Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy new year! MXZ

Everyone! I only have one year to wright this before the year passes! 2009 has been a good year... And yet a completely fucked up year! First of all, Michael Jacksson died... Second of all, Billy Mays died... Yeah... And third of 6 (Thats right! 'third of 6' not 'third of all'... HA!) You can define New Moon, that sequel to Twilight, into 4 words: Mouth watering! Shirtless Jacob Black!... Wait a minute, thats 5 words!... And a message to my sister Victoria for when she reads this: Face your fears and stop running to that god damn fucking plane! Geez! You got a private jet or something!?... Yep... It has been a good year... I've been watching anime, played visual novels, played video games and... Hm?... Um... Hmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm? Aw, who am i kidding, i haven't done a thing other than that! Oh, and Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks people so hard, everyone forgets that those people ever existed, Vindisel keeps threatening people to shave their hair off and Mr. T simply pities the fool. Imagine this! This might be the epic truth! Chuck Norris is about kick Kanye West, when he interupts him by saying: ''Hey, Chuck, I'm gonna let you finish, but Mr. T has one of the best kicks in the world.'' And that makes Chuck Norris so angry that he stomps the ground so hard, that... HERE IS THE MOMENT OF TRUTH! He stomps the ground so hard, that Michael Jacksson dies... That is the epic truth! That is how Michael Jacksson died... Bob Marley died because Mr. T pitied him...
AND NOW LET ME ASK YOU THIS!... Why are you still reading this? This clearly has no point what-so-ever!


Darkness of white you can through the sadness take your flight
And become the wings that pierce the veil Spreading strong and true tonight


Kanashii hodo hikari dashita
shiroi yami kirisaku tsubasa ni nare

I love you all! Peace! ;3

Friday, October 9, 2009

Jigoku Shoujo...

Yo! This time i'm posting a birthday gift to my sisters, we all know about Obama and Mc.cain... Well if you have watched the anime Jigoku shoujo... (Hell Girl.) Then you should understand this video better... Its about Obama who have asked the Enma Ai, the jigoku shoujo, to send Mc.cain to hell!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Chuck Norris Jokes AKA Real Life Facts!(?)

If you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, Chuck Norris has more money than you.
There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's computer. Chuck Norris is always in control.
Apple pays Chuck Norris 99 cents every time he listens to a song.
Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open.
Chuck Norris can eat just one Lay's potato chip.
Chuck Norris is suing Myspace for taking the name of what he calls everything around you.
Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.
Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird.
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.

Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.
Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.

Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.

There is no chin behind Chuck Norris’ beard. There is only another fist.

When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn’t lifting himself up, he’s pushing the Earth down.

Chuck Norris is so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.

Chuck Norris’ hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush.

Chuck Norris can lead a horse to water AND make it drink.

Chuck Norris doesn’t wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.

Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

Chuck Norris does not get frostbite. Chuck Norris bites frost

Remember the Soviet Union? They decided to quit after watching a DeltaForce marathon on Satellite TV.

Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.

On his birthday, Chuck Norris randomly selects one lucky child to be thrown into the sun.

When Chuck Norris falls in water, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. Water gets Chuck Norris.

Scientists have estimated that the energy given off during the Big Bang is roughly equal to 1CNRhK (Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick)

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris? ...All of it.

Chuck Norris can divide by zero.

Chuck Norris ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one.

In the beginning there was nothing...then Chuck Norris Roundhouse kicked that nothing in the face and said "Get a job". That is the story of the universe.

Chuck Norris grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage.

Chuck Norris and Mr. T walked into a bar. The bar was instantly destroyed, as that level of awesome cannot be contained in one building.

If you Google search "Chuck Norris getting his ass kicked" you will generate zero results. It just doesn't happen.

Archeologists unearthed an old english dictionary dating back to the year 1236. It defined "victim" as "one who has encountered Chuck Norris"

Little known medical fact: Chuck Norris invented the Caesarean section when he roundhouse-kicked his way out of his monther's womb.

The show Survivor had the original premise of putting people on an island with Chuck Norris. There were no survivors, and nobody is brave enough to go to the island to retrieve the footage.

It takes Chuck Norris 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.

Chuck Norris has a deep and abiding respect for human life... unless it gets in his way.

The Bermuda Triangle used to be the Bermuda Square, until Chuck Norris Roundhouse kicked one of the corners off.

When Chuck Norris is in a crowded area, he doesn't walk around people. He walks through them.

Chuck Norris once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink.

Thousands of years ago Chuck Norris came across a bear. It was so terrified that it fled north into the arctic. It was also so terrified that all of its decendents now have white hair.

Chuck Norris played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun and won.

Chuck Norris is responsible for China's over-population. He hosted a Karate tournament in Beijing and all women within 1,000 miles became pregnant instantly.

Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas.

Simply by pulling on both ends, Chuck Norris can stretch diamonds back into coal.

A high tide means Chuck Norris is flying over your coast. The tide is caused by God pissing his pants.

Chuck Norris keeps his friends close and his enemies closer. Close enough to drop them with one round house kick to the face.

Scotty in Star Trek often says “Ye cannot change the laws of physics.” This is untrue. Chuck Norris can change the laws of physics. With his fists. 

Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks don't really kill people. They wipe out their entire existence from the space-time continuum.

And there is more to come!

Coming up!

Chuck norris jokes!


Sorry for not blogging in so long, i might start blogging more often. But i'm currently warpped up in my very ''important'' anime watching and story writing... Oh and i think i'll cancel the story: Kitsune No Yume. Since i've got a much more better story i'm working on, and ALOT of ideas.



Why is he even called a super hero, if he got no power what-so-ever?

Why does his suit in batman returns have nipples?

Why does he have EVERYTHING in his belt?... For example: He has a shark repel spray, a knife that ''conveniently'' cuts through electricity, a bumerang, or a ''batburang'' like he calls it, that can home-in on people with clown makeup, and so on.

His voice speaks for itself... (No pun intended.)

And why is he called batman?

I mean the only reason he picked that name was because when he was at his parents funeral, he fell into a hole and saw a bat fly towards him... Thats no freakin' reason to call himself batman!

Whats the deal with his suit?

How in the world does he fly with a rubber cape?... A RUBBER CAPE!!!!!!!

Why does he have a hidden cave in his house, through a random door.

Back to his name. Why is he called batman if he cant even bite people of talk to bats!?

Whats with his lame lines he sometimes says in the middle of a battle and thinks he is being witty!? Example: When catwoman entered the room he was in because he said something about fish, she said: ''Did someone say fish? Cause i'm hungry.'' Batman thinking he came up with the worlds best joke said while throwing catwoman to the ground: ''Eat floor, its rich on fibber.''

The only reason i laughed at that was cause it was so damn lame!

Why is his suit so gay!? I mean its black leather! Black leather! Who wears that!?

And anyone thinking batman is awesome or cool, is either: 

1. Gay for him.

2. Lame.


3. Have issues with their parents and has no life.

And thats my opinion about batman... Oh and whats with his lame enemies: Scar face AKA half man, half pink dinosaur (Google: ''Barney the dinosaur'' on google images). Joker AKA Why so serious. (Joker is the only good villan!) Catwoman AKA Has the hots for batman, and wanna kill him for it. Penguin AKA Ew, gross. Riddler AKA Jim Carrey. Poison Ivy AKA Also got the hots for batman and Also wanna kill him... They must have ran out of villan personalities. Mr Freeze AKA Obsession for cold.

Oh and a last message to readers who were offended by this.

People who likes batman. Dont comment things like: ''The one who has no life is the one who has the time to tell people they have no life.'' Or things like that, because those lines are highly overused and you wouldn't have owned me in anyway if you told me that... At all! Seriously its so damn overused that you would own yourself!

And Thats All I Have To Say About Batman...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kitsune No Yume! (A Foxes Dreem!) Chapter 7 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''The Great! The Fortress In Frozen Volcano Keep!''

Chapter Seven: The FolkTale!

Kohaku: ''I... Am I... Am I finnaly going to meet my end?''
Guard: ''Heh, that right scum, you'll never get to Makoto the great.''
Kohaku: ''Seriusly, why do you follow a douche like Makoto?''
Guard: ''He's going to kill everyone in his way... And i'm not gonna die.''
Kohaku: ''Heh, he controls people with fear tactics, huh? Pathetic exuse for a leader.''
Kamimasu: ''What should we do!''
Aggro: ''We have to save him!''
Kamimasu: ''If he lost what can we do!?''
Aggro: ''Darn, your right...''
???: ''Heh, the boy is in danger is he, very well then i will assist!''
Aggro: ''Who's there!?''
Magic: ''Ni hao!''
Aggro: ''Its the guy who put us asleep!
Kamimasu: ''Ni hao? I didn't know you were chinese.''
(From my sources i have heard that ''Ni hao'' is a form of greeting in china!!!!!!!)
Magic: ''That right, but i was adopted by japanese perents and raised japanese with a japanese name.. and i'm here to help!''
Magic vanished.
Aggro: ''Did he go to save Kohaku?''
Kamimasu: ''I'm not sure... But i'm not willing to take that risk!''
They ran towards the castle entrance!
Magic has broken in the castle he defeated guard after guard with alot of different spells.
Magic: ''You are blinded my foolish fellow humans... Blinded by fear of your liege!''
He entred the dungeon.
Kohaku: ''Magic!''
Magic: ''Its time to tell you my true name!... I am... Hakudoshi the spellcaster!''
(Hakudoshi means ''(Insert meaning of the word here!)'' in Japanese!!!!!!!)
(Malcolm: ''I finnaly got a fitting name!'')
Kohaku: ''Just get me out of here, my execution is in one hour!''
Hakudoshi: ''Of course, friend.''
Kohaku and Hakudoshi escaped the castle.
But when they got out, they saw a sign, that was where Kamimasu and Aggro were standing before Hakudoshi apeared.
Hakudoshi: ''What does the sign say?''
Kohaku: ''It says: ''This is a message from Makoto the great! Not that you are worthy, vile creatures! I have taken your sevants and will kill them within 4 days! Come to my main fortess The Great in Frozen Volcano Keep! Then we'll gladly let them live if you die! Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!'' Thats what exacly what it says.''
Hakudoshi: ''Will you rescue them?''
Kohaku: ''What are you talking about of course i will!''
Hakudoshi: ''The we gotta hurry!''
Kohaku: ''Exacly! Lets go!''
They returned to the town they saved from Makoto's grasp!
They told them they requested help.
They made up a plan.
And the towns people and the heroes all set of on different paths to Frozen Volcano Keep!
When they arived he met Hakudoshi.
Kohaku: ''Hey, you made it.''
Hakudoshi: ''Yeah, you too i see.''
Kohaku: ''How is the situation?''
Hakudoshi: ''This intire place is a gigant volcano, but instead of lava... Its ice... The lava has been frozen, heh, this proves the folktales about this place is right.''
Kohaku: ''Folktales?''
Hakudoshi: ''Theres a nearby town with alot of history, but theres also a folktale about it, It goes like this.''
Hakudoshi started to tell the tale passed down through generations...
Seventeenthousand years ago, This place was an active valcano, guarded by a beast that had the power to control it. People made a village here, becasue they thought they would be protected by the beast from the volcanos hidden rage. The people paid tribute to the beast every year to keep its anger at bay. But after many generations, the people of the city thought that it was no more need to pay their respect to the beast because they tought that the volcano would never erupt.
But after 50 years of nobody paying tribute to the beast. It showed itself! It was a silver wolf, with red eyes! It gave up a big howl that caused the volcano to erupt. The people thought they would die! But then a fox spirit in human form showed up, it was dressed in a white kimono, and she had empty eyes. This vixen fox, used a spell the caused a wave of frost to sweep over the volcano, freezing the entire volcano and the mountain around it. When it was over the fox was standing, and the beast was gone... the fox went into a cave on the mountain and inside they saw the beast frozen. Then the fox said: ''You humans are disgusting, you have given up on your traditions, and old culture. You should be ashamed, you need to work for a better future or you'll destroy this world in the process of your own stupidity!'' Then they let the fox speak with one of their leaders. Then after the talk they said the fox vanished after giving his blood line premission of demon hunters to rule the city by himself.
Hakudoshi: ''And thats the story. Hmph, foolish fox, she gave that dictator Makoto's blood line alot power undeserved power.''
Kohaku: ''I see... Sounds like a stupid story, now lets go, we only have 3 days to get to the randevous point, infltrate, rescue them, get out, hide and escape with them.''
Hakudoshi: ''But they haven't showed up yet... Someone's coming, hide!''
The hid behind a frozen stone nearby.
FirstGuard: ''This executing is going to be great!''
SecondGuard: ''But i heard its going to be a week late.''
FirstGuard: ''Of course i heard that it was anounced by Makoto himself!''
Kohaku thinking: ''Perfect...''
Aftet they left Kohaku decided to go of somewhere, he had something he needed to do.
Hakudoshi: ''Ok, good luck my friend.''
Kohaku: ''I'll be back in 7 days, we do have 10 days you know.''
Hakudoshi: ''Alright, you can count on me to set up the plan when they get here!''
Kohaku: ''Fare Thee Well for now...''
Kohaku jumped away!
He went of to a nearby waterfall, far away enough, so the guards will not find him find him.
He spent those seven days training.
Alot of training, the only time he ever took a break was when he passed out.
He kept training again when he woke up.
He was going to be stronger... He must make up for his loss at the Makotos castle... He MUST become stronger!

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Kitsune No Yume! (A Foxes Dreem!) Chapter 6 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

MalcolmX: ''Well?... What are you waiting for?... Just start reading the damn story already!''

Chapter Six: Choise!

Ruby used fox fire!
Yami jumped!
(Malcolm: ''If your wondering what happend... They found Yami and are trying to take the MXZ armor back.'')
Yami: ''I may not be able to use the armor!... But i can keep it away from you!''
Yami dropped Isamu's heartless, even though its transformed into X the sword of forever, Hotaru, Chiyo and the others aren't fused with it... It just stayed that form.
Then trying to get it back Yami drpped the others by mistake!
M the armor! X the sword! And Z the shield!
And the wepons fused into MXZ!
MXZ: ''I have awakend!''
Isamu: ''Thats great, but can i have my sword back!''
MXZ: ''NO, its mine!''
Isamu: ''I had it first!''
MXZ: ''Kid... Come back when you have lived for thousands of years.''
Isamu: ''How many thousands of years have you lived?''
MXZ: ''Dont make me say it!''
Isamu: ''Say it!''
MXZ: ''*Sigh* Ok... Here goes...''
MXZ: ''Its Over Ninthousaaaaaaaaaaaand!''
Isamu: ''What Ninthousand!''
MXZ: ''There you happy!''
(Malcolm: ''Dont complain MXZ! Your lucky you even got back in the story!'')
MXZ: ''Ok, if we're done breaking the fourth wall... Lets get on with the plot!... Ok what was my lines again?... Oh, yeah... Yami! You are evil, there for you will die!''
Saito: ''Hey, i'm EVI-''
Ruby: ''Shut up, Saito!''
Yami: ''I'd better withdraw!''
Yami vanished!
MXZ: ''Anyway, if you need me i'll be fighting evil, see ya!''
MXZ left!
Ruby: ''Hmph, not even a thank you for reviving him!''
Kohaku came!
Ruby: ''Hey, its that Kohaku guy.''
Akurei: ''Who?''
Ruby explained about the brief meeting they had.
Kohaku: ''Have you seen a guy named Makoto around?''
Sakura: ''Why would anyone wanna be looking for him?... EVER?''
Kohaku: ''To kill him.''
Hotaru: ''Makes sence.''
Kohaku: ''Have you seen him around lately?''
Kiyoshi: ''Sorry no.''
Kohaku: ''We'll be going then come on Aggro and Kamimasu.''
Ruby: ''Take care.''
Kohaku and his companions kept going.
After a while, they ended up at a castle.
Kamimasu: ''We should not continue, this castle is the kingdom that rules over all the citys nearby.''
Kohaku: ''So Makoto must be conected to this place.''
Kamimasu: ''Of course he is the knight of this castle.''
Aggro: ''Not a very noble one.''
Kohaku: ''He must have alot of body guards... We have to expect a challenge.''
Kohaku: ''You must stay out here... You'll only get in my way in mid battle... I fight best alone.''
Aggro: ''Hmph, fine.''
Kamimasu: ''Getting in your way, huh... I can fight too! But fine i'll stay.''
Kohaku: ''Sorry... I'll be gonig in now...''
He broke down the castle door!
Knocked out the guards by the entrance!
And met 7 more guards!
He used Wolf Howl and got by them!
Then at an open place, met 100 guards!
He charged them!
Took out 8 in 2 seconds!
Slashed 12 more!
Took down 40 with a Wolf Howl!
And the last 40 with another Wolf Howl!
He met one of the body guards of Makoto!
He slashed with his claws!
The guard ducked!
Kohaku kicked him into the wall!
Another of the guards met him!
Kohaku started to brake the castle around him!
After he stopped the guard was trapped under the rubble!
It turned out Makoto has fled the castle!
On the way out he met 100.000 guards.
(Malcolm: ''The castle is very big and mainly aims on military perfection thats why its so many of them.'')
Kohaku defeated 3000 and then he was to wiped out to continue fighting.
He collapsed and when he woke up he was in the dungeon, waiting execution.
He was beat up and had chains everywhere preventing him from escaping.
Kohaku howled!
He howled in a spiritual languege saying that he was captured in the dungeon, and was soon going to be executed, he also told them to flee.
Aggro heard this!
Aggro explained what happend to Kamimasu.
They didn't know what to do.
Go try to save him.
Or follow his advice to run.
They had to chose.

To Be Continue!!!!!!!

Kitsune No Yume! (A Foxes Dreem!) Chapter 5 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''The Town....... How in the name is continuity did the snow disapear so fast!?''

Chapter Five: The Heroic Jerk Vs The Tyrrany Of The Douche!

They arived at the town!
A little orphan walked up to Kohaku.
Orphan: ''Can you please give me some money sir?''
Kohaku: ''...''
Orphan: ''Please sir.''
Kamimasu thinking: ''Doesn't he feel bad ignoring the little child!''
the fox thinking: ''Is he heartless!''
Kohaku thinking: ''I... Really dont have any money, but i dont wanna disapoint the kid.''
Kohaku gave the fox a look showing that he wants help.
the fox ran behind a corner, and came out in human form.
Fox: ''Honey, you forgot your money!''
She came out with a big bag full of gold coins.
Orphan: ''Wow, mister you're rich.''
the fox gave the bag of money to Kohaku.
Fox thinking: ''Now, what will you do, wolf.''
Kohaku gave the bag of money to the orphan.
Kohaku: ''Share it with other poor people...''
Orphan: ''Thank you mister... Um, sorry i never got your name.''
Kohaku: ''Kohaku...''
Orphan: ''Mister Kohaku i will tell everyone of your kindness, i got to hurry and hide before the tyrant Makoto comes and take it away from me.''
Kohaku: ''Makoto, huh... Tell me more...''
Orphan: ''Then lets hide first. follow me!''
Fox and Kamimasu thinking: ''Well, he was kind after all!''
The later arived at an underground hideout, full with orphan kids and poor adults.
Orphan: ''This is where we all hide, we come here to escape Makoto.''
Kohaku: ''Does Makoto own the town or something?''
Orphan: ''He comes here to collect taxes, but the texes has become so expencive that everyone has gone poor.''
Kohaku: ''That explains alot... Haven't you made a stand?''
Orphan: ''He's to strong and we're keep getting weaker...''
Kohaku: ''I understand... I'll help you beat him!''
Everyone looked at Kohaku!
Kohaku: ''I'm strong i can win, piece of cake!
The elder came out.
Elder: ''We dont want any help, leave our city at once!''
Kohaku: ''Your afraid that if he catches me alive he will get information about where your hideout is, your also afraid if i try to beat him and lose he will raise taxes even more...''
Elder: ''Then you understand, Now leave!''
Kohaku: ''I beat him once... He escaped thats what kept him alive.''
Elder: ''You really beat him!?''
Kohaku: ''Yup!''
Elder: ''Then... We'll give you a chance!''
Kohaku: ''I wont fail you!''
An hour later!
Makoto entred the town.
And was soon going to end up where Kohaku stod ready.
Kohaku: ''Hey, fox girl.''
Fox: ''Yes?''
Kohaku: ''What did you mean earlier when you refered to me as ''honey''?''
She blushed.
Fox: ''We-well, um...''
Kohaku: ''And how did you get so much money that fast.''
Fox: ''Well some fox spirits can conjure up items out of thin air, but for the item to stay, the fox must be happy, so i said honey-Woops!''
Kohaku: ''I see, a conjuring fox huh.''
Fox: ''Y-yeah but because of that i cant fight very good... I've never been a fighter anyway.''
Fox thinking: ''Just say it!''
Fox: ''Kohaku I-''
Makoto came around the corner meeting them!
Makoto: ''You again!''
Kohaku: ''Lets just skip the ''hello, how are you'' part and get on with the fight!''
Makoto: ''You read my mind... Therefore it was my idea! Haha, i came up with it first i am way smarter tha-''
Kohaku: ''Shut the fuck up!''
Makoto: ''...Smarter than you!''
Makoto drew heartless and charged Kohaku!
Kohaku: ''It always starts with someone charging someone...''
(Malcolm: ''I just noticed myself it really does!'')
Kohaku kicked Makoto in the face!
Makoto flew back!
The he made some hands signs so quick that nobody could see them!
He slamed his hands together!
Kohaku: ''Wolf Howl!''
A big wolf howl blast shot through his hands!
Knocking Makoto hard into a wall!
Kohaku went up to Makoto and helped him up.
Kohaku: ''I'll kill you now...''
He preapred to crush his head in the wall.
But Makoto quickly recovered and got away from him.
Makoto started to run!
Makoto: ''No way i'm coming back here!''
Kohaku: ''Darn, him... Damn coward!''
Everyone came out.
The elder came up to Kohaku.
Elder: ''You have saved us all from the tyrrany of Makoto, We will do anything to repay you when we got our budget and strength as a city back!''
Kohaku: ''Yeah, you owe me big time...''
Orphan: ''Thank you for everything!''
Kohaku: ''No problem! Oh and by the way fox girl.''
Fox: ''Yeah?''
Kohaku: ''Conjure enough money for them to get back on track.''
the fox made a pile of gold coins apear.
Fox: ''But i dont know how long they will last.''
Kohaku kissed her.
Fox: ''!!!!!!!''
Kohaku: ''Now they will last.''
Fox: ''S-s-s-s-so you did that just cause you wanted the money to stay?''
Kohaku: ''Yeah, and your also in human form so it was more convinient.''
Fox: ''You jer-...''
Fox: ''...''
Kohaku: ''What the matter, you stopped in midsentence.''
Fox: ''I... I remember something... From my past!''
Kamimasu: ''Well tell us!''
Fox: ''My name... My name is Aggro!''
Kamimasu: ''Aggro? Isin't that a guy name?''
Aggro: ''Did i ask you!?''
Kamimasu: ''And the only ones that has names like that are horse spirits.''
Kohaku: ''Oh, just leave her alone, she recovered a part of her memory, and thats great news.''
Aggro: ''Yeah!''
Kohaku: ''But still... Aggro is a little unusual.''
Aggro: ''Whatever!''
Kohaku: ''Anyway, we're leaving the city now.''
Elder: ''Take care and thank you for everything!''
Kohaku: ''We'll be asking for a favor in return in time... You better repay... Bye!''
They we're given supplies for their journey.
And they left the town!

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Kitsune No Yume! (A Foxes Dreem!) Chapter 4 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Fire Mah Lazor!....... What?''

Chapter Four: Magic! A Fox With No Memory!

Kohaku tried to punch one of the ninjas!
It was a fake and disapeared!
Fox: ''Only one them are real!''
Kohaku: ''Oh... That makes things more easy!''
Kohaku: ''Rage style! Raibies infected wolf!''
Kohaku started to look more evil, showing teeth, growling and more wolf like!
Kohaku: ''Lets spill some blood!''
One of the ninjas threw 3 throwing knives!
Kohaku caught all three with his mouth and threw them back!
Hit a ninja with each knife!
Now theres only 2 left!
They charged him!
He turned back to normal!
And slashed with his claw!
The last fake disapeared!
The ninja drew a sword and tried to slash him!
He ducked!
Kamimasu came from behind and punched the ninjas back head, making the ninja faint!
Kamimasu: ''I trained Kung-Fu.''
Kohaku: ''Impressive.''
Kohaku went and picked the fox up.
Kohaku: ''Should we eat it?''
Fox: ''N-n-n-no!''
Kohaku: ''... Why?...''
Fox: ''I really dont wanna die.''
Kamimasu: ''Are... Are you talking to a fox?''
Kohaku: ''I'm a spirit, so i can understand it... And secondly its a fox demon.''
Kamimasu: ''How come i cant understand it?''
Kohaku: ''Its speaking spiritual languege.''
Kamimasu: ''I see.''
Fox: ''Um, Will you let me live?''
Kohaku: ''Tell me what happend here, little guy?''
Fox: ''I'm not a gu, i'm a girl.''
Kohaku: ''I dont care, just tell me what happend.''
Fox: ''Well... Um... I... I dont remember!''
Kohaku: ''What?''
Fox: ''The ninja did beat me up kinda badly, i must have amnisia!''
Kohaku: ''Ok never mind.''
He threw the fox to the ground and kept walking making a hand sign showing that Kamimasu she's going to follow.
Fox: ''Wait! I'm alone, nowhere to go and i'm hungry...''
Kohaku stopped.
Kohaku: ''....... *Sigh* Come with us...''
Fox: ''Th-Thank you! My names... Uh... I dont know...''
Kohaku: ''Untill then i guess we'll call you fox.''
Fox: ''Ok!... But... I'm Still hungry...''
Kamimasu: ''Me too.''
Kohaku: ''*Sigh* Fine... We'll stop to eat.''
While Kamimasu and the fox stopped to eat.
Kohaku ran around the area in human form.
Jumping from tree to tree, the snow has started to melt cause of the winters end and it was slippery, but it wasn't a problem for Kohaku.
He stopped cause he saw some humans that we're out hunting.
The were hunting spirits.
They were a part of a religon that thought of spirits as evil creatures.
He came walking out.
The atttacked him with swords.
He jumped up!
On the way down he kicked each one in the head making them faint.
Then he kept on running.
He saw a town.
And he started to run back.
They we're there dont eating, but asleep.
He tried waking them.
But it didn't work.
Then a magician apeared.
Magician: ''I am magic.''
Kohaku: ''Uncreative name!''
(Malcolm: ''I really dont have anything better! DX LOL!'')
Magic: ''Whatever, lets just have a contest in magic power, and if you win... I will wake your friends up from the magic endused sleep.''
Kohaku: ''I thought it was you... Then lets do it!''
Magic used a fire ball spell!
Kohaku countered it with a water shield spell!
Magic: ''So... You have mastered the water element.''
Kohaku: ''Well, we wolf spirit has the power to master elements!''
Magic used some kind of shadowy blob spell!
Kohaku: ''Shadow power!?''
Kohaku: ''Wolf Howl!''
And he slamed his hands together in the last second before Magics spell hit!
And a powerfull beem blasted from his hands, through the shadow spell and hit magic!
Kohaku: ''If i had a little more time i could have atleast used a fourth of my power.''
Magic: ''*Cough* Heh, you win my friend... And your friends will wake up any moment now... Next time we meet... I will tell you my real name...''
(Malcolm: ''I'll think of something ok! ->_->'')
Magic teleported away!
Kamimasu and the fox woke up, he explained everything that happend.
Fox: ''And we were asleep!? Aw i missed everything.''
Kohaku: ''Lets just go already... I found a town futher down lets go.''
Kamimasu: ''Oh really! Thats great!''
They left for the town...

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Kitsune No Yume! (A Foxes Dreem!) Chapter 3 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: (Wait a minute why do i have to say!? its obvius what it is!!!!!!!) ''Fox''

Chapter Three: Once Enemies, Now Allies!

We begin this chapter with Yami finding Makoto!
Yami: ''Makoto! You're alive!''
Makoto: ''Yes and thanks to the power you gave me when we first met... I am now invinceble! I've even surpassed you!''
Yami thinking: ''Darn! Now he might not serve me!''
Yami: ''But, Makoto, Will you try to repay that favor?''
Makoto: ''No way, i've got what i wanted! Now to seek revenge against Isamu and claim Sakura for myself!''
Yami: ''Hmph, fine!''
Yami thinking: ''Thought so, now i have to find the others.''
Saito: ''Hmmm... You know sister... I dont hate you.''
Sapphire: ''I dont hate you too.''
Saito: ''Grrr, why is it so to turn into a good guy!''
Sapphire: ''I know! But if we follow this through, our luck might change!''
Saito: ''I'll turn good... BUT... I will never EVER stop saying, EVIL.''
Sapphire: ''I guess thats allowed to say... I mean the ones we're trying to join are demons after all.''
Saito: ''And a priestess.''
After a while the met up with Ruby and the others.
Ruby and Sapphire: ''You!''
They raised their fists.
Saito: ''Sisters, i'm sure theres a way to-''
They started to stare at him.
He back away without saying a word.
Isamu: ''What is going on!?''
Ryou: ''Do we have to kill you for a third friggin time!''
Saito: ''No, no we're here to join you!''
Hana: ''Yeah right!''
Sakura: ''Then come, join us... Your welcome to anytime.''
Isamu: ''Sa-Sakura? Why?''
Sakura: ''We gotta atleast give them a chance, i mean they surely wouldn't have taken the risk to come here to us unless they had to.''
Sapphire: ''We thought that we always lose to the good guys, and we want to be on the winning team!''
Ruby: ''HmHm... Hehehe... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!''
Saito: ''Whats so funny?''
Ruby: ''Nobody here would have thought you wanted to join us... Exept maybe for Sakura... Welcome my evil siblings!''
Saito: ''*Sniff* What made me most happy was that the Ruby Crystal said Evil.''
Ruby: ''Face it, our crystals are destroyed! I am not the crystal anymore.''
Sapphire: ''Yes yes, i know but before our parents died, they made duplicates of the crystal, knowing you would someday destroy them. Either from abusing power... Or just plainly distroying them... You are the strongest after all.''
Ruby: ''Our parents made more!?''
Ryou: ''Your... Parents?''
Ruby: ''Emerald, and Gold Windpass, are my perents, they created the ruby, sapphire and EVIL crystals and something they didn't count on... Was that we were born with the crystals. They died after using to much power making the crystals.''
Saito: ''By the way, thats the reason i say EVIL all the time... It was the name of the crystal i had... I want my other EVIL crystal and then nobody will take my crystal ever again!''
Sapphire: ''Shut up, fool.''
What the hell are they talking about anyway!?... Uh, i mean, Meanwhile!
Kamimasu: ''Are we there yet?''
Kohaku: ''No.''
Kamimasu: ''*Sigh* Ok...''
Kohaku: ''...''
Kamimasu: ''Hey, Kohaku?''
Kohaku: ''What?''
Kamimasu: ''Are we there ye-''
Kohaku punched Kamimasu!
She fell over!
Kamimasu: ''!!!!!!!''
Kohaku: ''Didn't think i'd hit a girl huh?... Hmph, i hit anyone who anoy me.''
Kamimasu got a nose bleed.
Kamimasu: ''W-w-w-w-w-w-w-why d-did y-y-y-y-y-y-you d-d-d-do tha-that!?''
Kohaku: ''Your constant asking anoyed me''
Kohaku: ''Oh, and you better not wake me up at night unless you have a very good reason.''
Kamimasu: ''Eat dirt asshole.''
Kohaku: ''I'd rather go for fish... Sorry for punching you anyway... Just like that without a warning, It was wrong of me... But, I cant control myself very good when i'm angry or anoyed.''
Kamimasu: ''Well... Aslong as your sorry...''
They saw a injured fox on the ground.
They stopped.
Fox: ''Run away, its a trap!
Kohaku: ''Prepare for an ambush Kamimasu!''
And 5 ninjas came out of the ground!
Ninja: ''Kir-kir-kir!''
Kamimasu: ''Be carefull Kohaku!''
Kohaku: ''Its time... To fight!!!!!!!''
Kohaku howled like a wolf, like a wolf used to howl before they go out to hunt!
The ninjas charged Kohaku and Kohaku charged them!

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Kitsune No Yume! (A Foxes Dreem!) Chapter 2 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Wolf Howling!''

Chapter Two: Dance in the moonlight! The Great Vs Wolf Howl! Round One!

Kohaku runs through a snowy plain in wolf form, showing no emotions on the outside... But inside a burning hatred grows.
But he comes to a stop when he sees a human girl standing in the snow.
Kohaku fosters a hatred for all humans, so he starts to show his teeth and growls.
Human: ''Who's... There?''
Kohaku: ''Grrr, your death.''
Human: ''I... see...''
Kohaku: ''Grrr... Did you not hear what i just said?''
Human: ''Yes... Normaly humans would runin fear of getting killed by a demon wolf.''
Kohaku: ''I'm NOT a demon!!! I'm a spirit!''
Kohaku: ''Wait, what did you mean normaly?''
Human: ''Everyone in the world has given up on me... My family was killed, everyone blamed me. So i'm all alone... I would starve to death in time anyway... So kill me if it makes you feel better.''
Kohaku: ''Hmph, Its no point if you want to die... But... My whole pack was killed by a human... So i'm after revenge.''
Human: ''Could it be?...''
Kohaku: ''You know something!? Spill it!''
Kohaku tackled the human to the ground, growling at her, waiting for her to explain.
Human: ''That hurt...''
Kohaku: ''Just tell me what you know!''
Human: ''Not untill you say your sorry.''
Kohaku: ''Wha- Do you know who your dealing with!? Tell me or i'll-''
Human: ''Kill me? Go ahead, then you wont find out anything!''
Kohaku: ''Grrr... Hmph... Ok, I-I'm sorry...''
Human: ''Thats better... My name is Kamimasu.''
(Kamimasu means ''Bite'' in Japanese and is normaly not used as a name!!!!!!!)
Kohaku: ''I really dont care who you are... But... Are you going to tell me or what!?''
Kamimasu: ''Well, i know a human who killed a pack of wolf spirits... But... I dont think its a Human... He was the one who blamed my family's death on me!''
Kohaku: ''Hmm, so we have a common enemy... But if it wasn't a human... What is he?''
Kamimasu: ''Its a human possesed by a demon spirit, and he is growing every day in power... He might even have surpassed the one who gave him his power.''
Kohaku: ''Who is he?''
Kamimasu: ''He calls himself, Makoto the great.''
Kohaku started to show teeth and stared into the clouds.
Kohaku: ''Grrrrrrr... Makoto the great my ass... He will die... Hehe... I finnaly found him... I know who it is... I'll put him to sleep... Forever!''
Then someone came running at blinding speed and stoped not to far away from them.
???: Hehe... Someone called... Now... Prepare to face my wrath! Nobody EVER speaks badly about me behind my back! Even less a demon, and a killer!... I am Makoto the incredible and great!!!!!!!''
Kohaku: ''You're? Makoto?''
Makoto: ''That right!''
Kohaku: ''This guy!?... This little shit!?... Killed my family!''
Makoto: ''I was going to finnish you in time... But why wait, so bring it on!''
Kamimasu: ''You!? You finnaly showed yourself!''
Kohaku: ''Prepare to die, Makoto the lame!''
He transformed into human form.
Then he charged Makoto and his nails turned into claws!
He cut Makoto with his claws so that Makoto's blood splashed everywhere!
He knocked down Makoto with a kick!
Makoto stod up like nothing happend!
Kohaku: ''Why are you still alive!!!!!!!''
He slashed again!
Kohaku: ''Die! Die! Die!''
Makoto drew a swod called Heartless!
He slashed Kohaku!
Makoto: ''Mahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I've gained immortality!''
Kohaku kicked Makoto in the head making him fly far away!
Kohaku: ''Please dont talk... It makes you look even more stupid!''
(Malcolm: ''Owned!'')
Makoto: ''Why you!''
Kohaku: ''Lets dance in the moonlight!''
Some clouds moved and exposed the moon!
Kohaku: ''I'll show you my strongest attack!''
Kohaku made some hand signs.
Then he streched his arms out and opened his palms wide open!
Then he smashed his hands together!
Kohaku: ''Wolf Howl!''
And a extremly big beem shot out of his hands!
It blasted everything around and left a gigant mark in the ground where the blast was!
Makoto was gone.
Kohaku: ''Darn! He got away!... I was so close... I'll kill you Makoto!''
Kamimasu: ''I'll join you!''
Kohaku: ''I dont need anyone holding me back!''
Kamimasu: ''Please, i'll do anything! Even become your sevant.''
Kohaku: ''You know that means i could just use you, and kill you afterwards.''
Kamimasu: ''Y-yes...''
Kohaku smiled.
Kohaku: ''Your lucky i'm not that kind of person... But i exept... Your my new servant.''
(Malcolm: ''From when Kamimasu said ''I'll join you'', to this point, that part was the original idea for the first story (Kitsune No Ai chapter 1), but i instead took what i could firgure out at that moment. ^_^''
Kohaku and Kamimasu set of to find Makoto and their adventure will now... Begin!

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Kitsune No Yume! (A Foxes Dreem!) Chapter 1 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Lone Wolf''

Kitsune No Yume! (A Foxes Dreem!)

Chapter One: The Lone Wolf!

The story starts with a lone wolf spirit drinking water at a lake.
It stoped drinking, and put its ears backwards... It heard something.
It looked back.
nothing was there...
Wolf: ''Who's there?...''
A snake demon came out from some bushes.
Snake: ''Just little me, heh heh... How would you like to become all powerful?''
Wolf: ''Not inrested...''
Snake: ''Liar! Everyone wants power!''
Wolf: ''...''
Snake: ''Heh, i see your not denying it...How about it?... Will you make the deal?''
Wolf: ''... No...''
Snake: ''Then you should die!''
The snake turned into a human and drew her sword!
A cover of mist covered the area when it cleared, the wolf was gone.
Snake: ''Darn, how dare he insult the might of Yami!''
Yami: ''But no matter. i still have to find the others... Or was i the only one who lived... Bah! Details Details! I'll worry about that after i regain my full power.''
Meanwhile at a cliff somewhere.
Wolf: ''...''
The wolf spirit turned into a human form.
a boy around 19 years old, gray hair, wolf ears, wolf tail and yellow wolf eyes.
But lets return.
Return to.
One year ago!
At the temple.
Ruby charged with a extremly powerful fox inferno at her target, Yukidomari!
Ruby hit her target!
Yukidomari: ''Ah!... How!? How can you inflict damage on ME!?''
Ruby: ''I cant lose!... This is for my friends!''
Yukidomari attacked Ruby with a tentacle!
Ruby jumped away from the attack and fired another powerful fox inferno!
Yukidomari: ''Argh! I cannot die... I am invincible!''
Ruby: ''Everyone! Lend me your power!''
Ruby charged a fox inferno stronger than the sun!!!!!!!
Ruby: ''Fox Soul Inferno!!!!!!!''
Ruby covered her self with the fire and charged Yukidomari with a tackle that broke through anything in the way!
Ruby hit Yukidomari!
Yukidomari started to blow up!
Yukidomari: ''N-no! This cant be! I cannot be defeated!!!!!!!''
Yukidomari split up into Reisei and Reishi again.
Reisei: ''We've failed to complete our mission... I dont know what to do...''
Ruby: ''I can tell you what you can start with!!!!!!! Stop breathing! Die!''
Reishi: ''Let us live and we'll make one wish come true for you.''
Ruby: ''Good then revive my friends... But!... Dont missunderstand like you did with your other wish!... I dont want them to be zombies, or anything wierd like that, i just want them back like they we're before they got killed!''
Reishi: ''Understod.... They will come back to life any moment now.''
Reisei: ''Untill next time... Farewell...''
They disapeared.
All of Rubys friends came back to life, knowing what happend!
Akurei: ''Life... I failed to see how important it is...''
Ryou: ''Well... Ruby... Thanks to you... We all get to live life!''
Isamu: ''We're truly grateful!''
Ruby: ''But... This is not over...''
Everyone: ''Huh!?''
Hoshi: ''What do you mean!?''
Hayate: ''This is so not smooth to hear!''
Ruby picked up a scroll she found on the ground.
Ruby: ''Its from Yami! She lived!?''
Ruby began reading the scroll.
Ruby: ''You may have gotten me this time, but i'll be back, presistant heroes... PS, i took the MXZ armor.''
Ryou: '' Ok, then...''
Isamu: ''We've gotta...''
Akurei: ''Get going!...''
Ruby: ''Lets go!''
They all charged to the exit with exitement!
One year later back at the cliff.
Ruby came by and saw a wolf spirit in human form standing close to the edge.
Yes, its the same wolf from the beggining.
Ruby: ''You'll fall of if you stand so close to the edge.''
Wolf: ''...''
Ruby: ''You could atleast reply, dont have to be rude.''
Wolf: ''Sorry if i offended you...''
Ruby: ''Well you may be friendly after all.''
Wolf: ''I dunno...''
Ruby: ''You dont talk much do you?''
Wolf: ''No... Since i'm mostly alone i dont have to...''
Ruby: ''So your a lone wolf?... Wheres your pack?''
Wolf: ''... Killed by humans...''
Ruby: ''Oh, i'm sorry...''
Wolf: ''No, you're not...''
Ruby: ''Whats your name?''
Wolf: ''Kohaku...''
(Kohaku means ''Amber'' in Japanese!!!!!!!)
Ruby: ''Well Kohaku, i'm sorry for your loss...''
Kohaku: ''Dont pity me...''
Kohaku jumped away.
Ruby: ''Hmph... And i was just trying to friendly.''
Meanwhile Kohaku is still jupming from stone to stone.
Kohaku thinking: ''I will seek out the one human who killed my pack... And end that humans life!''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!) Chapter 7 FINAL!!!!!!! / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Ruby Vs Yukidomari!!!!!!!''

Chapter Seven: MXZ!

Yoshi: ''Um... Well... I'm busted.''
Akurei: ''So, who are you anyway?''
Yoshi: ''I'm a nine-tailed kitsune demon.''
9 fox tails apeared on Yoshi.
Ruby: ''A... A nine tailed kitsune!''
Ruby thinking: ''I WANT NINE TAILS TOO!''
Yoshi: ''Thats right... What are you going to do a-''
Ruby: ''A friggin nine tailed kitsune!''
Yoshi: ''Um, yeah... But anyway!-''
Ruby: ''A nine tailed-''
Yoshi: ''ANYWAY!... What are you going to do about it.''
Akurei: ''Nothing, this doesn't really change anyway thing.''
Daisuke: ''Awesome another chick!''
Yoshi: ''You little pervert!''
Isamu: ''You're a little perverted yourself aren't you?''
Yoshi: ''Ye-Um, what if i am?''
Daisuke: ''Then you welcome to the team!''
Yoshi: ''...''
Daisuke: ''What?''
Yoshi: ''Fuck you!... What kind of girl do you think i am!''
Ryou: ''OK!... This is getting a little out of hand, lets just foucus on our mission!''
Yoshi: ''Thank you.''
Hayate: ''Hey, girl... I'm smooth...''
Yoshi: ''Ok thats it!''
Ryou: ''Dont worry, he tells EVRYONE that...''
Yoshi: ''Next person who tries to piss me of will get a hand up their ass!''
Akurei: ''Lets just go to the mountain... You aswell Yoshi.''
Yoshi: ''Alright, we're off.''
Later, they arived at the mountains portal.
They entered the portal and made it to the end.
They found a shield with an Z on it.
And armor with an M on it.
Ryou took the Shield.
Akurei took the Armor.
Ruby, Hayate, Haruki, Hana and Aimi tuched the sword and they fused with it!
Isamu fused his friends with Heartless and it became X the sword of forever.
Sora, Hoshi and the rest (exept Yoshi) fused with the armor.
The armor M the armor of willpower!
The sword X the sword of forever!
The shield Z the shield of hope!
The 3 items fused to gether aswell and took Ryou Isamu and Akurei with them!
Now everyone exept Yoshi was fused into one!
One being of light!
And with the voice of everyone, the being said!
???: ''I am MXZ!''
MXZ: ''The protector of this world!... Everyone... Thank you for letting me use all of your power to live again!''
MXZ ran towards the exit but was stopped by all of Yami's minions including Yami and Arashi!
MXZ: ''You think you can destroy this world huh... You will die!''
Arashi: ''Everyone charge!''
Saito: ''For the bitterness of EVIL!''
Sapphire: ''For the warped power which i want!
Yami: ''For the death of all!''
Katsou: ''For glory!''
Arashi: ''For thunder and storms!''
MXZ slashed all of them and they all vanished!
MXZ: ''Come out... I know your there!''
Fushei came out with two crystals!
Fushei dropped them on the floor!
And 2 girls fell on the floor. (Identical)
Reishi and Reisei: ''We're free... Now... We will grant you one wish for setting us free...''
Fushei: ''My wish is... The end!''
Reisei and Reishi: ''Understod...''
They created a tornado and fused to gether!
They had turned into a gigant eye ball with tentacles.
Eye: ''I, Yukidomari, Will end all!'' (Yukidomari means ''Dead end'' in japanese!!!!!!! And its normaly not used as a name!!!!!!!)
Fushei: ''Yes, put an end to their life.''
Yukidomari: ''And also your life!''
Fushei: ''What... N-N-No!... I am the evil Kitsune Fushei!''
A tentacle impaled him!
And then a tenacle pierced MXZ!
MXZ: ''What!... Impossible!''
MXZ split back up into everyone.
Ryou: ''That was... Wierd...''
Yukidomari: ''Die!''
Everyone got pierced by a tentacle!
Hoshi: ''No... Farwell big brother...''
Akurei: ''Sis!... Grrr!... I'm... Coming... Farwell... Everyone...''
Isamu: ''This is the end!?... Just like that!?... Hmph... Unbelieveble... Sayonara my friends... I'll miss you...''
Sora: ''N-n-n-n-n-n-n-no... This... Cant be it!... It just cant... I... Had fun... With all of you...
Haruki: ''No!... I just wanted to live a peaceful life... But now i'll have to live a peaceful afterlife...''
Hayate: ''I'm... Smooth...''
Hana: ''You fiend... You think you have won... I have forseen your destuction, Yukidomari... Bye, my friends...''
Yoshi: ''My time with you has been short lived... But its been real... But... Soon peace will over come... All...''
Aimi: ''I... I dont wanna die... Well... i guess i have to choice... I love all of you...''
Hotaru: ''I love you Isamu...''
Chiyo: ''I bid you all good bye... And Isamu... I'll see you on the other side...''
Daisuki: ''Death is ariving... Atleast i got to hang around with chicks!... And, sister... I hope i end up in the same place that you deserve to be... In... Heaven...''
Ryou: ''Ruby... You musent die... You... Live... I love you...''
Ruby: ''Everyone... Is... dead... no... it cant be...''
Yukidomari: ''And now for the rest of this world...''
Ruby stands up...
Yukidomari: ''So, your still alive i guess i just have to kill you and get it over wi-''
Ruby: ''Shut up!''
Her fur became mangy and her eyes turned red!
Ruby: ''You!... How... Could you!''
Ruby: ''I'll enjoy your pain!''
Yukidomari shot its tentacles at Ruby!
Ruby jumped out of the way!
Then charged Yukidomari!
Ruby: ''This is where it all ends!''
Yukidomari: ''Die!!!!!!!''
The story ends with Ruby charging towards Yukidomari!
Ruby: ''FOX INFERNO!!!!!!!''

The End... For now...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Eminem - Without me / My Version!

OMG, I cant believe i really did this!!!!!!!
Yes, its me singing... Yes, i know i suck...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

50th Post Celebration!

Ah! The Blue Screen Of Death!... My Mortal Enemy... And Yet My Most Trusty Companion! HAHAHAHA... I'm dead aren't i?

Well, this is my 5oth post! So i wanted to take a brake from the stories and make a normal blog post this time!
This blog post will be a short, brief, not very long lasting (LOL) story on what happend a few days ago!

I was going to go to school, but before that i said bye to my cat and mom, and my cat replied: ''Ma,ma'' In a cattish way... But anyone could clearly hear that my cat said ''Mama''... OMG Uber L33t Hax In Real life!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!

Well that was this blog post... And now its time to end it with the way i ended my first post!

Later Guys, I'm Outta Here!!!!!!!

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!) Chapter 6 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''The Blue Screen Of Death!''
*Yeah... I was bored looking for fitting pictures so i wanted to try a little comedy... LOL*

Chapter Six: X The Sword Of Forever!

Yami: ''You failed!?''
Sapphire: ''Please forgive us!''
Yami: ''How should i kill them Arashi?''
Arashi: ''Hmmm... Let them live for now... I guess i'll step out.''
Yami: ''But master!''
Arashi: ''Enough... I'll be on my way...''
Arashi left the room...
The others where enjoying some resting time.
But then Arashi apeared!
Arashi: ''Hello, i'll make it brief... Erm!... I am the leader of Yami and her minions that technicaly are my minions and i'm here to kill you now!''
Arashi: ''*Takes Breath*... Man talking that fast was hard...''
Akurei: ''I guess... We've got an enemy to kill, huh?... So, you're the guy that Yoshi mentioned.''
Arashi: ''Yoshi?... Oh that weakling that fell by my hand... Wait Yoshi's alive!?''
Akurei: ''Ryou, Isamu... Are you ready?''
Ryou: ''You wanna try THAT attack huh?''
Isamu: ''I'm ready... Lets do it!''
The formed a triangle around Arashi!
Ryou: ''Power Of The!... Dark Elf!''
Isamu: ''Power Of The!... Wolf Demon!''
Akurei: ''Power Of The!... Shinigami!''
All three at the same time: ''Seal!''
Arashi was unable to move!
Isamu: ''Now Hotaru, Kiyoshi, Chiyo, Sakura!''
All four in their human form put their hands of Heartless, that Isamu left behind!
The four disapeared into the sword and Heartless turned into the sword that defeated Yami... X The Sword Of Forever!
Isamu: ''Now!''
Akurei and Ryou: ''Understod!''
All three of them jumped towards Arashi!
3 bolts of lightning hit them!
Arashi: ''Heh, while you though that you had me trapped i gathered some storm coulds... I hope you're all ready to die!''
Akurei looked up and said: ''He's right... We were careless...''
A bolt of lightning hit Arashi and engulfed him!
He was covered in electricity!
He shot lightning on Akurei!
Akurei fell and was covered in lightning that drained his life little by little!
Arashi did the same on the rest!
He was too fast for them to have time to do anything!
And only Ruby was left standing cause she was the only one fast enough to dodge!
She turned into her human form!
Ruby: ''Fox Fire!''
It didn't affect Arashi!
Ryou: ''R-run... Away... Ruby... You... Must... Live!''
Ruby: ''I'm not... NOT leaving everyone to die!''
Ruby tried over and over with fox fire and failed to damage Arashi.
Arashi: ''Is that all you got... I expected a little more of a challenge... Wheres that spirit of yours?... Dont tell me you have given up?''
Arashi fired a bolt of lightning against Ruby!
It slashed streight through her shoulder!
She started to run away!
Arashi fired and anyother one that pierced through her stomach!
She kept running but her pace slowed down!
Arashi fired another one that cut open the back of her neck!
She fell down bleeding!
She slowly stod back up, and kept walking slowly.
Arashi: ''Theres no use running! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!''
Ruby stopped and kneeled down.
Arashi: ''I hope you're prepared to- WHAT!?''
Ruby had stopped to pickup X The Sword Of Forever! With the power of Heartless the sword, Kiyoshi, Chiyo, Sakura and Hotaru!
Ruby's hair got messy and her eyes turned red!
Ruby slowly turned around her head...
Ruby: ''You!!!!!!!... (Calm) Have no idea how pissed i am... (Definetly NOT calm) I AM GOING TO SLIT YOUR TROAT! SHIT DOWN YOU FUCKING NECK! AND THEN-(Cant show the following text... Seriusly its way too brutal.. Even for this story!)- SO THEN YOU'LL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY OR EVEN THE DARKNESS OF NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
Arashi: ''Oh bugger...''
Ruby charged Arashi in a speed that not even Ruby her self cant even notice!
Ruby stabbed Arashi!
Arashi: ''Muahaha-*Silent*... You... You!... YOU!... I'll remember this!''
A big lightning bolt struck down on Arashi and he was teleported away with it!
Ruby raised X The Sword Of Forever to the sky and said: ''By The Power Of X! I Command That The Power Thats Draining The Life Force Of My Friends... Is Removed!''
The others were nolonger covered in lightning...
Ruby turned back to normal and turned into her fox form, while X The Sword Of Forever split back up into Isamu's friends!
After a couple of hours everone was in a little better shape but was still very damaged...
Hana, Aimi, Haruki and Hayate had come by cause they heard the battle in a distance and conveniently brought bandage and ointments.
Isamu: ''I had a vision during the battle... Last time i had one it was a wolf eating a raven and it came true but it did have a catch... But this new one is more specific...''
Sakura thinking: ''A wolf eating a raven!?... But my brother had that exact vision back when we first met Hotaru!''
Everybody: ''What was it about?''
Isamu: ''I saw a cresent moon shaped shield with an ''M'' on it. And i also saw a very strong looking armor with a ''Z'' on it, they were looked away in a mountain where there's a portal on top that leads to another dimmention... That it.''
Ryou: ''Thats the mountain where the Ruby Crystal was!''
Voice: ''Then thats where you'll be heading!''
everyone looked at a cliff nearby!
It was Yoshi!
Yoshi: ''Hello again!''
Yoshi jumped down.
Yoshi: ''You must be heading towards the mountain of the three crystals and and go into the crystal temple... Now i must take my lead...''
Yoshi began to walk away.
Akurei walked up to Yoshi and took Yoshi's mask of!
It was a girl!
Akurei: ''Wha-what the!?''
Yoshi: ''Uh, oh''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!) Chapter 5 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Kitsune Mask!''

Chapter Five: Masked Stranger!

They were all there preparing for their trip to find Yami.
But then a person with his face covered with a kitsune mask apeared!
Akurei: ''Who are you? What do you want?''
Person: ''I'm Yoshi! I'm here to fight you!'' (Yoshi means ''Good luck/Righteous/Good'' in japanese!!!!!!!)
Yoshi: ''All of you against me! You'll all fall!''
Isamu: ''Oh yeah? Well come'on we'll take you down anyday!''
Isamu charged Yoshi!
Yoshi dodged him and kicked Isamu in the back of his head!
Chiyo and Hotaru charged Yoshi!
Yoshi threw some kind of small crystal on the ground!
A bright light flashed for a short time!
When it was over both Hotaru and Chiyo was face down on the ground.
Hotaru: ''Ryou behind you!''
Ryou turned around slashing with sword!
Yoshi jumped back!
Yoshi then jumped forward again and kicked Ryou!
Yoshi: ''Is this all this team got?''
Yoshi: ''I'm deeply disapointed!''
They all charged Yoshi!
Yoshi dodged everyones attacks and kicked Hotaru, punched Isamu, punched Chiyo and Ryou, Kicked Akurei and Hoshi!
But then behind Yoshi!
Ruby Used Fox Inferno!
Yoshi countered with a beem of light!
Yoshi's beem was stronger!
And Yoshi overpowered Ruby!
Ruby: ''Who is this guy!?... Why is he so strong!?''
Yoshi: ''I'm very very displeased... You must train if you ever even gonna have a chance against Arashi...''
Akurei: ''Arashi?''
Then Katsuo, Sapphire and Saito apeared!
Ruby: ''Imposible... We killed you two!''
Sapphire: ''But thanks to our new master Yami, we're back... Back for revenge!''
Saito: ''Time to let EVIL rule!''
Katsuo: ''Akurei, so we meet again!
Ryou: ''We just have to beat you once again i guess!''
Akurei: ''Come'on lets fight!''
Yoshi: ''All of you are too weak to even stand very good... I'll handle this!''
And within seconds Yoshi beat all three of them!
Sapphire: ''Fall back! Survival first!''
Saito: ''I didn't come back just to be killed again! Lets run!....... EVIL...''
Katsuo: ''I feel ashamed about running away... But i guess i got no choice!''
They ran away!
Yoshi: ''Akurei, Ryou, Isamu... Only you three can beat Arashi... Train... Alot... You must beat him... Fare Thee Well!''
Akurei: ''Wait!''
But it was too late...
Yoshi had already left away!
After they all recovered.
Ryou, Isamu And Akurei disided to train.
And After A Week of training, They had visitors.
Sakura: ''Nice to see you all again!''
Isamu: ''Sa-Sakura!?''
Daisuke: ''Dont forget Daisuke!''
Kiyoshi: ''Hi again!''
Isamu: ''How have all of you been?''
All Three of them at the same time: ''Great! How about you guys?''
Akurei explained the situation they had at the moment.
Sakura: ''Wow... Thats quite a problem... But dont worry we'll help you!''
Daisuke: ''H-hey i didn't agree to anything!''
Kiyoshi: ''Aw, come'on do it for me.''
Daisuke: ''*Sigh* I'll help too...''
Kiyoshi: ''That always works.''
Chiyo: ''Still unable to turn down a request from a a girl, huh brother?''
Daisuke: ''Just shut up... *Mumble*''
Akurei thinking: ''Yoshi... Who was that guy?... He just apeared, beat us, beat our enemies, told us to train, and disapeared... Was the fight just a request?... Or was it intended to kill us?... But he did spare us... What was did he want to prove, or know?''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!) Chapter 4 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Lightning!''

Chapter Four: Clash! Everyone Meets!

A elf jumped out of nowhere with a fox on his shoulder.
Ryou: ''Hey there travelers! Sorry but you got to spend the night at someother place, the place your currently at is going to be Ruby's shrine.''
Akurei: ''I see... How about we fight about it.''
Ryou: ''Huh, uh... Sure why not.''
Ruby: ''Such disrespect... Teach them a lesson!''
Ryou: ''Alright Ruby, i'm on it.''
Akurei and Ryou drew their swords!
Akurei: ''Whats your name?''
Ryou: ''I'm Ryou! What about you?''
Akurei: ''My names Akurei.''
The charged eachother!
Their swords collided while they passed eachother!
They turned around and slashed eachother!
The swords created sparks as the met!
They charged again!
Collided swords!
Their swords were shining in the moonlight!
Ryou slashed against Akurei!
He ducked and tried to stab Ryou!
Ryou stopped it!
And their swords once again collided!
Then Ryou slashed Akurei again!
Akurei slashed back to counter Ryou slash!
And Ryou's sword got knocked out of his hand!
Ryou kicked Akurei's hand and he lost his sword too!
Ryou shot a fireball at Akurei!
Ryou: ''You wont survive this!''
He got hit!
He shaked it of like it was nothing!
Akurei: ''Heh, you cant defeat me while i have the power i got from my sister... Wait!... She took her powers back when she returned my memories!... So i ha shinigami powers all along...''
Akurei smiled...
Akurei: ''Well, my mother was a shinigami... I guess it makes sence!... Now face my hidden power!''
A blue flame engulfed Akurei!
And His sword became a Death Scythe!
He ran to pick it up and Ryou ran to pick his up! Ryou got to his and was about to charge Akurei!
Akurei was behind him with his scythe ready to kill at anytime!
Ruby: ''Ryou, no!''
Akurei turned his scythe back into a sword.
He began to walk away...
Akurei: ''Lets go Sora...''
Sora: ''R-right!''
Akurei turned around.
Akurei: ''We gotta fight again sometime Ryou... I'm looking forward to it.''
Akurei and Sora kept walking...
Ruby: ''Are you ok Ryou?''
Ryou: ''Just fine... But now i got two people who i must beat!''
Makoto was in the road facing Isamu and Hoshi.
Akurei and Sora had just arived at the scene.
Makoto: ''Its time to kill for the great Makoto!''
Isamu: ''I Isamu will be the one to kill her!''
Hoshi: ''If you can kill her before i can!''
Akurei: ''Whats going on?''
Sora: ''I feel an energy!... They are being controled by magic!''
Akurei: ''Someone is controling my sister!?... Unforgiveble!''
They all truned against Sora.
Isamu: ''There! We must kill her!''
Sora: ''I see... They are being controled to kill me...''
Akurei: ''I'll defend you.''
Sora: ''No need.''
Akurei: ''Huh?''
Sora pocked Akurei on the forhead!
Akurei fell down unable to move.
Sora: ''I dont want you to get hurt... I'll handle this.''
Akurei: ''But you'll die!''
Sora: ''And you think you wouldn't?''
Akurei: ''Exacly. YOU dont stand a chance against them!''
Sora: ''Why?... Cause i'm a girl... Well this girl is no laughing matter!''
Sora: ''Todays lesson is... What True Power Really Is!!!!!!!''
Everybody attacked Sora!
Two gigant bat wings came out of her back!
She flew up and kicked Makoto in the back of his head!
Makoto fell!
Sora: ''One down... Two to go!''
Sora created a sword out of nowhere!
It had two blades!
It was the sword Twinslice!
Isamu attacked her and she stopped him with her sword!
Heartless and Twinslice collided!
Heartless flew out of Isamu's hand and Sora punshed him in the guts!
Isamu collapsed!
Sora flew up into the sky!... LOL
Hoshi made some kind of hand signs and said: ''Summon GrimmSkull, The Shinigami guardian!''
A pitch black skeleton, with raven wings and a Death scythe, apeared!
It gave its Death scythe to Hoshi!
Hoshi flew with it up in the air, as a ride!
Hoshi: ''Lets do this!''
She charged Sora!
Isamu woke up!
Isamu: ''Darn it!... How many time do i have to kill Yami for her to stay down!... And the nerve to control me... ME!... Anyhow i gotta stop this battle!''
He turned into his wolf form!
He jumped up!
Hoshi was just about to hit Sora with her scythe!
But Isamu hit the skeleton that was holding Hoshi and he put his teeth into its raven wings.
And then he remembered!
Isamu: ''Thats right! The vision about the wolf eating a raven! So this is what it meant!''
The skeleton dispeared and Hoshi fell down!
So did Isamu!
Sora saved Isamu by catching him!
Isamu: ''Thank you! But what about Hoshi!''
She was just about to hit the ground when.
Ryou caught her!
Ryou: ''I knew something was going on here!''
Hoshi: ''Thank you, and what a timing!''
5 Minutes later everyone was back to normal, and Makoto had left in his shame again!
Everone was in a circle and some of Isamu's teamates had come.
Chiyo: ''I'm Chiyo nice to meet you all.''
Hotaru: ''Hotaru's the name, And... Um... Something's my game!''
Akurei: ''Can someone explain whats going on here!?''
Hoshi: ''Well... This is what happend.''
Hoshi told everyone how Isamu passed by outside of her prison cell and he helped her out and after listening to her situation he disided to help more... But They were chased by the guards, and then they met up with Akurei and had their short reunion. Then later, they met Makoto and fought him, they won, but after the fight... Yami No Orochi had apeared and took a bite of everyone so that she could take control over them. And ordered them to kill Sora... Which turned out to be a creation of Yami and Isamu's sister!
Akurei: ''Oh... I see... That about summons things up then... We're gonna kill the Yami creature!''
Akurei thinking: ''But... What if she has something to do with that powerful emperor i fought?''
Fushei: ''Master Yami... Can you please give me my reward now... Reishi and Reisei now?''
Yami: ''If you think you have done even nearly enough for me to get the sisters of diamond blood... Your mistaken you weakling of a kitsune!''
Yami: ''Katsuo!''
Katsuo came in the room...
Katsuo: ''What is it!''
Fushei: ''Show some respect!''
Katsuo: ''Sorry Fushei-sensei... Forgive my rudeness...'' (Sensei means ''Master/Teacher'' in japanese!!!!!!!)
Yami: ''I want you to kill Everybody in the same team as Isamu... And him''
Katsuo: ''Why?''
Yami: ''Cause i like to kill!''
Yami: ''Thats why i revived Saito and Sapphire, to aid you on this perfect journey!''
Sapphire and Saito came into the room.
Sapphire: ''Killing Ryou would devistate Ruby and then Ruby would die... Its perfect!''
Saito: ''Finnaly i can rise and once again be... EVIL like always!''
Voice: ''Pathetic... You guys need to grow up your acting like kids.''
Yami: ''Well 18 years old isin't fully grown up either... Arashi.'' (Arashi means ''Storm'' in japanese and isin't normaly used as a name!!!!!!!)
A boy around 18 years old with long black hair, dashing good looks, and brittish accent.
Arashi: ''Time for my empire to rise!!!!!!!''
Arashi thinking: ''I knew it was a good idea to revive that old hag Yami, she'll be a great addition to serve me!''
Arashi: ''Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!''
Lighting Sparked Around Arashi!

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!) Chapter 3 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Hoshi With demon guardian''
Disclaimer: ''I did NOT draw this picture, i dont know who did, i just wanna use it since it looks just like how i pictured Hoshi with her demon guardian''

Chapter Three: Memories Of 10 Years Ago!

Sora and Akurei were walking in he forest...
Sora: ''Where are we going Akurei-sama?''
Akurei: ''Dont know... I... I just... Never mind...''
Sora: ''Your hiding something, aren't you?''
Akurei: ''No.''
Sora: ''Liar...''
Akurei: ''Some for you. Your hiding something too, right?''
Sora: ''No, why would i do that?.''
Then they saw a girl around 15 years old.
Akurei: ''What do you want?''
He drew his sword.
Girl: ''Brother?... Brother! Its really you!''
Akurei: ''Wait... What!?''
Girl: ''Dont you remember? Oh, right... I did THAT to you.''
Akurei: ''What do you mean with ''THAT''?''
The girl put her hand on Akurei's forhead and started explaining.
Akurei 8 years old.
And his little sister Hoshi 5 years old. (Hoshi means ''Star'' in japanese!!!!!!!)
Were locked in a room.
Hoshi: ''They will come for me soon...''
Akurei: ''No, i will not allow that.''
Hoshi: ''You cant stop them... But i can help you survive.''
Hoshi put her hand on Akurei's forhead.
Hoshi: ''You'll soon forget everything, but you will not be able to die, you'll have the powers of a shinigami.''
She took her hand of his forhead.
Akurei: ''I will not let them take you sis.''
Akurei: ''Never!''
Hoshi: ''Because i'm a shinigami they would even kill you to get me.''
Akurei: ''I dont care! Just cause my sister is a shinigami dont give them the right to treat you like that!... And why dont you use your powers to escape!?''
Hoshi: ''I'm not allowed to kill the ones i dont have been given premision to kill.''
Two people came in the room.
One of them held Akurei, the other one took Hoshi out of the room.
Akurei strugled in vain to get loose.
Akurei: ''NO! Its my sister! Leave her alone! You cant do this!!!!!!!''
*Flashback Ends!!!!!!!*
Akurei: ''I remember now... Then they brought me to the another room and i... Killed them.''
Akurei: ''So, the pain was sadness over losing you...''
Hoshi: ''Its good that your memories are back... But your powers are gone too...''
Hoshi and Akurei hugged.
Akurei: ''Sister... Its been so long.''
Hoshi: ''Yeah...''
Hoshi noticed Sora.
Hoshi: ''Huh, who is this.''
Sora: ''Its about time you saw me... I'm Sora.
Hoshi: ''Nice to meet you.''
Hoshi wispering to Akurei: ''Is she your girlfriend?''
Akurei wispering to Hoshi: ''Yeah right, as if that'd ever happen!''
Akurei: ''What happend after we got seperated sis?''
Hoshi: ''They tried many experiments that a normal human would die from but i endured the pain... Then after a couple of years, they had me looked up in a prison cell for many years. Then they were going to kill me, but i excaped as soon as they let their guard down. And here i am.
Hoshi: ''I gotta go, i must hurry. You get out of here aswell! Now before its to late!... Isamu come on!''
Then a person came, picked Hoshi up and jumped away.
Akurei: ''Come on i think we gotta go aswell!''
Akurei picked up Sora and they jumped away at a different direction.
After 10 minutes they stopped by a big tree...
They sat down...
Akurei: ''We'll stay here for the night.''
Sora: ''Understod Akurei-sama.''
Sora thinking: ''I... I must eat... Cant... Hold it in... Much... Longer...!!!!!!!
Sora put her teeth in Akurei's neck and drank his blood.
Akurei collapsed to the ground.
Sora had blood around her mouth.
Sora: ''No... No... NO!... Why?... Why cant i control my hunger... Akurei... I'm sorry... I'm a monster!''
Akurei stod up like nothing happend.
Sora: ''B-But how!?''
Akurei: ''I see... So your a vampire.''
Sora: ''I'm sorry... I'm... I'm a monster...''
Akurei: ''Dont make such a big deal out of it, your a vampire, so what? And you can bite me whenever you want, I dont mind.''
Sora: ''Re-really?''
Akurei: ''Yup.''
Sora: ''Akurei-sama ... Why are you so kind to me...Your too kind...''
Akurei: ''Whatever... If you hungry just tell me.''
Akurei: ''And earlier... I was hiding the fact that i had lost my memories.''
Sora: ''And i that i was a vampire.''
Akurei: ''Didn't you say that you weren't hiding anything back then?''
Sora: ''Y-yeah but... I... I was lying...
Akurei put out his hand to help Sora get up. Sora took his hand and he helped her up.
But they got company aproching...

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!) Chapter 2 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Sky''

Chapter Two: The Two Of Them!

Akurei stormed through the castle defences!
Slaying everyone is sight!
Breaking all the walls in his way
He made it to the highest tower of the castle!
Fushei met him. It was an 18 year old boy with black hair and brown eyes.
Fushei: ''A kid made it here!?... No matter i'll kill you!''
Akurei: ''Are you the one to cure my pain?''
Fushei: ''Oh i'll cure it... I'll surely put you out of your misery!''
Akurei: ''I'm not stupid i know that means to kill me!''
Fushei: ''Die!''
Fushei Charged Akurei!
He slashed Akurei and Akurei fell out of the window cause of the powerful impact and speed!
He fell all the way to the bottom of the castle!
He woke up a while later.
He started walking out of the city.
But then he saw a girl with red hair and red eyes. She must suvived the attack.
He walked up to her.
Girl and Akurei: ''Are?''
Girl: ''S-Sorry!''
Akurei: ''No, you go first.''
Girl: ''O-ok... Are you my new master?''
Akurei: ''Why do you ask something like that?''
Girl: ''Well since i dont have any money i have no other choice but to work, but nobody lets me into their stores, so i-i work in servitude...''
Akurei: ''So your a slave?''
Girl: ''Y-yes...''
Akurei: ''Are you the one? The one to cure my pain?''
Girl: ''I dont know what pain it is but i'll do my best.''
Akurei: ''If you dont know what pain it is then your not the one... Die!''
Akurei drew his sword and was just about to strike!
Girl: ''I-I'm sorry, p-please dont kill me!''
Akurei: ''Why not?''
Girl: ''I-i dont wanna die... I'll do anything... Just spare me.''
Akurei: ''Weakling...''
He put his sword back into his holder, and sat down.
Girl: ''Um...''
Akurei: ''Whats your name?''
Girl: ''Sora...'' (Sora means ''Sky'' in Japanese!!!!!!!)
Akurei: ''Mine is Akurei.''
Sora: ''Understod Akurei-sama.'' (In japan if you add ''sama'' at the end of someones name if shows you have great respect for that person!!!!!!!)
Akurei: ''Sama!?''
Sora: ''S-sorry if you dont wanna be called that.''
Akurei: ''I dont mind... I dont really care.''
Akurei stod up and started walking.
Sora: ''Um...''
Akurei without turning around: ''If you dont have anywhere to go... You can come with me if you want...''
Sora: ''Y-yes thank you!''
The set of on their jurney to a place i dont know. Since i only come up with these storys from the top of my head and writes just whats on my mind at the moment, so i dunno.
But from the window that Akurei was pushed out of, Fushei was watching.
Fushei: ''How did he survive!? And why did he leave!? Was he just looking for that ''The one to cure my pain'' person or something!?''
Akurei: ''You seem nevous, is it because of the dead bodies you of the people i killed?''
Sora: ''Kinda, i-i-i-i have never seen such a thing before...''
Akurei: ''I understand.''
Akurei: ''How long have you been a slave?''
Sora: ''10 Years.''
Akurei thinking: ''It was 10 years ago since i first killed someone.''
Akurei: ''What did you do before that? You look to about 16 years old.''
Sora: ''I am 17... But about what i used to do before... I... I dont wanna talk about it...''
Akurei: ''Ok...''
The kept walking...

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!) Chapter 1 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Symbols: ''Shinigami''

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!)
MalcolmX: ''This is the third part of the series of stories i've been writing! As you maybe already noticed all the stories are conected eachother. (Example: ''The characters from the first story, made a apearences in the second one! If any of the readers haven't read ''Kitsune No Ai'' and ''Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii'' that i wrote, i strongly recomend reading them first or some things might apear confusing to you in this story!) Story contains: blood, death, proof that women were unfairly opressed by men in old japan, japanse religion reffrences, making demons seem like good guys and swearing. So if you are under 12, reader disgression or adult supervision is adviced... LOL, Super Vision... Anyway... Enjoy The Story!''

Chapter One: Who will cure my pain?

The story starts with a small boy, around 8 years old, stabbing someone through the heart with a sword.
And then killing another one not too far away.
The boy is smiling.
The boy looked at another person.
Boy: ''Are you the one?... Are you the one who will save me from this pain?''
Person: ''Begone demon!!!!!!!''
Boy: ''So you're not... Then Die!''
And the boy killed that person too, ending up covered in blood, with a smile on his face.
10 Years Later, At A Castle Somewhere.
An emperor is being controled by an evil male kitsune named Fushei disguised in a woman form. (Has no meaning in japanese!!!!!!!)
Fushei: ''I must find Reisei and Reishi... And make them mine forever... Only then, will i be able to control their power.'' (Reishi and Reisei doesn't mean anything in japanese!!!!!!!)
A guard came in and Fushei quickly flew behind the emperor.
Guard: ''Someone is attacking the city, we have reasons to believe that they are heading this way!''
Fushei speaking through the emperors body: ''Send all our soldiers to the castle gate! We must defend the castle at all cost!''
Guard. ''But what about the city?''
Fushei through emperors body: ''Are you questioning your emperor?!''
Guard: ''S-Sorry your magiesty! I-I understand!''
The town was attacked by the same boy from the start of the story, but this time he was about 18 years old.
A guard with high class armor came out of nowhere.
Boy: ''Are you the one who will cure my pain?''
The boy slowly walked towards the guard.
Guard: ''Whats your name?''
Boy: ''My name is Akurei, nice to meet you.'' (Akurei means ''Evil Spirit'' in japanese and is normaly not used as a name!!!!!!!)
Guard: ''I cant say the same to meet you, cause of the time and place we met... My name is Sir Katsuo!'' (Katsu means ''Victory'' in japanese and O means ''Hero/Manly'' in japanese!!!!!!!)
Katsuo: ''I was hoping that i could avoid a fight with you.''
Akurei: ''Are you the one to cure my pain?''
Katsuo: ''Where are you in pain?''
Akurei: ''If you were the one you would know that... Now Die!''
He came at Katsuo with a sword!
Katsuo stopped the sword with his sword!
Akurei and Katsuo collided swords!
Akurei jumped back.
Akurei: ''Hehehe... Hahahahahahaha... Mahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! This is fun! Dont let this end yet i'm enjoying myself!
Katsuo: ''Sorry, but i have to wrap this up!... Farewell Kid!!!!!!!''
He charged Akurei!
Akurei got hit and fell down to the ground.
Katsuo checked for signs of life... But found none.
Katsuo: ''Sorry kid... Forgive me...''
He looked away.
Akurei: ''Dont be... I'm immortal!''
He looked back and got a kick in his face!
Akurei stod up again!
Katsuo: ''But!... You were dead!''
Akurei: ''You cant kill a shinigami that easy!'' (Shinigami means ''God of death'' in japanese!!!!!!!)
Katsuo: ''Shi-Shinigami!?... No... No, your not telling me the truth!... Why would a shinigami come to this world?''
Akurei: ''To find someone to take my pain away.''
Katsuo: ''What ''pain'' are you talking about?''
Akurei: ''You cant understand... You never can!!!!!!!''
Akurei suddenly apeared behind Katsuo and stabbed his sword into Katsuo's back!
Katsuo fell to the ground and Akurei kept going further in to the city killing anyone and destroying everything that got in his way.
Katsuo: ''Is... Is all hope lost if he dont find the one he's looking for?''
Katsuo passed out.
Akurei: ''The pain... Why does it hurt so... Whats hurting me... When will the one who can cure me come!?... It hurts!''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii (The Demon's Pure Soul) Chapter 10 FINAL!!!!!!! / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''The End''

Chapter Ten: The Demon Isamu's Pure Soul Sakura!

A month has passes sonce we last left of.
Isamu: ''Ryou... So you wanna battle?''
Ryou: ''Du'h, i've just finnished telling you that!''
The they heard an exlosion.
And Makoto with a small snake rapped around him.
Snake: ''Isamu... I see you have gotten stronger... Do you remember me... Your master!''
Isamu: ''You-You just show up out of nowhere for no reason!... And you expect me to believe you!?''
Snake: ''I created you to see if you can survive long enough to find ''the one for you'' but it will all end here...''
Isamu: ''Are you even listening stranger!''
The snake flew and sunk its teeth in Isamu's neck.
Isamu: ''I-I-I You... You really are!... My master!''
Sakura: ''But... Why did you change your mind? You said no just a while a go.''
Snake: ''My bite gave him the information he needed... Atleast he get to know everything before he dies...''
Isamu: ''So... You created me, just to find and kill me before i complete the mission you gave me... Well?! Yami!?''
the snake transformed to an adult woman with black hair, yellow eyes, snake teeth and white lips.
Yami: ''You dare speak my name, so carelessly!?''
Yami drew a blood soked sword with snake symbols on them!
She charged him!
He tried to counter with heartless!
But he got knocked back!
Then Chiyo, Daisuke, Hotaru, Kiyoshi And Sakura Tought The Same Thing!
They all touched Isamu's sword at the same time!
Heartless turned into a sword with foxwings blades, demonraids blades, the dragon heads from dragonslash and last but not least the light blade from light of the razor blade!
Yami: ''But, how?''
Isamu had a vision at that moment... A wolf was eating a raven.
Isamu: ''Yami... You will die!!!!!!!''
He slashed Yami and Yami slashed him!
Isamu won!!!!!!!
Isamu: ''I did it!''
Ryou: ''....... I have no idea what just happend....... But its clear that Isamu is stronger... I sensed that snakes power... But Isamu overpowered it... Ruby, its time to go back.
Isamu: ''Ryou!!!!!!!''
Ryou: ''Hm?''
Isamu: ''We will fight again someday...''
Ryou: ''When i'm stronger... We must...''
Ruby: ''Lets go, Hayate is surely waiting at home just to greet us with the usual ''Smooth'' dontcha think?''
Ryou: ''Hm, yeah... Fare Thee Well Isamu... We shall meet again.''
one week later... They all where back at the village.
Sakura: ''Father!!!!!!! I'm back home!''
Eddy: ''My daughter!''
Eddy: ''Makoto did it!''
Sakura: ''No... Isamu brought me back.''
Isamu: ''Kiyoshi... Sayonara...''
Kiyoshi: ''... I... I knew it would happend... Farewell Isamu.''
Sakura: ''This is your new home Kiyoshi... I hope you'll enjoy it.''
Eddy: ''From now on you'll be allowed to go outside when you want Sakura!... Anything to prevent this to happend again!... And you get to keep the dragon as a pet.''
Sakura: ''Oh thank you father!''
Eddy: ''Now, its time to slay the evil demon!''
Isamu wasn't there.
Eddy: ''But seriously... Where did he go? First Makoto is gone missing and now this!?''
Sakura: ''Isamu... Not even a good bye!?... Oh well... He'll come back... Cause he knows... I'm ''The One For Him'' hihi.''
Chiyo, Daisuke, And Hotaru Is staring out from a cliff.
Chiyo: ''Are you sure you dont wanna say good bye to them?''
Daisuke: ''Yeah, i wonder that too.''
Isamu: ''I'll be back, hehe... Oh and everybody i'll be gone for 5 minutes wait here i'm trying to end this series as dramatic as possible, see ya after the series is over!''
Isamu jumped away.
Chiyo: ''Hotaru, Isamu will be mine...''
Hotaru: ''So, i have a rival in love huh?... So be it... But he'll be mine!''
Daisuke: ''Kiyoshi... I'll be back for you...''
Isamu is jumping from rock to rock.
Isamu: ''Theres so many things that i dont know... But i will find them out with my team... Cause i am.''
Isamu: ''Isamu The Wolf Demon!''
Isamu: ''But what did that vision of me eating a raven mean?...''
Isamu stoped at a edge of a mountain.
Isamu: ''Nobody knows what the future will hold... But... I'm sure of one thing...''
Isamu: ''This isin't the end!''
Isamu: ''I Am Isamu Yami!''
Jumped out of sight.

The End!!!!!!!... For now...