Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!) Chapter 2 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Sky''

Chapter Two: The Two Of Them!

Akurei stormed through the castle defences!
Slaying everyone is sight!
Breaking all the walls in his way
He made it to the highest tower of the castle!
Fushei met him. It was an 18 year old boy with black hair and brown eyes.
Fushei: ''A kid made it here!?... No matter i'll kill you!''
Akurei: ''Are you the one to cure my pain?''
Fushei: ''Oh i'll cure it... I'll surely put you out of your misery!''
Akurei: ''I'm not stupid i know that means to kill me!''
Fushei: ''Die!''
Fushei Charged Akurei!
He slashed Akurei and Akurei fell out of the window cause of the powerful impact and speed!
He fell all the way to the bottom of the castle!
He woke up a while later.
He started walking out of the city.
But then he saw a girl with red hair and red eyes. She must suvived the attack.
He walked up to her.
Girl and Akurei: ''Are?''
Girl: ''S-Sorry!''
Akurei: ''No, you go first.''
Girl: ''O-ok... Are you my new master?''
Akurei: ''Why do you ask something like that?''
Girl: ''Well since i dont have any money i have no other choice but to work, but nobody lets me into their stores, so i-i work in servitude...''
Akurei: ''So your a slave?''
Girl: ''Y-yes...''
Akurei: ''Are you the one? The one to cure my pain?''
Girl: ''I dont know what pain it is but i'll do my best.''
Akurei: ''If you dont know what pain it is then your not the one... Die!''
Akurei drew his sword and was just about to strike!
Girl: ''I-I'm sorry, p-please dont kill me!''
Akurei: ''Why not?''
Girl: ''I-i dont wanna die... I'll do anything... Just spare me.''
Akurei: ''Weakling...''
He put his sword back into his holder, and sat down.
Girl: ''Um...''
Akurei: ''Whats your name?''
Girl: ''Sora...'' (Sora means ''Sky'' in Japanese!!!!!!!)
Akurei: ''Mine is Akurei.''
Sora: ''Understod Akurei-sama.'' (In japan if you add ''sama'' at the end of someones name if shows you have great respect for that person!!!!!!!)
Akurei: ''Sama!?''
Sora: ''S-sorry if you dont wanna be called that.''
Akurei: ''I dont mind... I dont really care.''
Akurei stod up and started walking.
Sora: ''Um...''
Akurei without turning around: ''If you dont have anywhere to go... You can come with me if you want...''
Sora: ''Y-yes thank you!''
The set of on their jurney to a place i dont know. Since i only come up with these storys from the top of my head and writes just whats on my mind at the moment, so i dunno.
But from the window that Akurei was pushed out of, Fushei was watching.
Fushei: ''How did he survive!? And why did he leave!? Was he just looking for that ''The one to cure my pain'' person or something!?''
Akurei: ''You seem nevous, is it because of the dead bodies you of the people i killed?''
Sora: ''Kinda, i-i-i-i have never seen such a thing before...''
Akurei: ''I understand.''
Akurei: ''How long have you been a slave?''
Sora: ''10 Years.''
Akurei thinking: ''It was 10 years ago since i first killed someone.''
Akurei: ''What did you do before that? You look to about 16 years old.''
Sora: ''I am 17... But about what i used to do before... I... I dont wanna talk about it...''
Akurei: ''Ok...''
The kept walking...

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

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