Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kitsune No Yume! (A Foxes Dreem!) Chapter 5 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''The Town....... How in the name is continuity did the snow disapear so fast!?''

Chapter Five: The Heroic Jerk Vs The Tyrrany Of The Douche!

They arived at the town!
A little orphan walked up to Kohaku.
Orphan: ''Can you please give me some money sir?''
Kohaku: ''...''
Orphan: ''Please sir.''
Kamimasu thinking: ''Doesn't he feel bad ignoring the little child!''
the fox thinking: ''Is he heartless!''
Kohaku thinking: ''I... Really dont have any money, but i dont wanna disapoint the kid.''
Kohaku gave the fox a look showing that he wants help.
the fox ran behind a corner, and came out in human form.
Fox: ''Honey, you forgot your money!''
She came out with a big bag full of gold coins.
Orphan: ''Wow, mister you're rich.''
the fox gave the bag of money to Kohaku.
Fox thinking: ''Now, what will you do, wolf.''
Kohaku gave the bag of money to the orphan.
Kohaku: ''Share it with other poor people...''
Orphan: ''Thank you mister... Um, sorry i never got your name.''
Kohaku: ''Kohaku...''
Orphan: ''Mister Kohaku i will tell everyone of your kindness, i got to hurry and hide before the tyrant Makoto comes and take it away from me.''
Kohaku: ''Makoto, huh... Tell me more...''
Orphan: ''Then lets hide first. follow me!''
Fox and Kamimasu thinking: ''Well, he was kind after all!''
The later arived at an underground hideout, full with orphan kids and poor adults.
Orphan: ''This is where we all hide, we come here to escape Makoto.''
Kohaku: ''Does Makoto own the town or something?''
Orphan: ''He comes here to collect taxes, but the texes has become so expencive that everyone has gone poor.''
Kohaku: ''That explains alot... Haven't you made a stand?''
Orphan: ''He's to strong and we're keep getting weaker...''
Kohaku: ''I understand... I'll help you beat him!''
Everyone looked at Kohaku!
Kohaku: ''I'm strong i can win, piece of cake!
The elder came out.
Elder: ''We dont want any help, leave our city at once!''
Kohaku: ''Your afraid that if he catches me alive he will get information about where your hideout is, your also afraid if i try to beat him and lose he will raise taxes even more...''
Elder: ''Then you understand, Now leave!''
Kohaku: ''I beat him once... He escaped thats what kept him alive.''
Elder: ''You really beat him!?''
Kohaku: ''Yup!''
Elder: ''Then... We'll give you a chance!''
Kohaku: ''I wont fail you!''
An hour later!
Makoto entred the town.
And was soon going to end up where Kohaku stod ready.
Kohaku: ''Hey, fox girl.''
Fox: ''Yes?''
Kohaku: ''What did you mean earlier when you refered to me as ''honey''?''
She blushed.
Fox: ''We-well, um...''
Kohaku: ''And how did you get so much money that fast.''
Fox: ''Well some fox spirits can conjure up items out of thin air, but for the item to stay, the fox must be happy, so i said honey-Woops!''
Kohaku: ''I see, a conjuring fox huh.''
Fox: ''Y-yeah but because of that i cant fight very good... I've never been a fighter anyway.''
Fox thinking: ''Just say it!''
Fox: ''Kohaku I-''
Makoto came around the corner meeting them!
Makoto: ''You again!''
Kohaku: ''Lets just skip the ''hello, how are you'' part and get on with the fight!''
Makoto: ''You read my mind... Therefore it was my idea! Haha, i came up with it first i am way smarter tha-''
Kohaku: ''Shut the fuck up!''
Makoto: ''...Smarter than you!''
Makoto drew heartless and charged Kohaku!
Kohaku: ''It always starts with someone charging someone...''
(Malcolm: ''I just noticed myself it really does!'')
Kohaku kicked Makoto in the face!
Makoto flew back!
The he made some hands signs so quick that nobody could see them!
He slamed his hands together!
Kohaku: ''Wolf Howl!''
A big wolf howl blast shot through his hands!
Knocking Makoto hard into a wall!
Kohaku went up to Makoto and helped him up.
Kohaku: ''I'll kill you now...''
He preapred to crush his head in the wall.
But Makoto quickly recovered and got away from him.
Makoto started to run!
Makoto: ''No way i'm coming back here!''
Kohaku: ''Darn, him... Damn coward!''
Everyone came out.
The elder came up to Kohaku.
Elder: ''You have saved us all from the tyrrany of Makoto, We will do anything to repay you when we got our budget and strength as a city back!''
Kohaku: ''Yeah, you owe me big time...''
Orphan: ''Thank you for everything!''
Kohaku: ''No problem! Oh and by the way fox girl.''
Fox: ''Yeah?''
Kohaku: ''Conjure enough money for them to get back on track.''
the fox made a pile of gold coins apear.
Fox: ''But i dont know how long they will last.''
Kohaku kissed her.
Fox: ''!!!!!!!''
Kohaku: ''Now they will last.''
Fox: ''S-s-s-s-so you did that just cause you wanted the money to stay?''
Kohaku: ''Yeah, and your also in human form so it was more convinient.''
Fox: ''You jer-...''
Fox: ''...''
Kohaku: ''What the matter, you stopped in midsentence.''
Fox: ''I... I remember something... From my past!''
Kamimasu: ''Well tell us!''
Fox: ''My name... My name is Aggro!''
Kamimasu: ''Aggro? Isin't that a guy name?''
Aggro: ''Did i ask you!?''
Kamimasu: ''And the only ones that has names like that are horse spirits.''
Kohaku: ''Oh, just leave her alone, she recovered a part of her memory, and thats great news.''
Aggro: ''Yeah!''
Kohaku: ''But still... Aggro is a little unusual.''
Aggro: ''Whatever!''
Kohaku: ''Anyway, we're leaving the city now.''
Elder: ''Take care and thank you for everything!''
Kohaku: ''We'll be asking for a favor in return in time... You better repay... Bye!''
They we're given supplies for their journey.
And they left the town!

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

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