Saturday, May 23, 2009

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!) Chapter 6 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''The Blue Screen Of Death!''
*Yeah... I was bored looking for fitting pictures so i wanted to try a little comedy... LOL*

Chapter Six: X The Sword Of Forever!

Yami: ''You failed!?''
Sapphire: ''Please forgive us!''
Yami: ''How should i kill them Arashi?''
Arashi: ''Hmmm... Let them live for now... I guess i'll step out.''
Yami: ''But master!''
Arashi: ''Enough... I'll be on my way...''
Arashi left the room...
The others where enjoying some resting time.
But then Arashi apeared!
Arashi: ''Hello, i'll make it brief... Erm!... I am the leader of Yami and her minions that technicaly are my minions and i'm here to kill you now!''
Arashi: ''*Takes Breath*... Man talking that fast was hard...''
Akurei: ''I guess... We've got an enemy to kill, huh?... So, you're the guy that Yoshi mentioned.''
Arashi: ''Yoshi?... Oh that weakling that fell by my hand... Wait Yoshi's alive!?''
Akurei: ''Ryou, Isamu... Are you ready?''
Ryou: ''You wanna try THAT attack huh?''
Isamu: ''I'm ready... Lets do it!''
The formed a triangle around Arashi!
Ryou: ''Power Of The!... Dark Elf!''
Isamu: ''Power Of The!... Wolf Demon!''
Akurei: ''Power Of The!... Shinigami!''
All three at the same time: ''Seal!''
Arashi was unable to move!
Isamu: ''Now Hotaru, Kiyoshi, Chiyo, Sakura!''
All four in their human form put their hands of Heartless, that Isamu left behind!
The four disapeared into the sword and Heartless turned into the sword that defeated Yami... X The Sword Of Forever!
Isamu: ''Now!''
Akurei and Ryou: ''Understod!''
All three of them jumped towards Arashi!
3 bolts of lightning hit them!
Arashi: ''Heh, while you though that you had me trapped i gathered some storm coulds... I hope you're all ready to die!''
Akurei looked up and said: ''He's right... We were careless...''
A bolt of lightning hit Arashi and engulfed him!
He was covered in electricity!
He shot lightning on Akurei!
Akurei fell and was covered in lightning that drained his life little by little!
Arashi did the same on the rest!
He was too fast for them to have time to do anything!
And only Ruby was left standing cause she was the only one fast enough to dodge!
She turned into her human form!
Ruby: ''Fox Fire!''
It didn't affect Arashi!
Ryou: ''R-run... Away... Ruby... You... Must... Live!''
Ruby: ''I'm not... NOT leaving everyone to die!''
Ruby tried over and over with fox fire and failed to damage Arashi.
Arashi: ''Is that all you got... I expected a little more of a challenge... Wheres that spirit of yours?... Dont tell me you have given up?''
Arashi fired a bolt of lightning against Ruby!
It slashed streight through her shoulder!
She started to run away!
Arashi fired and anyother one that pierced through her stomach!
She kept running but her pace slowed down!
Arashi fired another one that cut open the back of her neck!
She fell down bleeding!
She slowly stod back up, and kept walking slowly.
Arashi: ''Theres no use running! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!''
Ruby stopped and kneeled down.
Arashi: ''I hope you're prepared to- WHAT!?''
Ruby had stopped to pickup X The Sword Of Forever! With the power of Heartless the sword, Kiyoshi, Chiyo, Sakura and Hotaru!
Ruby's hair got messy and her eyes turned red!
Ruby slowly turned around her head...
Ruby: ''You!!!!!!!... (Calm) Have no idea how pissed i am... (Definetly NOT calm) I AM GOING TO SLIT YOUR TROAT! SHIT DOWN YOU FUCKING NECK! AND THEN-(Cant show the following text... Seriusly its way too brutal.. Even for this story!)- SO THEN YOU'LL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY OR EVEN THE DARKNESS OF NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
Arashi: ''Oh bugger...''
Ruby charged Arashi in a speed that not even Ruby her self cant even notice!
Ruby stabbed Arashi!
Arashi: ''Muahaha-*Silent*... You... You!... YOU!... I'll remember this!''
A big lightning bolt struck down on Arashi and he was teleported away with it!
Ruby raised X The Sword Of Forever to the sky and said: ''By The Power Of X! I Command That The Power Thats Draining The Life Force Of My Friends... Is Removed!''
The others were nolonger covered in lightning...
Ruby turned back to normal and turned into her fox form, while X The Sword Of Forever split back up into Isamu's friends!
After a couple of hours everone was in a little better shape but was still very damaged...
Hana, Aimi, Haruki and Hayate had come by cause they heard the battle in a distance and conveniently brought bandage and ointments.
Isamu: ''I had a vision during the battle... Last time i had one it was a wolf eating a raven and it came true but it did have a catch... But this new one is more specific...''
Sakura thinking: ''A wolf eating a raven!?... But my brother had that exact vision back when we first met Hotaru!''
Everybody: ''What was it about?''
Isamu: ''I saw a cresent moon shaped shield with an ''M'' on it. And i also saw a very strong looking armor with a ''Z'' on it, they were looked away in a mountain where there's a portal on top that leads to another dimmention... That it.''
Ryou: ''Thats the mountain where the Ruby Crystal was!''
Voice: ''Then thats where you'll be heading!''
everyone looked at a cliff nearby!
It was Yoshi!
Yoshi: ''Hello again!''
Yoshi jumped down.
Yoshi: ''You must be heading towards the mountain of the three crystals and and go into the crystal temple... Now i must take my lead...''
Yoshi began to walk away.
Akurei walked up to Yoshi and took Yoshi's mask of!
It was a girl!
Akurei: ''Wha-what the!?''
Yoshi: ''Uh, oh''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

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