Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kitsune No Yume! (A Foxes Dreem!) Chapter 3 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: (Wait a minute why do i have to say!? its obvius what it is!!!!!!!) ''Fox''

Chapter Three: Once Enemies, Now Allies!

We begin this chapter with Yami finding Makoto!
Yami: ''Makoto! You're alive!''
Makoto: ''Yes and thanks to the power you gave me when we first met... I am now invinceble! I've even surpassed you!''
Yami thinking: ''Darn! Now he might not serve me!''
Yami: ''But, Makoto, Will you try to repay that favor?''
Makoto: ''No way, i've got what i wanted! Now to seek revenge against Isamu and claim Sakura for myself!''
Yami: ''Hmph, fine!''
Yami thinking: ''Thought so, now i have to find the others.''
Saito: ''Hmmm... You know sister... I dont hate you.''
Sapphire: ''I dont hate you too.''
Saito: ''Grrr, why is it so to turn into a good guy!''
Sapphire: ''I know! But if we follow this through, our luck might change!''
Saito: ''I'll turn good... BUT... I will never EVER stop saying, EVIL.''
Sapphire: ''I guess thats allowed to say... I mean the ones we're trying to join are demons after all.''
Saito: ''And a priestess.''
After a while the met up with Ruby and the others.
Ruby and Sapphire: ''You!''
They raised their fists.
Saito: ''Sisters, i'm sure theres a way to-''
They started to stare at him.
He back away without saying a word.
Isamu: ''What is going on!?''
Ryou: ''Do we have to kill you for a third friggin time!''
Saito: ''No, no we're here to join you!''
Hana: ''Yeah right!''
Sakura: ''Then come, join us... Your welcome to anytime.''
Isamu: ''Sa-Sakura? Why?''
Sakura: ''We gotta atleast give them a chance, i mean they surely wouldn't have taken the risk to come here to us unless they had to.''
Sapphire: ''We thought that we always lose to the good guys, and we want to be on the winning team!''
Ruby: ''HmHm... Hehehe... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!''
Saito: ''Whats so funny?''
Ruby: ''Nobody here would have thought you wanted to join us... Exept maybe for Sakura... Welcome my evil siblings!''
Saito: ''*Sniff* What made me most happy was that the Ruby Crystal said Evil.''
Ruby: ''Face it, our crystals are destroyed! I am not the crystal anymore.''
Sapphire: ''Yes yes, i know but before our parents died, they made duplicates of the crystal, knowing you would someday destroy them. Either from abusing power... Or just plainly distroying them... You are the strongest after all.''
Ruby: ''Our parents made more!?''
Ryou: ''Your... Parents?''
Ruby: ''Emerald, and Gold Windpass, are my perents, they created the ruby, sapphire and EVIL crystals and something they didn't count on... Was that we were born with the crystals. They died after using to much power making the crystals.''
Saito: ''By the way, thats the reason i say EVIL all the time... It was the name of the crystal i had... I want my other EVIL crystal and then nobody will take my crystal ever again!''
Sapphire: ''Shut up, fool.''
What the hell are they talking about anyway!?... Uh, i mean, Meanwhile!
Kamimasu: ''Are we there yet?''
Kohaku: ''No.''
Kamimasu: ''*Sigh* Ok...''
Kohaku: ''...''
Kamimasu: ''Hey, Kohaku?''
Kohaku: ''What?''
Kamimasu: ''Are we there ye-''
Kohaku punched Kamimasu!
She fell over!
Kamimasu: ''!!!!!!!''
Kohaku: ''Didn't think i'd hit a girl huh?... Hmph, i hit anyone who anoy me.''
Kamimasu got a nose bleed.
Kamimasu: ''W-w-w-w-w-w-w-why d-did y-y-y-y-y-y-you d-d-d-do tha-that!?''
Kohaku: ''Your constant asking anoyed me''
Kohaku: ''Oh, and you better not wake me up at night unless you have a very good reason.''
Kamimasu: ''Eat dirt asshole.''
Kohaku: ''I'd rather go for fish... Sorry for punching you anyway... Just like that without a warning, It was wrong of me... But, I cant control myself very good when i'm angry or anoyed.''
Kamimasu: ''Well... Aslong as your sorry...''
They saw a injured fox on the ground.
They stopped.
Fox: ''Run away, its a trap!
Kohaku: ''Prepare for an ambush Kamimasu!''
And 5 ninjas came out of the ground!
Ninja: ''Kir-kir-kir!''
Kamimasu: ''Be carefull Kohaku!''
Kohaku: ''Its time... To fight!!!!!!!''
Kohaku howled like a wolf, like a wolf used to howl before they go out to hunt!
The ninjas charged Kohaku and Kohaku charged them!

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

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