Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kitsune No Yume! (A Foxes Dreem!) Chapter 2 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Wolf Howling!''

Chapter Two: Dance in the moonlight! The Great Vs Wolf Howl! Round One!

Kohaku runs through a snowy plain in wolf form, showing no emotions on the outside... But inside a burning hatred grows.
But he comes to a stop when he sees a human girl standing in the snow.
Kohaku fosters a hatred for all humans, so he starts to show his teeth and growls.
Human: ''Who's... There?''
Kohaku: ''Grrr, your death.''
Human: ''I... see...''
Kohaku: ''Grrr... Did you not hear what i just said?''
Human: ''Yes... Normaly humans would runin fear of getting killed by a demon wolf.''
Kohaku: ''I'm NOT a demon!!! I'm a spirit!''
Kohaku: ''Wait, what did you mean normaly?''
Human: ''Everyone in the world has given up on me... My family was killed, everyone blamed me. So i'm all alone... I would starve to death in time anyway... So kill me if it makes you feel better.''
Kohaku: ''Hmph, Its no point if you want to die... But... My whole pack was killed by a human... So i'm after revenge.''
Human: ''Could it be?...''
Kohaku: ''You know something!? Spill it!''
Kohaku tackled the human to the ground, growling at her, waiting for her to explain.
Human: ''That hurt...''
Kohaku: ''Just tell me what you know!''
Human: ''Not untill you say your sorry.''
Kohaku: ''Wha- Do you know who your dealing with!? Tell me or i'll-''
Human: ''Kill me? Go ahead, then you wont find out anything!''
Kohaku: ''Grrr... Hmph... Ok, I-I'm sorry...''
Human: ''Thats better... My name is Kamimasu.''
(Kamimasu means ''Bite'' in Japanese and is normaly not used as a name!!!!!!!)
Kohaku: ''I really dont care who you are... But... Are you going to tell me or what!?''
Kamimasu: ''Well, i know a human who killed a pack of wolf spirits... But... I dont think its a Human... He was the one who blamed my family's death on me!''
Kohaku: ''Hmm, so we have a common enemy... But if it wasn't a human... What is he?''
Kamimasu: ''Its a human possesed by a demon spirit, and he is growing every day in power... He might even have surpassed the one who gave him his power.''
Kohaku: ''Who is he?''
Kamimasu: ''He calls himself, Makoto the great.''
Kohaku started to show teeth and stared into the clouds.
Kohaku: ''Grrrrrrr... Makoto the great my ass... He will die... Hehe... I finnaly found him... I know who it is... I'll put him to sleep... Forever!''
Then someone came running at blinding speed and stoped not to far away from them.
???: Hehe... Someone called... Now... Prepare to face my wrath! Nobody EVER speaks badly about me behind my back! Even less a demon, and a killer!... I am Makoto the incredible and great!!!!!!!''
Kohaku: ''You're? Makoto?''
Makoto: ''That right!''
Kohaku: ''This guy!?... This little shit!?... Killed my family!''
Makoto: ''I was going to finnish you in time... But why wait, so bring it on!''
Kamimasu: ''You!? You finnaly showed yourself!''
Kohaku: ''Prepare to die, Makoto the lame!''
He transformed into human form.
Then he charged Makoto and his nails turned into claws!
He cut Makoto with his claws so that Makoto's blood splashed everywhere!
He knocked down Makoto with a kick!
Makoto stod up like nothing happend!
Kohaku: ''Why are you still alive!!!!!!!''
He slashed again!
Kohaku: ''Die! Die! Die!''
Makoto drew a swod called Heartless!
He slashed Kohaku!
Makoto: ''Mahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I've gained immortality!''
Kohaku kicked Makoto in the head making him fly far away!
Kohaku: ''Please dont talk... It makes you look even more stupid!''
(Malcolm: ''Owned!'')
Makoto: ''Why you!''
Kohaku: ''Lets dance in the moonlight!''
Some clouds moved and exposed the moon!
Kohaku: ''I'll show you my strongest attack!''
Kohaku made some hand signs.
Then he streched his arms out and opened his palms wide open!
Then he smashed his hands together!
Kohaku: ''Wolf Howl!''
And a extremly big beem shot out of his hands!
It blasted everything around and left a gigant mark in the ground where the blast was!
Makoto was gone.
Kohaku: ''Darn! He got away!... I was so close... I'll kill you Makoto!''
Kamimasu: ''I'll join you!''
Kohaku: ''I dont need anyone holding me back!''
Kamimasu: ''Please, i'll do anything! Even become your sevant.''
Kohaku: ''You know that means i could just use you, and kill you afterwards.''
Kamimasu: ''Y-yes...''
Kohaku smiled.
Kohaku: ''Your lucky i'm not that kind of person... But i exept... Your my new servant.''
(Malcolm: ''From when Kamimasu said ''I'll join you'', to this point, that part was the original idea for the first story (Kitsune No Ai chapter 1), but i instead took what i could firgure out at that moment. ^_^''
Kohaku and Kamimasu set of to find Makoto and their adventure will now... Begin!

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

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