Thursday, May 21, 2009

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!) Chapter 4 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Lightning!''

Chapter Four: Clash! Everyone Meets!

A elf jumped out of nowhere with a fox on his shoulder.
Ryou: ''Hey there travelers! Sorry but you got to spend the night at someother place, the place your currently at is going to be Ruby's shrine.''
Akurei: ''I see... How about we fight about it.''
Ryou: ''Huh, uh... Sure why not.''
Ruby: ''Such disrespect... Teach them a lesson!''
Ryou: ''Alright Ruby, i'm on it.''
Akurei and Ryou drew their swords!
Akurei: ''Whats your name?''
Ryou: ''I'm Ryou! What about you?''
Akurei: ''My names Akurei.''
The charged eachother!
Their swords collided while they passed eachother!
They turned around and slashed eachother!
The swords created sparks as the met!
They charged again!
Collided swords!
Their swords were shining in the moonlight!
Ryou slashed against Akurei!
He ducked and tried to stab Ryou!
Ryou stopped it!
And their swords once again collided!
Then Ryou slashed Akurei again!
Akurei slashed back to counter Ryou slash!
And Ryou's sword got knocked out of his hand!
Ryou kicked Akurei's hand and he lost his sword too!
Ryou shot a fireball at Akurei!
Ryou: ''You wont survive this!''
He got hit!
He shaked it of like it was nothing!
Akurei: ''Heh, you cant defeat me while i have the power i got from my sister... Wait!... She took her powers back when she returned my memories!... So i ha shinigami powers all along...''
Akurei smiled...
Akurei: ''Well, my mother was a shinigami... I guess it makes sence!... Now face my hidden power!''
A blue flame engulfed Akurei!
And His sword became a Death Scythe!
He ran to pick it up and Ryou ran to pick his up! Ryou got to his and was about to charge Akurei!
Akurei was behind him with his scythe ready to kill at anytime!
Ruby: ''Ryou, no!''
Akurei turned his scythe back into a sword.
He began to walk away...
Akurei: ''Lets go Sora...''
Sora: ''R-right!''
Akurei turned around.
Akurei: ''We gotta fight again sometime Ryou... I'm looking forward to it.''
Akurei and Sora kept walking...
Ruby: ''Are you ok Ryou?''
Ryou: ''Just fine... But now i got two people who i must beat!''
Makoto was in the road facing Isamu and Hoshi.
Akurei and Sora had just arived at the scene.
Makoto: ''Its time to kill for the great Makoto!''
Isamu: ''I Isamu will be the one to kill her!''
Hoshi: ''If you can kill her before i can!''
Akurei: ''Whats going on?''
Sora: ''I feel an energy!... They are being controled by magic!''
Akurei: ''Someone is controling my sister!?... Unforgiveble!''
They all truned against Sora.
Isamu: ''There! We must kill her!''
Sora: ''I see... They are being controled to kill me...''
Akurei: ''I'll defend you.''
Sora: ''No need.''
Akurei: ''Huh?''
Sora pocked Akurei on the forhead!
Akurei fell down unable to move.
Sora: ''I dont want you to get hurt... I'll handle this.''
Akurei: ''But you'll die!''
Sora: ''And you think you wouldn't?''
Akurei: ''Exacly. YOU dont stand a chance against them!''
Sora: ''Why?... Cause i'm a girl... Well this girl is no laughing matter!''
Sora: ''Todays lesson is... What True Power Really Is!!!!!!!''
Everybody attacked Sora!
Two gigant bat wings came out of her back!
She flew up and kicked Makoto in the back of his head!
Makoto fell!
Sora: ''One down... Two to go!''
Sora created a sword out of nowhere!
It had two blades!
It was the sword Twinslice!
Isamu attacked her and she stopped him with her sword!
Heartless and Twinslice collided!
Heartless flew out of Isamu's hand and Sora punshed him in the guts!
Isamu collapsed!
Sora flew up into the sky!... LOL
Hoshi made some kind of hand signs and said: ''Summon GrimmSkull, The Shinigami guardian!''
A pitch black skeleton, with raven wings and a Death scythe, apeared!
It gave its Death scythe to Hoshi!
Hoshi flew with it up in the air, as a ride!
Hoshi: ''Lets do this!''
She charged Sora!
Isamu woke up!
Isamu: ''Darn it!... How many time do i have to kill Yami for her to stay down!... And the nerve to control me... ME!... Anyhow i gotta stop this battle!''
He turned into his wolf form!
He jumped up!
Hoshi was just about to hit Sora with her scythe!
But Isamu hit the skeleton that was holding Hoshi and he put his teeth into its raven wings.
And then he remembered!
Isamu: ''Thats right! The vision about the wolf eating a raven! So this is what it meant!''
The skeleton dispeared and Hoshi fell down!
So did Isamu!
Sora saved Isamu by catching him!
Isamu: ''Thank you! But what about Hoshi!''
She was just about to hit the ground when.
Ryou caught her!
Ryou: ''I knew something was going on here!''
Hoshi: ''Thank you, and what a timing!''
5 Minutes later everyone was back to normal, and Makoto had left in his shame again!
Everone was in a circle and some of Isamu's teamates had come.
Chiyo: ''I'm Chiyo nice to meet you all.''
Hotaru: ''Hotaru's the name, And... Um... Something's my game!''
Akurei: ''Can someone explain whats going on here!?''
Hoshi: ''Well... This is what happend.''
Hoshi told everyone how Isamu passed by outside of her prison cell and he helped her out and after listening to her situation he disided to help more... But They were chased by the guards, and then they met up with Akurei and had their short reunion. Then later, they met Makoto and fought him, they won, but after the fight... Yami No Orochi had apeared and took a bite of everyone so that she could take control over them. And ordered them to kill Sora... Which turned out to be a creation of Yami and Isamu's sister!
Akurei: ''Oh... I see... That about summons things up then... We're gonna kill the Yami creature!''
Akurei thinking: ''But... What if she has something to do with that powerful emperor i fought?''
Fushei: ''Master Yami... Can you please give me my reward now... Reishi and Reisei now?''
Yami: ''If you think you have done even nearly enough for me to get the sisters of diamond blood... Your mistaken you weakling of a kitsune!''
Yami: ''Katsuo!''
Katsuo came in the room...
Katsuo: ''What is it!''
Fushei: ''Show some respect!''
Katsuo: ''Sorry Fushei-sensei... Forgive my rudeness...'' (Sensei means ''Master/Teacher'' in japanese!!!!!!!)
Yami: ''I want you to kill Everybody in the same team as Isamu... And him''
Katsuo: ''Why?''
Yami: ''Cause i like to kill!''
Yami: ''Thats why i revived Saito and Sapphire, to aid you on this perfect journey!''
Sapphire and Saito came into the room.
Sapphire: ''Killing Ryou would devistate Ruby and then Ruby would die... Its perfect!''
Saito: ''Finnaly i can rise and once again be... EVIL like always!''
Voice: ''Pathetic... You guys need to grow up your acting like kids.''
Yami: ''Well 18 years old isin't fully grown up either... Arashi.'' (Arashi means ''Storm'' in japanese and isin't normaly used as a name!!!!!!!)
A boy around 18 years old with long black hair, dashing good looks, and brittish accent.
Arashi: ''Time for my empire to rise!!!!!!!''
Arashi thinking: ''I knew it was a good idea to revive that old hag Yami, she'll be a great addition to serve me!''
Arashi: ''Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!''
Lighting Sparked Around Arashi!

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

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