Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kitsune No Yume! (A Foxes Dreem!) Chapter 7 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''The Great! The Fortress In Frozen Volcano Keep!''

Chapter Seven: The FolkTale!

Kohaku: ''I... Am I... Am I finnaly going to meet my end?''
Guard: ''Heh, that right scum, you'll never get to Makoto the great.''
Kohaku: ''Seriusly, why do you follow a douche like Makoto?''
Guard: ''He's going to kill everyone in his way... And i'm not gonna die.''
Kohaku: ''Heh, he controls people with fear tactics, huh? Pathetic exuse for a leader.''
Kamimasu: ''What should we do!''
Aggro: ''We have to save him!''
Kamimasu: ''If he lost what can we do!?''
Aggro: ''Darn, your right...''
???: ''Heh, the boy is in danger is he, very well then i will assist!''
Aggro: ''Who's there!?''
Magic: ''Ni hao!''
Aggro: ''Its the guy who put us asleep!
Kamimasu: ''Ni hao? I didn't know you were chinese.''
(From my sources i have heard that ''Ni hao'' is a form of greeting in china!!!!!!!)
Magic: ''That right, but i was adopted by japanese perents and raised japanese with a japanese name.. and i'm here to help!''
Magic vanished.
Aggro: ''Did he go to save Kohaku?''
Kamimasu: ''I'm not sure... But i'm not willing to take that risk!''
They ran towards the castle entrance!
Magic has broken in the castle he defeated guard after guard with alot of different spells.
Magic: ''You are blinded my foolish fellow humans... Blinded by fear of your liege!''
He entred the dungeon.
Kohaku: ''Magic!''
Magic: ''Its time to tell you my true name!... I am... Hakudoshi the spellcaster!''
(Hakudoshi means ''(Insert meaning of the word here!)'' in Japanese!!!!!!!)
(Malcolm: ''I finnaly got a fitting name!'')
Kohaku: ''Just get me out of here, my execution is in one hour!''
Hakudoshi: ''Of course, friend.''
Kohaku and Hakudoshi escaped the castle.
But when they got out, they saw a sign, that was where Kamimasu and Aggro were standing before Hakudoshi apeared.
Hakudoshi: ''What does the sign say?''
Kohaku: ''It says: ''This is a message from Makoto the great! Not that you are worthy, vile creatures! I have taken your sevants and will kill them within 4 days! Come to my main fortess The Great in Frozen Volcano Keep! Then we'll gladly let them live if you die! Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!'' Thats what exacly what it says.''
Hakudoshi: ''Will you rescue them?''
Kohaku: ''What are you talking about of course i will!''
Hakudoshi: ''The we gotta hurry!''
Kohaku: ''Exacly! Lets go!''
They returned to the town they saved from Makoto's grasp!
They told them they requested help.
They made up a plan.
And the towns people and the heroes all set of on different paths to Frozen Volcano Keep!
When they arived he met Hakudoshi.
Kohaku: ''Hey, you made it.''
Hakudoshi: ''Yeah, you too i see.''
Kohaku: ''How is the situation?''
Hakudoshi: ''This intire place is a gigant volcano, but instead of lava... Its ice... The lava has been frozen, heh, this proves the folktales about this place is right.''
Kohaku: ''Folktales?''
Hakudoshi: ''Theres a nearby town with alot of history, but theres also a folktale about it, It goes like this.''
Hakudoshi started to tell the tale passed down through generations...
Seventeenthousand years ago, This place was an active valcano, guarded by a beast that had the power to control it. People made a village here, becasue they thought they would be protected by the beast from the volcanos hidden rage. The people paid tribute to the beast every year to keep its anger at bay. But after many generations, the people of the city thought that it was no more need to pay their respect to the beast because they tought that the volcano would never erupt.
But after 50 years of nobody paying tribute to the beast. It showed itself! It was a silver wolf, with red eyes! It gave up a big howl that caused the volcano to erupt. The people thought they would die! But then a fox spirit in human form showed up, it was dressed in a white kimono, and she had empty eyes. This vixen fox, used a spell the caused a wave of frost to sweep over the volcano, freezing the entire volcano and the mountain around it. When it was over the fox was standing, and the beast was gone... the fox went into a cave on the mountain and inside they saw the beast frozen. Then the fox said: ''You humans are disgusting, you have given up on your traditions, and old culture. You should be ashamed, you need to work for a better future or you'll destroy this world in the process of your own stupidity!'' Then they let the fox speak with one of their leaders. Then after the talk they said the fox vanished after giving his blood line premission of demon hunters to rule the city by himself.
Hakudoshi: ''And thats the story. Hmph, foolish fox, she gave that dictator Makoto's blood line alot power undeserved power.''
Kohaku: ''I see... Sounds like a stupid story, now lets go, we only have 3 days to get to the randevous point, infltrate, rescue them, get out, hide and escape with them.''
Hakudoshi: ''But they haven't showed up yet... Someone's coming, hide!''
The hid behind a frozen stone nearby.
FirstGuard: ''This executing is going to be great!''
SecondGuard: ''But i heard its going to be a week late.''
FirstGuard: ''Of course i heard that it was anounced by Makoto himself!''
Kohaku thinking: ''Perfect...''
Aftet they left Kohaku decided to go of somewhere, he had something he needed to do.
Hakudoshi: ''Ok, good luck my friend.''
Kohaku: ''I'll be back in 7 days, we do have 10 days you know.''
Hakudoshi: ''Alright, you can count on me to set up the plan when they get here!''
Kohaku: ''Fare Thee Well for now...''
Kohaku jumped away!
He went of to a nearby waterfall, far away enough, so the guards will not find him find him.
He spent those seven days training.
Alot of training, the only time he ever took a break was when he passed out.
He kept training again when he woke up.
He was going to be stronger... He must make up for his loss at the Makotos castle... He MUST become stronger!

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

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