorry, if i'm heavy...''
Isamu: ''Your not, your much easier to carry then a dead body.''
Sakura: ''I dont know if that was a compliment or an insult.''
Isamu: ''Me niether.''
They escaped and ran passed the market.
Isamu: ''Hotaru, Kiyoshi Come'on!''
They ran out of the village...
later guards reported that Isamu defeated them and kidnapped Sakura.
Eddy: ''Why The Hell Didn't you stop them!''
Guard: ''He was to strong he overpowered us!''
Isamu: ''We're gonna be in alot of trubble!''
Sakura hugged Isamu.
Sakura: ''Thanks for getting me out of there, Now i can be outside once again!''
Sakura: ''But, why?... Why are you being so nice?''
Isamu: ''It wasen't for you... I just dont want the Makoto creep to have his way, and i dont want your father to have his way...''
Sakura: ''Hehe, But thanks anyway...''
Hotaru: ''Guess you'll be traveling with us.''
Kiyoshi: ''Yay, more people!''
Hotaru: ''Your the oldest one here and you act like a baby, Kiyoshi...''
Kiyoshi looked like she was going to cry.
Kiyoshi: ''You think i'm old?''
Hotaru: ''No, No, I didn't meant it like that? I'm 17.''
Kiyoshi: ''...?''
Hotaru: ''Thats 2 years younger than you...''
Kiyoshi: ''...?''
Hotaru: ''Never mind forget i said anything...''
Eddy: ''Makoto your not only a part of the highest ranked family in these lands, but your also a pro Demon Slayer.''
Makoto: ''Yes, that is exacly what i just finnished telling you.''
Eddy: ''Now go! My daughters fait rests in your hands! Who knows what kind of evil and sinfull things that demon is putting her through?!''
Makoto: ''Understod! I will save your daugther and prevent the demon from harming her! I just hope i'm not to late!''
Isamu: ''Want some water?''
Sakura: ''Yes, please.''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

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