Friday, May 29, 2009

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!) Chapter 7 FINAL!!!!!!! / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Ruby Vs Yukidomari!!!!!!!''

Chapter Seven: MXZ!

Yoshi: ''Um... Well... I'm busted.''
Akurei: ''So, who are you anyway?''
Yoshi: ''I'm a nine-tailed kitsune demon.''
9 fox tails apeared on Yoshi.
Ruby: ''A... A nine tailed kitsune!''
Ruby thinking: ''I WANT NINE TAILS TOO!''
Yoshi: ''Thats right... What are you going to do a-''
Ruby: ''A friggin nine tailed kitsune!''
Yoshi: ''Um, yeah... But anyway!-''
Ruby: ''A nine tailed-''
Yoshi: ''ANYWAY!... What are you going to do about it.''
Akurei: ''Nothing, this doesn't really change anyway thing.''
Daisuke: ''Awesome another chick!''
Yoshi: ''You little pervert!''
Isamu: ''You're a little perverted yourself aren't you?''
Yoshi: ''Ye-Um, what if i am?''
Daisuke: ''Then you welcome to the team!''
Yoshi: ''...''
Daisuke: ''What?''
Yoshi: ''Fuck you!... What kind of girl do you think i am!''
Ryou: ''OK!... This is getting a little out of hand, lets just foucus on our mission!''
Yoshi: ''Thank you.''
Hayate: ''Hey, girl... I'm smooth...''
Yoshi: ''Ok thats it!''
Ryou: ''Dont worry, he tells EVRYONE that...''
Yoshi: ''Next person who tries to piss me of will get a hand up their ass!''
Akurei: ''Lets just go to the mountain... You aswell Yoshi.''
Yoshi: ''Alright, we're off.''
Later, they arived at the mountains portal.
They entered the portal and made it to the end.
They found a shield with an Z on it.
And armor with an M on it.
Ryou took the Shield.
Akurei took the Armor.
Ruby, Hayate, Haruki, Hana and Aimi tuched the sword and they fused with it!
Isamu fused his friends with Heartless and it became X the sword of forever.
Sora, Hoshi and the rest (exept Yoshi) fused with the armor.
The armor M the armor of willpower!
The sword X the sword of forever!
The shield Z the shield of hope!
The 3 items fused to gether aswell and took Ryou Isamu and Akurei with them!
Now everyone exept Yoshi was fused into one!
One being of light!
And with the voice of everyone, the being said!
???: ''I am MXZ!''
MXZ: ''The protector of this world!... Everyone... Thank you for letting me use all of your power to live again!''
MXZ ran towards the exit but was stopped by all of Yami's minions including Yami and Arashi!
MXZ: ''You think you can destroy this world huh... You will die!''
Arashi: ''Everyone charge!''
Saito: ''For the bitterness of EVIL!''
Sapphire: ''For the warped power which i want!
Yami: ''For the death of all!''
Katsou: ''For glory!''
Arashi: ''For thunder and storms!''
MXZ slashed all of them and they all vanished!
MXZ: ''Come out... I know your there!''
Fushei came out with two crystals!
Fushei dropped them on the floor!
And 2 girls fell on the floor. (Identical)
Reishi and Reisei: ''We're free... Now... We will grant you one wish for setting us free...''
Fushei: ''My wish is... The end!''
Reisei and Reishi: ''Understod...''
They created a tornado and fused to gether!
They had turned into a gigant eye ball with tentacles.
Eye: ''I, Yukidomari, Will end all!'' (Yukidomari means ''Dead end'' in japanese!!!!!!! And its normaly not used as a name!!!!!!!)
Fushei: ''Yes, put an end to their life.''
Yukidomari: ''And also your life!''
Fushei: ''What... N-N-No!... I am the evil Kitsune Fushei!''
A tentacle impaled him!
And then a tenacle pierced MXZ!
MXZ: ''What!... Impossible!''
MXZ split back up into everyone.
Ryou: ''That was... Wierd...''
Yukidomari: ''Die!''
Everyone got pierced by a tentacle!
Hoshi: ''No... Farwell big brother...''
Akurei: ''Sis!... Grrr!... I'm... Coming... Farwell... Everyone...''
Isamu: ''This is the end!?... Just like that!?... Hmph... Unbelieveble... Sayonara my friends... I'll miss you...''
Sora: ''N-n-n-n-n-n-n-no... This... Cant be it!... It just cant... I... Had fun... With all of you...
Haruki: ''No!... I just wanted to live a peaceful life... But now i'll have to live a peaceful afterlife...''
Hayate: ''I'm... Smooth...''
Hana: ''You fiend... You think you have won... I have forseen your destuction, Yukidomari... Bye, my friends...''
Yoshi: ''My time with you has been short lived... But its been real... But... Soon peace will over come... All...''
Aimi: ''I... I dont wanna die... Well... i guess i have to choice... I love all of you...''
Hotaru: ''I love you Isamu...''
Chiyo: ''I bid you all good bye... And Isamu... I'll see you on the other side...''
Daisuki: ''Death is ariving... Atleast i got to hang around with chicks!... And, sister... I hope i end up in the same place that you deserve to be... In... Heaven...''
Ryou: ''Ruby... You musent die... You... Live... I love you...''
Ruby: ''Everyone... Is... dead... no... it cant be...''
Yukidomari: ''And now for the rest of this world...''
Ruby stands up...
Yukidomari: ''So, your still alive i guess i just have to kill you and get it over wi-''
Ruby: ''Shut up!''
Her fur became mangy and her eyes turned red!
Ruby: ''You!... How... Could you!''
Ruby: ''I'll enjoy your pain!''
Yukidomari shot its tentacles at Ruby!
Ruby jumped out of the way!
Then charged Yukidomari!
Ruby: ''This is where it all ends!''
Yukidomari: ''Die!!!!!!!''
The story ends with Ruby charging towards Yukidomari!
Ruby: ''FOX INFERNO!!!!!!!''

The End... For now...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Eminem - Without me / My Version!

OMG, I cant believe i really did this!!!!!!!
Yes, its me singing... Yes, i know i suck...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

50th Post Celebration!

Ah! The Blue Screen Of Death!... My Mortal Enemy... And Yet My Most Trusty Companion! HAHAHAHA... I'm dead aren't i?

Well, this is my 5oth post! So i wanted to take a brake from the stories and make a normal blog post this time!
This blog post will be a short, brief, not very long lasting (LOL) story on what happend a few days ago!

I was going to go to school, but before that i said bye to my cat and mom, and my cat replied: ''Ma,ma'' In a cattish way... But anyone could clearly hear that my cat said ''Mama''... OMG Uber L33t Hax In Real life!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!

Well that was this blog post... And now its time to end it with the way i ended my first post!

Later Guys, I'm Outta Here!!!!!!!

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!) Chapter 6 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''The Blue Screen Of Death!''
*Yeah... I was bored looking for fitting pictures so i wanted to try a little comedy... LOL*

Chapter Six: X The Sword Of Forever!

Yami: ''You failed!?''
Sapphire: ''Please forgive us!''
Yami: ''How should i kill them Arashi?''
Arashi: ''Hmmm... Let them live for now... I guess i'll step out.''
Yami: ''But master!''
Arashi: ''Enough... I'll be on my way...''
Arashi left the room...
The others where enjoying some resting time.
But then Arashi apeared!
Arashi: ''Hello, i'll make it brief... Erm!... I am the leader of Yami and her minions that technicaly are my minions and i'm here to kill you now!''
Arashi: ''*Takes Breath*... Man talking that fast was hard...''
Akurei: ''I guess... We've got an enemy to kill, huh?... So, you're the guy that Yoshi mentioned.''
Arashi: ''Yoshi?... Oh that weakling that fell by my hand... Wait Yoshi's alive!?''
Akurei: ''Ryou, Isamu... Are you ready?''
Ryou: ''You wanna try THAT attack huh?''
Isamu: ''I'm ready... Lets do it!''
The formed a triangle around Arashi!
Ryou: ''Power Of The!... Dark Elf!''
Isamu: ''Power Of The!... Wolf Demon!''
Akurei: ''Power Of The!... Shinigami!''
All three at the same time: ''Seal!''
Arashi was unable to move!
Isamu: ''Now Hotaru, Kiyoshi, Chiyo, Sakura!''
All four in their human form put their hands of Heartless, that Isamu left behind!
The four disapeared into the sword and Heartless turned into the sword that defeated Yami... X The Sword Of Forever!
Isamu: ''Now!''
Akurei and Ryou: ''Understod!''
All three of them jumped towards Arashi!
3 bolts of lightning hit them!
Arashi: ''Heh, while you though that you had me trapped i gathered some storm coulds... I hope you're all ready to die!''
Akurei looked up and said: ''He's right... We were careless...''
A bolt of lightning hit Arashi and engulfed him!
He was covered in electricity!
He shot lightning on Akurei!
Akurei fell and was covered in lightning that drained his life little by little!
Arashi did the same on the rest!
He was too fast for them to have time to do anything!
And only Ruby was left standing cause she was the only one fast enough to dodge!
She turned into her human form!
Ruby: ''Fox Fire!''
It didn't affect Arashi!
Ryou: ''R-run... Away... Ruby... You... Must... Live!''
Ruby: ''I'm not... NOT leaving everyone to die!''
Ruby tried over and over with fox fire and failed to damage Arashi.
Arashi: ''Is that all you got... I expected a little more of a challenge... Wheres that spirit of yours?... Dont tell me you have given up?''
Arashi fired a bolt of lightning against Ruby!
It slashed streight through her shoulder!
She started to run away!
Arashi fired and anyother one that pierced through her stomach!
She kept running but her pace slowed down!
Arashi fired another one that cut open the back of her neck!
She fell down bleeding!
She slowly stod back up, and kept walking slowly.
Arashi: ''Theres no use running! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!''
Ruby stopped and kneeled down.
Arashi: ''I hope you're prepared to- WHAT!?''
Ruby had stopped to pickup X The Sword Of Forever! With the power of Heartless the sword, Kiyoshi, Chiyo, Sakura and Hotaru!
Ruby's hair got messy and her eyes turned red!
Ruby slowly turned around her head...
Ruby: ''You!!!!!!!... (Calm) Have no idea how pissed i am... (Definetly NOT calm) I AM GOING TO SLIT YOUR TROAT! SHIT DOWN YOU FUCKING NECK! AND THEN-(Cant show the following text... Seriusly its way too brutal.. Even for this story!)- SO THEN YOU'LL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY OR EVEN THE DARKNESS OF NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
Arashi: ''Oh bugger...''
Ruby charged Arashi in a speed that not even Ruby her self cant even notice!
Ruby stabbed Arashi!
Arashi: ''Muahaha-*Silent*... You... You!... YOU!... I'll remember this!''
A big lightning bolt struck down on Arashi and he was teleported away with it!
Ruby raised X The Sword Of Forever to the sky and said: ''By The Power Of X! I Command That The Power Thats Draining The Life Force Of My Friends... Is Removed!''
The others were nolonger covered in lightning...
Ruby turned back to normal and turned into her fox form, while X The Sword Of Forever split back up into Isamu's friends!
After a couple of hours everone was in a little better shape but was still very damaged...
Hana, Aimi, Haruki and Hayate had come by cause they heard the battle in a distance and conveniently brought bandage and ointments.
Isamu: ''I had a vision during the battle... Last time i had one it was a wolf eating a raven and it came true but it did have a catch... But this new one is more specific...''
Sakura thinking: ''A wolf eating a raven!?... But my brother had that exact vision back when we first met Hotaru!''
Everybody: ''What was it about?''
Isamu: ''I saw a cresent moon shaped shield with an ''M'' on it. And i also saw a very strong looking armor with a ''Z'' on it, they were looked away in a mountain where there's a portal on top that leads to another dimmention... That it.''
Ryou: ''Thats the mountain where the Ruby Crystal was!''
Voice: ''Then thats where you'll be heading!''
everyone looked at a cliff nearby!
It was Yoshi!
Yoshi: ''Hello again!''
Yoshi jumped down.
Yoshi: ''You must be heading towards the mountain of the three crystals and and go into the crystal temple... Now i must take my lead...''
Yoshi began to walk away.
Akurei walked up to Yoshi and took Yoshi's mask of!
It was a girl!
Akurei: ''Wha-what the!?''
Yoshi: ''Uh, oh''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!) Chapter 5 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Kitsune Mask!''

Chapter Five: Masked Stranger!

They were all there preparing for their trip to find Yami.
But then a person with his face covered with a kitsune mask apeared!
Akurei: ''Who are you? What do you want?''
Person: ''I'm Yoshi! I'm here to fight you!'' (Yoshi means ''Good luck/Righteous/Good'' in japanese!!!!!!!)
Yoshi: ''All of you against me! You'll all fall!''
Isamu: ''Oh yeah? Well come'on we'll take you down anyday!''
Isamu charged Yoshi!
Yoshi dodged him and kicked Isamu in the back of his head!
Chiyo and Hotaru charged Yoshi!
Yoshi threw some kind of small crystal on the ground!
A bright light flashed for a short time!
When it was over both Hotaru and Chiyo was face down on the ground.
Hotaru: ''Ryou behind you!''
Ryou turned around slashing with sword!
Yoshi jumped back!
Yoshi then jumped forward again and kicked Ryou!
Yoshi: ''Is this all this team got?''
Yoshi: ''I'm deeply disapointed!''
They all charged Yoshi!
Yoshi dodged everyones attacks and kicked Hotaru, punched Isamu, punched Chiyo and Ryou, Kicked Akurei and Hoshi!
But then behind Yoshi!
Ruby Used Fox Inferno!
Yoshi countered with a beem of light!
Yoshi's beem was stronger!
And Yoshi overpowered Ruby!
Ruby: ''Who is this guy!?... Why is he so strong!?''
Yoshi: ''I'm very very displeased... You must train if you ever even gonna have a chance against Arashi...''
Akurei: ''Arashi?''
Then Katsuo, Sapphire and Saito apeared!
Ruby: ''Imposible... We killed you two!''
Sapphire: ''But thanks to our new master Yami, we're back... Back for revenge!''
Saito: ''Time to let EVIL rule!''
Katsuo: ''Akurei, so we meet again!
Ryou: ''We just have to beat you once again i guess!''
Akurei: ''Come'on lets fight!''
Yoshi: ''All of you are too weak to even stand very good... I'll handle this!''
And within seconds Yoshi beat all three of them!
Sapphire: ''Fall back! Survival first!''
Saito: ''I didn't come back just to be killed again! Lets run!....... EVIL...''
Katsuo: ''I feel ashamed about running away... But i guess i got no choice!''
They ran away!
Yoshi: ''Akurei, Ryou, Isamu... Only you three can beat Arashi... Train... Alot... You must beat him... Fare Thee Well!''
Akurei: ''Wait!''
But it was too late...
Yoshi had already left away!
After they all recovered.
Ryou, Isamu And Akurei disided to train.
And After A Week of training, They had visitors.
Sakura: ''Nice to see you all again!''
Isamu: ''Sa-Sakura!?''
Daisuke: ''Dont forget Daisuke!''
Kiyoshi: ''Hi again!''
Isamu: ''How have all of you been?''
All Three of them at the same time: ''Great! How about you guys?''
Akurei explained the situation they had at the moment.
Sakura: ''Wow... Thats quite a problem... But dont worry we'll help you!''
Daisuke: ''H-hey i didn't agree to anything!''
Kiyoshi: ''Aw, come'on do it for me.''
Daisuke: ''*Sigh* I'll help too...''
Kiyoshi: ''That always works.''
Chiyo: ''Still unable to turn down a request from a a girl, huh brother?''
Daisuke: ''Just shut up... *Mumble*''
Akurei thinking: ''Yoshi... Who was that guy?... He just apeared, beat us, beat our enemies, told us to train, and disapeared... Was the fight just a request?... Or was it intended to kill us?... But he did spare us... What was did he want to prove, or know?''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!) Chapter 4 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Lightning!''

Chapter Four: Clash! Everyone Meets!

A elf jumped out of nowhere with a fox on his shoulder.
Ryou: ''Hey there travelers! Sorry but you got to spend the night at someother place, the place your currently at is going to be Ruby's shrine.''
Akurei: ''I see... How about we fight about it.''
Ryou: ''Huh, uh... Sure why not.''
Ruby: ''Such disrespect... Teach them a lesson!''
Ryou: ''Alright Ruby, i'm on it.''
Akurei and Ryou drew their swords!
Akurei: ''Whats your name?''
Ryou: ''I'm Ryou! What about you?''
Akurei: ''My names Akurei.''
The charged eachother!
Their swords collided while they passed eachother!
They turned around and slashed eachother!
The swords created sparks as the met!
They charged again!
Collided swords!
Their swords were shining in the moonlight!
Ryou slashed against Akurei!
He ducked and tried to stab Ryou!
Ryou stopped it!
And their swords once again collided!
Then Ryou slashed Akurei again!
Akurei slashed back to counter Ryou slash!
And Ryou's sword got knocked out of his hand!
Ryou kicked Akurei's hand and he lost his sword too!
Ryou shot a fireball at Akurei!
Ryou: ''You wont survive this!''
He got hit!
He shaked it of like it was nothing!
Akurei: ''Heh, you cant defeat me while i have the power i got from my sister... Wait!... She took her powers back when she returned my memories!... So i ha shinigami powers all along...''
Akurei smiled...
Akurei: ''Well, my mother was a shinigami... I guess it makes sence!... Now face my hidden power!''
A blue flame engulfed Akurei!
And His sword became a Death Scythe!
He ran to pick it up and Ryou ran to pick his up! Ryou got to his and was about to charge Akurei!
Akurei was behind him with his scythe ready to kill at anytime!
Ruby: ''Ryou, no!''
Akurei turned his scythe back into a sword.
He began to walk away...
Akurei: ''Lets go Sora...''
Sora: ''R-right!''
Akurei turned around.
Akurei: ''We gotta fight again sometime Ryou... I'm looking forward to it.''
Akurei and Sora kept walking...
Ruby: ''Are you ok Ryou?''
Ryou: ''Just fine... But now i got two people who i must beat!''
Makoto was in the road facing Isamu and Hoshi.
Akurei and Sora had just arived at the scene.
Makoto: ''Its time to kill for the great Makoto!''
Isamu: ''I Isamu will be the one to kill her!''
Hoshi: ''If you can kill her before i can!''
Akurei: ''Whats going on?''
Sora: ''I feel an energy!... They are being controled by magic!''
Akurei: ''Someone is controling my sister!?... Unforgiveble!''
They all truned against Sora.
Isamu: ''There! We must kill her!''
Sora: ''I see... They are being controled to kill me...''
Akurei: ''I'll defend you.''
Sora: ''No need.''
Akurei: ''Huh?''
Sora pocked Akurei on the forhead!
Akurei fell down unable to move.
Sora: ''I dont want you to get hurt... I'll handle this.''
Akurei: ''But you'll die!''
Sora: ''And you think you wouldn't?''
Akurei: ''Exacly. YOU dont stand a chance against them!''
Sora: ''Why?... Cause i'm a girl... Well this girl is no laughing matter!''
Sora: ''Todays lesson is... What True Power Really Is!!!!!!!''
Everybody attacked Sora!
Two gigant bat wings came out of her back!
She flew up and kicked Makoto in the back of his head!
Makoto fell!
Sora: ''One down... Two to go!''
Sora created a sword out of nowhere!
It had two blades!
It was the sword Twinslice!
Isamu attacked her and she stopped him with her sword!
Heartless and Twinslice collided!
Heartless flew out of Isamu's hand and Sora punshed him in the guts!
Isamu collapsed!
Sora flew up into the sky!... LOL
Hoshi made some kind of hand signs and said: ''Summon GrimmSkull, The Shinigami guardian!''
A pitch black skeleton, with raven wings and a Death scythe, apeared!
It gave its Death scythe to Hoshi!
Hoshi flew with it up in the air, as a ride!
Hoshi: ''Lets do this!''
She charged Sora!
Isamu woke up!
Isamu: ''Darn it!... How many time do i have to kill Yami for her to stay down!... And the nerve to control me... ME!... Anyhow i gotta stop this battle!''
He turned into his wolf form!
He jumped up!
Hoshi was just about to hit Sora with her scythe!
But Isamu hit the skeleton that was holding Hoshi and he put his teeth into its raven wings.
And then he remembered!
Isamu: ''Thats right! The vision about the wolf eating a raven! So this is what it meant!''
The skeleton dispeared and Hoshi fell down!
So did Isamu!
Sora saved Isamu by catching him!
Isamu: ''Thank you! But what about Hoshi!''
She was just about to hit the ground when.
Ryou caught her!
Ryou: ''I knew something was going on here!''
Hoshi: ''Thank you, and what a timing!''
5 Minutes later everyone was back to normal, and Makoto had left in his shame again!
Everone was in a circle and some of Isamu's teamates had come.
Chiyo: ''I'm Chiyo nice to meet you all.''
Hotaru: ''Hotaru's the name, And... Um... Something's my game!''
Akurei: ''Can someone explain whats going on here!?''
Hoshi: ''Well... This is what happend.''
Hoshi told everyone how Isamu passed by outside of her prison cell and he helped her out and after listening to her situation he disided to help more... But They were chased by the guards, and then they met up with Akurei and had their short reunion. Then later, they met Makoto and fought him, they won, but after the fight... Yami No Orochi had apeared and took a bite of everyone so that she could take control over them. And ordered them to kill Sora... Which turned out to be a creation of Yami and Isamu's sister!
Akurei: ''Oh... I see... That about summons things up then... We're gonna kill the Yami creature!''
Akurei thinking: ''But... What if she has something to do with that powerful emperor i fought?''
Fushei: ''Master Yami... Can you please give me my reward now... Reishi and Reisei now?''
Yami: ''If you think you have done even nearly enough for me to get the sisters of diamond blood... Your mistaken you weakling of a kitsune!''
Yami: ''Katsuo!''
Katsuo came in the room...
Katsuo: ''What is it!''
Fushei: ''Show some respect!''
Katsuo: ''Sorry Fushei-sensei... Forgive my rudeness...'' (Sensei means ''Master/Teacher'' in japanese!!!!!!!)
Yami: ''I want you to kill Everybody in the same team as Isamu... And him''
Katsuo: ''Why?''
Yami: ''Cause i like to kill!''
Yami: ''Thats why i revived Saito and Sapphire, to aid you on this perfect journey!''
Sapphire and Saito came into the room.
Sapphire: ''Killing Ryou would devistate Ruby and then Ruby would die... Its perfect!''
Saito: ''Finnaly i can rise and once again be... EVIL like always!''
Voice: ''Pathetic... You guys need to grow up your acting like kids.''
Yami: ''Well 18 years old isin't fully grown up either... Arashi.'' (Arashi means ''Storm'' in japanese and isin't normaly used as a name!!!!!!!)
A boy around 18 years old with long black hair, dashing good looks, and brittish accent.
Arashi: ''Time for my empire to rise!!!!!!!''
Arashi thinking: ''I knew it was a good idea to revive that old hag Yami, she'll be a great addition to serve me!''
Arashi: ''Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!''
Lighting Sparked Around Arashi!

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!) Chapter 3 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Hoshi With demon guardian''
Disclaimer: ''I did NOT draw this picture, i dont know who did, i just wanna use it since it looks just like how i pictured Hoshi with her demon guardian''

Chapter Three: Memories Of 10 Years Ago!

Sora and Akurei were walking in he forest...
Sora: ''Where are we going Akurei-sama?''
Akurei: ''Dont know... I... I just... Never mind...''
Sora: ''Your hiding something, aren't you?''
Akurei: ''No.''
Sora: ''Liar...''
Akurei: ''Some for you. Your hiding something too, right?''
Sora: ''No, why would i do that?.''
Then they saw a girl around 15 years old.
Akurei: ''What do you want?''
He drew his sword.
Girl: ''Brother?... Brother! Its really you!''
Akurei: ''Wait... What!?''
Girl: ''Dont you remember? Oh, right... I did THAT to you.''
Akurei: ''What do you mean with ''THAT''?''
The girl put her hand on Akurei's forhead and started explaining.
Akurei 8 years old.
And his little sister Hoshi 5 years old. (Hoshi means ''Star'' in japanese!!!!!!!)
Were locked in a room.
Hoshi: ''They will come for me soon...''
Akurei: ''No, i will not allow that.''
Hoshi: ''You cant stop them... But i can help you survive.''
Hoshi put her hand on Akurei's forhead.
Hoshi: ''You'll soon forget everything, but you will not be able to die, you'll have the powers of a shinigami.''
She took her hand of his forhead.
Akurei: ''I will not let them take you sis.''
Akurei: ''Never!''
Hoshi: ''Because i'm a shinigami they would even kill you to get me.''
Akurei: ''I dont care! Just cause my sister is a shinigami dont give them the right to treat you like that!... And why dont you use your powers to escape!?''
Hoshi: ''I'm not allowed to kill the ones i dont have been given premision to kill.''
Two people came in the room.
One of them held Akurei, the other one took Hoshi out of the room.
Akurei strugled in vain to get loose.
Akurei: ''NO! Its my sister! Leave her alone! You cant do this!!!!!!!''
*Flashback Ends!!!!!!!*
Akurei: ''I remember now... Then they brought me to the another room and i... Killed them.''
Akurei: ''So, the pain was sadness over losing you...''
Hoshi: ''Its good that your memories are back... But your powers are gone too...''
Hoshi and Akurei hugged.
Akurei: ''Sister... Its been so long.''
Hoshi: ''Yeah...''
Hoshi noticed Sora.
Hoshi: ''Huh, who is this.''
Sora: ''Its about time you saw me... I'm Sora.
Hoshi: ''Nice to meet you.''
Hoshi wispering to Akurei: ''Is she your girlfriend?''
Akurei wispering to Hoshi: ''Yeah right, as if that'd ever happen!''
Akurei: ''What happend after we got seperated sis?''
Hoshi: ''They tried many experiments that a normal human would die from but i endured the pain... Then after a couple of years, they had me looked up in a prison cell for many years. Then they were going to kill me, but i excaped as soon as they let their guard down. And here i am.
Hoshi: ''I gotta go, i must hurry. You get out of here aswell! Now before its to late!... Isamu come on!''
Then a person came, picked Hoshi up and jumped away.
Akurei: ''Come on i think we gotta go aswell!''
Akurei picked up Sora and they jumped away at a different direction.
After 10 minutes they stopped by a big tree...
They sat down...
Akurei: ''We'll stay here for the night.''
Sora: ''Understod Akurei-sama.''
Sora thinking: ''I... I must eat... Cant... Hold it in... Much... Longer...!!!!!!!
Sora put her teeth in Akurei's neck and drank his blood.
Akurei collapsed to the ground.
Sora had blood around her mouth.
Sora: ''No... No... NO!... Why?... Why cant i control my hunger... Akurei... I'm sorry... I'm a monster!''
Akurei stod up like nothing happend.
Sora: ''B-But how!?''
Akurei: ''I see... So your a vampire.''
Sora: ''I'm sorry... I'm... I'm a monster...''
Akurei: ''Dont make such a big deal out of it, your a vampire, so what? And you can bite me whenever you want, I dont mind.''
Sora: ''Re-really?''
Akurei: ''Yup.''
Sora: ''Akurei-sama ... Why are you so kind to me...Your too kind...''
Akurei: ''Whatever... If you hungry just tell me.''
Akurei: ''And earlier... I was hiding the fact that i had lost my memories.''
Sora: ''And i that i was a vampire.''
Akurei: ''Didn't you say that you weren't hiding anything back then?''
Sora: ''Y-yeah but... I... I was lying...
Akurei put out his hand to help Sora get up. Sora took his hand and he helped her up.
But they got company aproching...

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!) Chapter 2 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Sky''

Chapter Two: The Two Of Them!

Akurei stormed through the castle defences!
Slaying everyone is sight!
Breaking all the walls in his way
He made it to the highest tower of the castle!
Fushei met him. It was an 18 year old boy with black hair and brown eyes.
Fushei: ''A kid made it here!?... No matter i'll kill you!''
Akurei: ''Are you the one to cure my pain?''
Fushei: ''Oh i'll cure it... I'll surely put you out of your misery!''
Akurei: ''I'm not stupid i know that means to kill me!''
Fushei: ''Die!''
Fushei Charged Akurei!
He slashed Akurei and Akurei fell out of the window cause of the powerful impact and speed!
He fell all the way to the bottom of the castle!
He woke up a while later.
He started walking out of the city.
But then he saw a girl with red hair and red eyes. She must suvived the attack.
He walked up to her.
Girl and Akurei: ''Are?''
Girl: ''S-Sorry!''
Akurei: ''No, you go first.''
Girl: ''O-ok... Are you my new master?''
Akurei: ''Why do you ask something like that?''
Girl: ''Well since i dont have any money i have no other choice but to work, but nobody lets me into their stores, so i-i work in servitude...''
Akurei: ''So your a slave?''
Girl: ''Y-yes...''
Akurei: ''Are you the one? The one to cure my pain?''
Girl: ''I dont know what pain it is but i'll do my best.''
Akurei: ''If you dont know what pain it is then your not the one... Die!''
Akurei drew his sword and was just about to strike!
Girl: ''I-I'm sorry, p-please dont kill me!''
Akurei: ''Why not?''
Girl: ''I-i dont wanna die... I'll do anything... Just spare me.''
Akurei: ''Weakling...''
He put his sword back into his holder, and sat down.
Girl: ''Um...''
Akurei: ''Whats your name?''
Girl: ''Sora...'' (Sora means ''Sky'' in Japanese!!!!!!!)
Akurei: ''Mine is Akurei.''
Sora: ''Understod Akurei-sama.'' (In japan if you add ''sama'' at the end of someones name if shows you have great respect for that person!!!!!!!)
Akurei: ''Sama!?''
Sora: ''S-sorry if you dont wanna be called that.''
Akurei: ''I dont mind... I dont really care.''
Akurei stod up and started walking.
Sora: ''Um...''
Akurei without turning around: ''If you dont have anywhere to go... You can come with me if you want...''
Sora: ''Y-yes thank you!''
The set of on their jurney to a place i dont know. Since i only come up with these storys from the top of my head and writes just whats on my mind at the moment, so i dunno.
But from the window that Akurei was pushed out of, Fushei was watching.
Fushei: ''How did he survive!? And why did he leave!? Was he just looking for that ''The one to cure my pain'' person or something!?''
Akurei: ''You seem nevous, is it because of the dead bodies you of the people i killed?''
Sora: ''Kinda, i-i-i-i have never seen such a thing before...''
Akurei: ''I understand.''
Akurei: ''How long have you been a slave?''
Sora: ''10 Years.''
Akurei thinking: ''It was 10 years ago since i first killed someone.''
Akurei: ''What did you do before that? You look to about 16 years old.''
Sora: ''I am 17... But about what i used to do before... I... I dont wanna talk about it...''
Akurei: ''Ok...''
The kept walking...

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!) Chapter 1 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Symbols: ''Shinigami''

Shinigami No Jiigoku! (The Death God's Hell!)
MalcolmX: ''This is the third part of the series of stories i've been writing! As you maybe already noticed all the stories are conected eachother. (Example: ''The characters from the first story, made a apearences in the second one! If any of the readers haven't read ''Kitsune No Ai'' and ''Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii'' that i wrote, i strongly recomend reading them first or some things might apear confusing to you in this story!) Story contains: blood, death, proof that women were unfairly opressed by men in old japan, japanse religion reffrences, making demons seem like good guys and swearing. So if you are under 12, reader disgression or adult supervision is adviced... LOL, Super Vision... Anyway... Enjoy The Story!''

Chapter One: Who will cure my pain?

The story starts with a small boy, around 8 years old, stabbing someone through the heart with a sword.
And then killing another one not too far away.
The boy is smiling.
The boy looked at another person.
Boy: ''Are you the one?... Are you the one who will save me from this pain?''
Person: ''Begone demon!!!!!!!''
Boy: ''So you're not... Then Die!''
And the boy killed that person too, ending up covered in blood, with a smile on his face.
10 Years Later, At A Castle Somewhere.
An emperor is being controled by an evil male kitsune named Fushei disguised in a woman form. (Has no meaning in japanese!!!!!!!)
Fushei: ''I must find Reisei and Reishi... And make them mine forever... Only then, will i be able to control their power.'' (Reishi and Reisei doesn't mean anything in japanese!!!!!!!)
A guard came in and Fushei quickly flew behind the emperor.
Guard: ''Someone is attacking the city, we have reasons to believe that they are heading this way!''
Fushei speaking through the emperors body: ''Send all our soldiers to the castle gate! We must defend the castle at all cost!''
Guard. ''But what about the city?''
Fushei through emperors body: ''Are you questioning your emperor?!''
Guard: ''S-Sorry your magiesty! I-I understand!''
The town was attacked by the same boy from the start of the story, but this time he was about 18 years old.
A guard with high class armor came out of nowhere.
Boy: ''Are you the one who will cure my pain?''
The boy slowly walked towards the guard.
Guard: ''Whats your name?''
Boy: ''My name is Akurei, nice to meet you.'' (Akurei means ''Evil Spirit'' in japanese and is normaly not used as a name!!!!!!!)
Guard: ''I cant say the same to meet you, cause of the time and place we met... My name is Sir Katsuo!'' (Katsu means ''Victory'' in japanese and O means ''Hero/Manly'' in japanese!!!!!!!)
Katsuo: ''I was hoping that i could avoid a fight with you.''
Akurei: ''Are you the one to cure my pain?''
Katsuo: ''Where are you in pain?''
Akurei: ''If you were the one you would know that... Now Die!''
He came at Katsuo with a sword!
Katsuo stopped the sword with his sword!
Akurei and Katsuo collided swords!
Akurei jumped back.
Akurei: ''Hehehe... Hahahahahahaha... Mahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! This is fun! Dont let this end yet i'm enjoying myself!
Katsuo: ''Sorry, but i have to wrap this up!... Farewell Kid!!!!!!!''
He charged Akurei!
Akurei got hit and fell down to the ground.
Katsuo checked for signs of life... But found none.
Katsuo: ''Sorry kid... Forgive me...''
He looked away.
Akurei: ''Dont be... I'm immortal!''
He looked back and got a kick in his face!
Akurei stod up again!
Katsuo: ''But!... You were dead!''
Akurei: ''You cant kill a shinigami that easy!'' (Shinigami means ''God of death'' in japanese!!!!!!!)
Katsuo: ''Shi-Shinigami!?... No... No, your not telling me the truth!... Why would a shinigami come to this world?''
Akurei: ''To find someone to take my pain away.''
Katsuo: ''What ''pain'' are you talking about?''
Akurei: ''You cant understand... You never can!!!!!!!''
Akurei suddenly apeared behind Katsuo and stabbed his sword into Katsuo's back!
Katsuo fell to the ground and Akurei kept going further in to the city killing anyone and destroying everything that got in his way.
Katsuo: ''Is... Is all hope lost if he dont find the one he's looking for?''
Katsuo passed out.
Akurei: ''The pain... Why does it hurt so... Whats hurting me... When will the one who can cure me come!?... It hurts!''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii (The Demon's Pure Soul) Chapter 10 FINAL!!!!!!! / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''The End''

Chapter Ten: The Demon Isamu's Pure Soul Sakura!

A month has passes sonce we last left of.
Isamu: ''Ryou... So you wanna battle?''
Ryou: ''Du'h, i've just finnished telling you that!''
The they heard an exlosion.
And Makoto with a small snake rapped around him.
Snake: ''Isamu... I see you have gotten stronger... Do you remember me... Your master!''
Isamu: ''You-You just show up out of nowhere for no reason!... And you expect me to believe you!?''
Snake: ''I created you to see if you can survive long enough to find ''the one for you'' but it will all end here...''
Isamu: ''Are you even listening stranger!''
The snake flew and sunk its teeth in Isamu's neck.
Isamu: ''I-I-I You... You really are!... My master!''
Sakura: ''But... Why did you change your mind? You said no just a while a go.''
Snake: ''My bite gave him the information he needed... Atleast he get to know everything before he dies...''
Isamu: ''So... You created me, just to find and kill me before i complete the mission you gave me... Well?! Yami!?''
the snake transformed to an adult woman with black hair, yellow eyes, snake teeth and white lips.
Yami: ''You dare speak my name, so carelessly!?''
Yami drew a blood soked sword with snake symbols on them!
She charged him!
He tried to counter with heartless!
But he got knocked back!
Then Chiyo, Daisuke, Hotaru, Kiyoshi And Sakura Tought The Same Thing!
They all touched Isamu's sword at the same time!
Heartless turned into a sword with foxwings blades, demonraids blades, the dragon heads from dragonslash and last but not least the light blade from light of the razor blade!
Yami: ''But, how?''
Isamu had a vision at that moment... A wolf was eating a raven.
Isamu: ''Yami... You will die!!!!!!!''
He slashed Yami and Yami slashed him!
Isamu won!!!!!!!
Isamu: ''I did it!''
Ryou: ''....... I have no idea what just happend....... But its clear that Isamu is stronger... I sensed that snakes power... But Isamu overpowered it... Ruby, its time to go back.
Isamu: ''Ryou!!!!!!!''
Ryou: ''Hm?''
Isamu: ''We will fight again someday...''
Ryou: ''When i'm stronger... We must...''
Ruby: ''Lets go, Hayate is surely waiting at home just to greet us with the usual ''Smooth'' dontcha think?''
Ryou: ''Hm, yeah... Fare Thee Well Isamu... We shall meet again.''
one week later... They all where back at the village.
Sakura: ''Father!!!!!!! I'm back home!''
Eddy: ''My daughter!''
Eddy: ''Makoto did it!''
Sakura: ''No... Isamu brought me back.''
Isamu: ''Kiyoshi... Sayonara...''
Kiyoshi: ''... I... I knew it would happend... Farewell Isamu.''
Sakura: ''This is your new home Kiyoshi... I hope you'll enjoy it.''
Eddy: ''From now on you'll be allowed to go outside when you want Sakura!... Anything to prevent this to happend again!... And you get to keep the dragon as a pet.''
Sakura: ''Oh thank you father!''
Eddy: ''Now, its time to slay the evil demon!''
Isamu wasn't there.
Eddy: ''But seriously... Where did he go? First Makoto is gone missing and now this!?''
Sakura: ''Isamu... Not even a good bye!?... Oh well... He'll come back... Cause he knows... I'm ''The One For Him'' hihi.''
Chiyo, Daisuke, And Hotaru Is staring out from a cliff.
Chiyo: ''Are you sure you dont wanna say good bye to them?''
Daisuke: ''Yeah, i wonder that too.''
Isamu: ''I'll be back, hehe... Oh and everybody i'll be gone for 5 minutes wait here i'm trying to end this series as dramatic as possible, see ya after the series is over!''
Isamu jumped away.
Chiyo: ''Hotaru, Isamu will be mine...''
Hotaru: ''So, i have a rival in love huh?... So be it... But he'll be mine!''
Daisuke: ''Kiyoshi... I'll be back for you...''
Isamu is jumping from rock to rock.
Isamu: ''Theres so many things that i dont know... But i will find them out with my team... Cause i am.''
Isamu: ''Isamu The Wolf Demon!''
Isamu: ''But what did that vision of me eating a raven mean?...''
Isamu stoped at a edge of a mountain.
Isamu: ''Nobody knows what the future will hold... But... I'm sure of one thing...''
Isamu: ''This isin't the end!''
Isamu: ''I Am Isamu Yami!''
Jumped out of sight.

The End!!!!!!!... For now...

Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii (The Demon's Pure Soul) Chapter 9 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Heartless''

Chapter Nine: Fox-Wing! Dragon-Slash! Demon-Raid! Light Of The Razor Blade! There i just explained the whole episode just like that!

Isamu (Wolf form) charged Makoto with anger and bloodthirst in his eyes!
He got knocked away like nothing!
And he was still weak from the first battle and couldn't go on.
Isamu had just abandoned all hope, when.
Chiyo started to move.
Isamu turned back into human form.
Isamu: ''You're alive!''
Chiyo: ''I'm happy that you care...''
Isamu: ''Why?... Why did you take the hit?... Because of it, your half dead.''
Chiyo: ''You must attack me with your sword!''
Isamu: ''What?! No, i cant!''
Chiyo: ''Its the only way to win... I saw that your sword has a power that allows the user to fuse it with whomever he choses... And if you do... *Cough*... You will become stronger than ever before, and as an added bonus i'll live.''
Isamu: ''... Fine then!''
He stabbed Chiyo!
Isamu: ''Heartless... Show me what kind of power you have!''
Chiyo and heartless started to glow!
Chiyo transformed into a liquid form and went into heartless.
Heartless started to change shape!
And it became a sword made only of blades resembles fox tails!
Isamu: ''Foxswing...''
Isamu: ''Lets rock!''
He charged Makoto and slashed against him!
He tried to parry!
But he got knocked back into a tree!
Makoto: ''I give up!''
He ran away.
Isamu's sword heartless became normal and Chiyo came out in her fox form.
Chiyo: ''Isamu... You have mastered the power of Knightmare.''
Isamu: ''Knightmare?''
Chiyo: ''Fusing swords-''
Daisuke: ''Sis! Your ok!''
Chiyo: ''You didn't think i would die that easy-''
They heard a big explosion!
Makoto came back with an even bigger sword, but still a Heartless.
Isamu: ''I see... your back... Chiyo, does this power work on anyone?''
Chiyo: ''Yes, i'm 100% sure.''
Kiyoshi: ''Then its my turn!''
Isamu slashed Kiyoshi with the sword!
The same thing that happend to Chiyo happend, but this time the sword turned into two dragon heads, with an axe in the middle!
Isamu: ''This time i'm wielding... Dragonslash!''
Isamu knocked down Makoto like he was a volley ball... Of course volley balls dont exist in old japan...
Makoto ran away and came back later like last time with a bigger sword.
This time Isamu tried it on Hotaru!
The sword turned into a sword, with 5 blades and 2 blades next to them.
Isamu turned the blades into tetacles and tangled up Makoto.
Isamu: ''Heh, its time to face the wrath of demonraid!''
He trew Makoto away.
Then he came back later with an even bigger sword.
Makoto: ''This time you wont win!!!!!!!''
Isamu: ''Sakura, its your turn...''
Isamu slashed Sakura and the sword turned into a sword with out a blade just a sharp looking light.
Isamu cut Makoto's Heartless in half!
Isamu: ''You cant beat, Light Of The Razor Blade!''
Makoto ran away and this time he didn't come back.
Makoto: ''Orochi No Yami please forgive me!'' (Orochi No Yami Means ''Snake's Darkness'' In Japanese!!!!!!!)
Snake: ''You get one more chance... If you dont dispose of Isamu this time... I'll just have to dispose of you!!!!!!!''
Ryou had seen the battle between Isamu and Makoto.
Ryou: ''How did Makoto become so strong... But Isamu still outclassed him... And if i'm going to fight Isamu i better get stronger myself.''
Ruby: ''Dont worry... You wont lose, cause i got a plan... But we have to wait a month for it to work.''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii (The Demon's Pure Soul) Chapter 8 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Fennec Fox''
Not My Pic!!!!!!!

Chapter Eight: Kitsune Masion! Wait, isin't that taken already? I think i heard the name somewhere, but i dunno!

Makoto: ''How dare they! How dare they disrespect me!... Me! Can you believe it!''
voice: ''Do you want to stop them?... I can he-''
Makoto: ''Give me all the power i can get!''
voice: ''Greedy... I like that... You are now my servant.''
A black snake came out of nowhere and sunk its teeth in Makoto!...! Thanks snake!
Snake: ''Isamu, You will die...
On the other hand... Maybe we shouldn't thank the snake...
Ryou: ''Hmm...''
Ruby: ''Grrr... That Isamu, thinks he can beat you!''
Ryou: ''If that anoying human wouldn't have shown up... I would have been killed... I must beat him.''
Ruby: ''If that Priestess wound have stepped in you would have won!''
Outside a mansion in the middle of the forest.
Isamu: ''This place... It feels haunted...''
Sakura shivered.
Sakura: ''B-b-b-by what or who?''
Isamu: ''You hang out with demons and yet your afraid of ghosts... Well it should calm you that this place is haunted by a demon.''
Sakura: ''Is it strong?''
Isamu: ''Beyond, what ever you though was possible... Two of them.''
Sakura: ''Will we survive if we go in?''
Isamu: ''If they are friendly... Lets go say, hi.''
Hotaru: ''What are you crazy! Theres two strong demons in there, and we're going to take a chance that they are friendly!?''
Isamu: ''Its an order.''
Hotaru: ''...Fine! *Mumble*''
Kiyoshi: ''Here goes! Time to prove how brave i am!''
The entred the mansion.
A boy and girl stod there to greet them.
The girl had short red hair, green eyes, and was short but still not as young as she apeared.
The boy, had short blond'ish hair, big green eyes, and had kind face.
Isamu: ''Nice to meet you, Are you the spirits?''
Boy: ''No, no, we have lived here since our parents died. And this place has been haunted by demons it was built.
Girl: ''Are you spirits?''
Sakura: ''I'm not... I am priestess Sakura Etsuko.'' (Etsu means ''Joy'' and Ko means ''Child'' In Japanese!!!!!!!)
Hotaru: ''I am a half demon, named, Hotaru wingsong.''
Kiyoshi: ''I am a dragon, named, Kiyoshi Hanako.'' (Hana means ''Flower'' and Ko means ''Child'' in Japanese!!!!!!!)
Isamu: ''I'm a wolf demon named Isamu... I dont know my last name...''
Girl: ''I am Chiyo Chou.'' (Chi means ''Thousand'' and Yo means ''Generations'' In Japanese!!!!!!! And Chou means ''Butterfly'' In Japanese!!!!!!!)
Boy: ''I am Daisuke Chou.'' (Dai means ''Large/Great'' In Japanese!!!!!!!)
Isamu: ''So, your siblings?''
Chiyo and Daisuke: ''Yes!''
Chiyo: ''I hope you enjoy your stay here, you can even spend the night if you want to.''
Everybody started to look at Isamu.
Isamu: ''Stop looking at me like i'm saying, no... I say, Thank you for your hospitality.''
Daisuke: ''Great! I'll show you to the guest rooms.''
3 Hours Later...
Daisuke, Kiyoshi and Isamu is in the living room, the rest is upstairs.
Daisuke: ''Your a lucky guy, Isamu.''
Isamu: ''How so?''
Daisuke: ''Traveling with a group of girls... I wish i was you...''
Isamu: ''It never accured to me.''
Daisuke: ''What?! Your kidding, right?''
Isamu: ''Nope...''
Kiyoshi: ''What a pervert that guy is.''
Daisuke: ''Aw come'on! Its how i roll!''
Kiyoshi: ''Besides we're not even the same species!''
Daisuke: ''But still...''
Kiyoshi: ''I bet you even think of your sister pervertedly!''
Daisuke: ''Hell no! Now your the one who has a sick mind.
Isamu: ''Daisuke, theres no point in arguing with her.''
Kiyoshi: ''See! Ha!''
Daisuke: ''I still say your a lucky guy, cause even my sister have taken a liking to you.''
Kiyoshi: ''How cute!''
Isamu: ''Wait, What?''
Daisuke: ''You heard me.''
Isamu: ''Sorry, i didn't hear, i wasen't listening.''
Isamu saw 2 fox ears sick out of Daisukes head.
Isamu: ''Your a kitsune?''
Daiskue: ''*Gasp!*''
A fox tail came out aswell.
Isamu: ''Well, well, you were the demons after all!''
Daisuke: ''Its true, we are the demons... Please dont kill us... The people who summond us died, not our parents... They were too weak to dismiss us before they died, so we have to wait for someone else to take their place, before we are allowed to leave...''
Isamu: ''I wont kill you... If fact, I'll take their place.''
Daisuke: ''Huh?... Really?''
Isamu: ''Yeah... But, get up of the floor you look pathetic down there.''
Daisuke: ''Thank you so much!''
Isamu: ''Well its only right, you were so nice to us anyway.''
Sakuras voice: ''You have changed alot from when we first met you Isamu.''
The others came in...
Isamu: ''Your right! I'm going soft! Whats going on!?''
Hotaru: ''Shall we set of?''
Daisuke: ''Hehehe! Isamu, remember the time i said, your a lucky guy?''
Isamu: ''Yeah?''
Daisuke: ''Now i'm a lucky guy too!''
Kiyoshi: ''Pervert...''
Chiyo came out from behind Sakura, Also with fox tail and ears.
Chiyo: ''Yeah... My brother is the world biggest perv...''
Daisuke: ''Cut me some slack!''
Isamu: ''Can we just leave now?''
The set of...
But they got ambushed by Makoto.
Makoto: ''Get ready to taste the power of the new and, even if it is impossible, Improved Makoto the great!''
Makoto drew a sword that looked just like heartless.
Isamu: ''Where did you get that?!''
Makoto: ''A snake gave it to me!-But thats beside the point, lets fight!''
Isamu: ''A snake?... Whatever lets just get this over with!''
Makoto came charging with his sword.
Isamu tried to stop it with his sword but got knocked back when the swords collided!
The fought for a while and Isamu got knocked back again and again!
Then Isamu fell.
And to land the final blow Makoto slashed randomly in the air!
But isamu was too weak to get out of the way.
But then Chiyo took the blow instead and both her arm and legs got torn of!
Daisuke: ''Sis!!!!!!!''
Chiyo wasen't moving or breathing.
isamu's face had no expression.
Isamu: ''...''
Isamu: ''...''
Isamu: ''...''
Isamu: ''Chiyo... Why... Why for me?''
Isamu transformed into a wolf!
And he was pissed of!
Isamu: ''Grrr!... You'll pay for this Makoto!... Pay with your life!... You must die!... DIE!!!!!!!''
He charged Makoto with anger and bloodthirst in his eyes!!!!!!!

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii (The Demon's Pure Soul) Chapter 7 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Ruby'' *Unanimated*

Chapter Seven: Kitsune No Ai Vs Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii!

The chapter starts with Hotaru, Kiyoshi, Sakura And Hotaru sitting next to eachother against a rock sleeping.
Sakura wakes up.
Sakura: ''Isamu, its morning
Isamu wakes up.
Isamu: ''What? Already?''
Hotaru wakes up.
Hotaru: ''An other day, one day closer to death.
Kiyoshi wakes up quickly with her eyes wide open.
Kiyoshi: ''Somethings coming this way!''
Hotaru: ''You had a dreem didn't you?''
Isamu smells the air.
Isamu: ''No... Something is coming!''
10 Minutes ago somewhere else!!!!!!!
An elf with a fox in his lap is sitting by a tree.
Ruby: ''This is the life, dontcha think?''
Ryou: ''Heh, yeah.''
Ruby: ''I've been meaning to ask you... Whats a dark elf?''
Ryou: ''*Sigh*''
Ruby: ''Its ok if you dont wanna talk about it!''
Ryou: ''Dont worry, i can talk about it.
Ryou: ''A normal elf can control sprits and use fire and ice magic. A dark elf has the power to use fire and shadow magic, and also can destroy the minds of demons who's blood the have tasted.''
Ryou: ''And as you know i'm a dark elf.''
Ruby: ''They dont sound so evil.''
Ryou: ''They have an evil power deep within thier souls, thats released at some times... mine is always released... I released the day the Ruby Crystal took over me.''
Ruby: ''But, your not evil...''
Ryou: ''I wonder about that...''
Ruby: ''I smell demon!''
Ryou: ''Is it Aimi?''
Ruby: ''No, its a dragon, a half demon, a human and a very evil demon.''
Ryou: ''Lets go!''
They ran awhile and they came to a place with a wicked aura around it... it was because one of the demons.
They also saw a human, with long white hair, green eyes and wearing a white dress.
Isamu: ''No... Something is coming!''
Isamu drew his sword.
Isamu: ''Come out! Heartless and i will crush you!
Hotaru: ''Kiyoshi, do you know what he ment by heartless?''
Kiyoshi: ''No, Hotaru, i have no idea... What about you Sakura?''
Isamu: ''Oh, thats right i never told you, i named my sword heartless.''
Isamu: ''I smell a fox!''
Ryou: ''Hello there, demon.
Isamu: ''My name is Isamu... And where the fox?''
Ruby: ''Right, here!''
Ryou: ''What are you doing so close to the elf village?''
Isamu: ''I see theres a village close by... I just hope that village doesen't get in our way then, heh.''
Ryou drew his sword!
Ryou: ''I wont let you pass!''
Isamu: ''Ok, i'll just kill you and be on my way then!''
Ryou and isamu charged eachother!!!!!!!
The slashed at the same time and thier swords met!
Ryou thinking: ''What is that incredible power i felt!''
Isamu thinking: ''I underestimated him, he's strong!''
the slashed swords again and then they tried to stab eachother but the tip of their swords met and struck their blades from their hands!
Isamu: ''Hotaru now!''
Ryou: ''Ruby now!''
Hotaru transformed into a raven and fired a fire ball!
Ruby used fox fire!
the blast collided and took eachother out!
then Ryou and Isamu fired a beam of fire from both their hands!
The beams hit eachother!
they struggled to overpower eachother!
Then Kiyoshi transformed into her dragon form and tried to help!
but then Aimi came and kicked Kiyoshi!
Aimi: ''Heh, its time for me to join the party!''
Aimi and Kiyoshi started to fight!
And Ruby and Hotaru did too!
Sakura just stod there and looked.
But suddenly Ryou got over powered by Isamu and to dodge it, Ryou jumped up and threw a knife that went through Isamus hand.
Isamu: ''Argh! Darn you!''
He took the knife and threw it back!
Ryou ducked it and picked it up.
Ryou: ''Heh, now your doomed.''
The others stoped fighting and looked at them.
Ryou licked a bit Isamus blood of the blade.
Ruby: ''Yes, i understand!''
Ryou: ''I say... Die!''
Isamu: ''Aaaaaarghhh!... You-You're a dark elf!''
Isamu held his hands on his head!
Sakura: ''By all my power!... Save Isamu from his torture!''
Isamus pain stoped.
He suddenly apeared behind Ryou.
Isamu: ''I say... YOU, die!''
He was just about to kill Ryou when a smoke bomb exploded and a shadow apeared in it!
Voice: ''Its the awesome, cool, amazing, outstanding and fantastic... Makoto the great!''
Sakura: ''You must be joking!''
Isamu: ''Lets withdraw... Makoto just ruinded the mood... We'll fight again...''
Ryou: ''My names Ryou...''
Isamu and his team ran away!
So did Ryou, Ruby and Aimi!
Makoto: ''How dare they leave when the most interesting part came, i mean i was in it!''
Ryou: ''I will...''
Isamu: ''Get you!''
Ryou: ''Cause I am!''
Isamu: ''Cause I am!''
Ryou and Isamu at the same time: ''Stronger!!!!!!!''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii (The Demon's Pure Soul) Chapter 6 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Sakura Tree''

Chapter Six: Makoto... He sucks...!

Sakura: ''I've been outside... For the first time in 8 years... I should have enjoyed it more....... The villiage havent changed since i last was there...''
Then Eddy came through the door!
Eddy: ''Sakura, We found you a fiance!''
Sakura: ''Wha-Wha-Wha-What!?''
Eddy: ''Your getting married next week!''
Sakura: ''Bu-But!''
Eddy: ''Makoto! Come in here!'' (Makoto means ''Sencerity'' In Japanese!!!!!!! Right?)
Then a middle aged man walked in the door.
Makoto: ''You'll be mine next week... I'll be gentle, Heh.
Sakura almost threw up.
Makoto: ''See ya next week.''
Makoto left the room.
Sakura: ''Father, I'm NOT going to marri-''
She got slapped.
Eddy: ''You will!!!!!!!''
Eddy left the room...
Sakura held her hand at the place she was slapped...
Sakura thinking: ''I MUST escape!''
Kiyoshi: ''Are we there yet?''
Isamu: ''What do you think! Where NOT there stop asking!!!!!!!''
Isamu: ''Geez''
5 Minutes later.
Hotaru: ''Isamu?''
Isamu: ''Oh come'on! What is it now!''
Hotaru: ''Where here.''
Isamu. ''I can see that...''
They saw Makoto.
Makoto: ''Who these fair ladies? Why are you traveling with such a low life? Come with me, Makoto the great and i'll rock your world!''
Hotaru: ''Premission to ''rock his world'' Isamu?''
Isamu: ''Premission Granted.''
Hotaru punched Makoto right in the face.
Makoto: ''How dare you turn me down woman!''
Isamu: ''Kiyoshi Now!''
Kiyoshi burned Makoto with her fire breath!
Makoto: ''Oh noes, my noes!''
Isamu: ''You want to taste my wrath?... Heres a hint: ''You dont!'' Heh!''
Makoto stod up and ran away with the last shread of his pride, He was owned 3 times in a row, he must be down for good.
Hotaru: ''Couldn't we just have killed him, and make everybody happy.''
Isamu: ''We dont want to make a scene.''
Kiyoshi: ''We just did.''
Isamu: ''Dont turn this around.''
They cept walking, and all the guards on the way dropped their wepons and ran away, cause they recognised him.
They heard some gossip by leting Hotaru talk to the birds.
They got to know Sakura was getting married, and to who.
Isamu let Hotaru and Kiyoshi check out the market, while he went to the church.
Finnaly he got to Sakuras room.
Sakura: ''There must be some way to escape.''
The door got broken in.
Isamu: ''Come along if you want...''
Sakura: ''You came for me! You saved me again!''
Isamu: ''You dont wanna get married to that Makoto guy, right''
Sakura: ''No way!''
Isamu: ''Then get on my back.''
Sakura climed on his back and said: ''Sorry, if i'm heavy...''
Isamu: ''Your not, your much easier to carry then a dead body.''
Sakura: ''I dont know if that was a compliment or an insult.''
Isamu: ''Me niether.''
They escaped and ran passed the market.
Isamu: ''Hotaru, Kiyoshi Come'on!''
They ran out of the village...
later guards reported that Isamu defeated them and kidnapped Sakura.
Eddy: ''Why The Hell Didn't you stop them!''
Guard: ''He was to strong he overpowered us!''
Isamu: ''We're gonna be in alot of trubble!''
Sakura hugged Isamu.
Sakura: ''Thanks for getting me out of there, Now i can be outside once again!''
Sakura: ''But, why?... Why are you being so nice?''
Isamu: ''It wasen't for you... I just dont want the Makoto creep to have his way, and i dont want your father to have his way...''
Sakura: ''Hehe, But thanks anyway...''
Hotaru: ''Guess you'll be traveling with us.''
Kiyoshi: ''Yay, more people!''
Hotaru: ''Your the oldest one here and you act like a baby, Kiyoshi...''
Kiyoshi looked like she was going to cry.
Kiyoshi: ''You think i'm old?''
Hotaru: ''No, No, I didn't meant it like that? I'm 17.''
Kiyoshi: ''...?''
Hotaru: ''Thats 2 years younger than you...''
Kiyoshi: ''...?''
Hotaru: ''Never mind forget i said anything...''
Eddy: ''Makoto your not only a part of the highest ranked family in these lands, but your also a pro Demon Slayer.''
Makoto: ''Yes, that is exacly what i just finnished telling you.''
Eddy: ''Now go! My daughters fait rests in your hands! Who knows what kind of evil and sinfull things that demon is putting her through?!''
Makoto: ''Understod! I will save your daugther and prevent the demon from harming her! I just hope i'm not to late!''
Isamu: ''Want some water?''
Sakura: ''Yes, please.''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii (The Demon's Pure Soul) Chapter 5 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Isamu''
Disclaimer: I Did Not Draw This Picture!!!!!!! Blazing-Wolf On Photobucket Did!!!!!!!

Chapter Five: Heartless?

Sakura: ''No! Let go of me i dont want to go back into that room!''
Eddy: ''Thats not your choise!''
Its raining outside...
Kiyoshi: ''Where are we going?''
Isamu: ''Nowhere, i still have unfinnished buisness at the village...''
Hotaru: ''With Sakura?''
Isamu: ''No, with the priest...''
Kiyoshi: ''Oh, i get it!''
Isamu: ''Its not like that! I ment, the time when he punched me, i still haven't hit him back!''
Hotaru: ''When did he hit you?''
Isamu: ''It was before i met you two.''
Hotaru: ''Oh!''
Isamu: ''Lets stop here for the night...''
Kiyoshi: ''But its rai-''
Isamu: ''Under the tree...''
Kiyoshi: ''But that not very good protection...''
Isamu: ''Your a dragon, right, how come your complaing about rain?''
Kiyoshi: ''I never flew in the rain, i stayed in a cave...''
Hotaru: ''And i'll catch a cold!''
Isamu: ''Grr... Deal with it!''
Kiyoshi: ''Thats not very nice...''
Hotaru: ''You said it...''
Isamu: ''Well i'm not very nice!''
Time passes...
Hotaru: ''I'm f-f-f-freezing...''
Kiyoshi: ''Me-Me too...''
Isamu stod up and his hands started to glow!
He shoot the light at the ground, and some kind of tent shaped power shield came up from the ground!
Hotaru: ''How did you do that?!''
Isamu: ''I dont know.''
Hotaru: ''How can you not know-''
Isamu: ''Stop asking questions before i kill you!''
Hotaru: ''You wouldn't!''
Isamu drew his sword and pointed it against Hotaru.
Isamu: ''Watch me...''
Hotaru: ''I-Is this cause i'm half human?''
Isamu: ''No!... And what did i say about asking questions!''
Kiyoshi: ''Leave her alone, she hasen't done anything!''
Isamu: ''Hmph.''
He put his sword back in his holder...
Hotaru: ''You could kill me and you wouldn't care, right!''
Isamu: ''I could kill anyone and just shake it of a second later... Anyone.''
Hotaru: ''I'm starting to regret making that deal... My life is in danger around you.''
Kiyoshi: ''Deal?''
Hotaru: ''I said that i would become his servant if he spared my life the day we met... He accepted... I'm starting to regret suggesting it...''
Isamu: ''You dont have to sick to it if you dont want to... Its your choise to leave or not.''
Hotaru: ''Well then i'm leaving!''
Hotaru turned into a raven and flew away...
Kiyoshi: ''Oh, why did it have to turn out like this?''
Isamu: ''Its your choise to stay and leave too.''
Kiyoshi: ''I dont have anywhere else to go, i have to stay.''
They heard a screem!
They ran there and found Hotaru in her raven form on the ground with an arrow through her back!
They saw a hunter with a mask not far from there.
Hunter: ''Yes, i got it!''
Isamu: ''You prepared to die...''
Hunter: ''Its you!''
The hunter took his mask of and they saw it was sakuras brother!
Isamu: ''Oh, its you, hi, but anyway, you'll pay for harming Hotaru!''
Sakuras brother used some kind of smoke bomb and got away!
Isamu went and picked up Hotaru, and took the arrow out of her.
Hotaru opened her eyes.
Hotaru: ''Isamu... You stod up for me?... You were going to fight... For me?''
Isamu: ''Yeah, so what?''
Hotaru: ''I'm glad... Master...''
Isamu: ''Master?''
Hotaru: ''You are my new master...''
Kiyoshi put her hand on Hotaru and her wound healed.
Kiyoshi: ''Now, you'll be as good as new.''
Hotaru turned into her human form.
Isamu: ''Lets go...''
and then they walked away silently in the rain...

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii (The Demon's Pure Soul) Chapter 4 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Dragon''

Chapter Four: Dragons, Names And Jokes!

Isamu had been arested and taken to the execution chamber...
Sakura: ''I told you... Try to avoid killing it... But when it begged for its life you just laughted and slaughtered the poor thing...''
Isamu: ''Hmhmhm...''
Sakura: ''Are you a monster!?''
Isamu: ''It'll all work out, you'll see...''
Sakura: ''I cant bail you out of this one, they would never listen to me...''
Isamu: ''I got it all worked out... As i said, you'll see. Hmhmhmmm''
2 minutes later they are about to hang him... But then Isamu raises his rope tied hands to the sky and a fire ball comes out of nowhere in the sky and burns the rope away!
The raven came flying in, injured, but in good enough condition to fly around and attack well.
Isamu: ''Let the killing start!''
Sakura went infront of Isamu.
Sakura: ''Isamu... Stop this madness! Theres no need for anyone to die!''
Isamu: ''Madness?... Hmph! Sakura move!''
Sakura: ''No! I refuse! You have to go through me cause i'm not allowing anyone to hurt my family!''
The raven landed on Isamu's arm...
Raven: ''Isamu the're coming!''
Isamu: ''More guards?''
Raven: ''No, Dragons! Th-They are coming!''
Isamu jumped up and out of the open roof exucution chamber.
Sakura: ''Oh no dragons! Guards warn everybody!''
Guards: ''Understod priestess Sakura!''
Isamu stod outside ready to face the dragons!
They came flying in, 5 of them!
Dragons: ''Scriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!''
Isamu charged them and slashed one with his sword!
He injured it in the neck it fell and landed on the ground. It was the smallest one that fell!
The others started to use thier fire breath on the village and burning down some houses!
HighPriest: ''Whats with the sudden number of demon and monster attacks!?''
The guards tryed to fight one the dragons but one by one they fell, while Isamu had defeated 4 of them without a scratch.
Now he had to fight the last one!
He charaged it!
It charaged him!
They collided tail vs sword!
The dragon fell!
After the fight, Isamu went to the first one he struck.
Isamu: ''Its still alive!''
HighPriest: ''Kill It!''
Sakura: ''Dont kill it!''
Isamu: ''Come'on high priest!''
HighPriest: ''My name is Eddy!''
Isamu: ''You call yourself a priest!? You are directly telling me to kill a pure beast, while you know all life is worth something!''
Highpriest: ''You kill for fun, dont talk to me about that!''
Eddy Shut his eyes.
Isamu: ''Dont you, shut your eyes in silence!... I'm a demon, your a priest... Theres a big difference!''
Eddy: ''Besides that beast isint pure, it tryed to destroy our village!''
Isamu: ''This dragon is pure, its just being controlled by a poison that can control others... And paralyze them when they are disobaying orders.''
Isamu started to lick the small dragon wound, curing the poison for some reason i dont know... What?!... Com'on! How am i supposed to know! I'm just a voice! (4Th Wall Broken!!!!!!!)
Dragon: ''What... Are You... Doing...''
Isamu: ''How long have you been awake?''
Dragon: ''Since the priest said his name... Wheres my family?''
Isamu: ''... They are dead... I killed them...''
The dragon looked surpried and scared!
Dragon: ''You-you-you-you d-d-d-did -wha-wha-wha-what!?''
Isamu: ''You heard me...''
The dragon had a sad face like it was crying, but no tears came out.
Dragon: ''End it!...''
Isamu: ''Huh?''
Dragon: ''End my life whats the point of living when i'm all alone in the world!''
Isamu: ''Fine...''
Sakura: ''You-you cant! Its just a child!''
Isamu: ''Hmph, It wanted to die... Besides its one year older than me its 19...''
Sakura: ''How can you tell?''
Isamu: ''I can do many pointless things that would not benifit in anyother situation than this...''
Dragon: ''Quit messing around and kill me!''
Raven: ''How can you ''Wany'' to die? I fear death more than most things!''
Dragon: ''I dont want to be alone in my life...''
Isamu: ''I can take care of you...''
Dragon: ''How can you say something like that!? You killed my parents!''
Sakura: ''How about I take ca-''
Eddy: ''Dont you even think about it!''
Isamu: ''The poisons gone and you can move again...''
Dragon: ''...''
Isamu put his hand on the dragons chest...
And it was like he passed out standing while holding his hand there.
Sakura: ''Whats going on?''
Raven: ''He has entered the heart of the dragon, he's trying to earn the dragons forgivness...''
Eddy: ''He's good i must admit...''
Sakura: ''You've become quite friendly with him dad.''
Eddy: ''No i still want him dead.''
Sakura: ''Oh...''
The raven entered her human form.
Sakura: ''Is that you?!''
Raven was now a girl, with long black hair, short and blood red eyes, that feels so powerfull that you feel like you get sucked into them just by staring at them.
Raven: ''Whats the matter, never seen a mix human/demon before?''
Isamu wkoe up!
And he gave the dragon a long hug and while he did that, the dragon transformed into a human form: A girl with blue eyes, long blue hair and dragon wings and tail.
Then she woke up in Isamus arms.
Raven: ''Looks like he did it! He aquired the dragons forgivness!''
Dragon: ''My name is Kiyoshi...'' (Kiyoshi Means ''Pure'' In Japanese!!!!!!!)
Isamu went over to the fallen dragons and toutched them with a glowing hand and they disapeared one by one...
Isamu: ''Rest in peace...''
Sakura thinking: ''I never knew Isamu could be so kind.''
Raven: ''Not that is matters at this point but... My name is Hotaru!'' (Hotaru Means ''Firefly'' In Japanese!!!!!!!)
Isamu: ''I'll be going for now... See ya...''
Then Isamu, Kiyoshi and Hotaru walked out of the village...
Eddy Thinking: ''I'll get you Isamu, you'll die...''
Sakura Thinking: ''Is kind... But he just dont show it very often...''
Sakura Thinking: ''....... Isamu.......''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii (The Demon's Pure Soul) Chapter 3 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Raven''

Chapter Three: The Wolf Vs The Raven!

Isamu and Sakura heard trubble at the village!
Sakura: ''Whats going on?!''
Isamu: ''The people of the village will die, a demon is attacking... I can smell it.''
Sakura: ''We gotta help!''
Isamu: ''I could care less.''
Sakura: ''My final order is for you to help them!!!!!!!''
Isamu: ''... Understod...''
When they got to the village they saw a Raven shooting fire at the houses, and pecking peoples eyes out!
Isamu Drew his sword!
Isamu: ''Its time... To slit your throat!''
Sakura: ''Try to avoid killing it, you might be able to find a peacefull resulution!''
Isamu jumped up against the raven, but it ducked!
Sakura: ''Why, did this happend?... Whats with the sudden demon attack?... Why is it attacking us?
Then Sakuras father came...
HighPriest: ''Sakura there you are i was so worried that you got killed by the demon!''
HighPriest: ''Our guards are out to look for you!
Then Sakuras brother came out of the building!
Sakuras Brother: ''I had a warning vision: I saw a wolf eating a Raven!''
HighPriest: ''This is not the time!''
Sakura: ''You said ''Raven'', Right?''
Hayato: ''Yes.''
Sakura Thinking: ''Could Isamu be a wolf?''
Isamu: ''Pathetic Raven why are you doing this? you should be out killing unsuspecting targets...''
Raven: ''Its revenge! On the humans!''
Isamu started change... He started to transform!
Isamu: ''Grr... Grr... Heh if thats the case, i'll finnish this quickly!''
Isamu had now transformed into a wolf!
Sakura: ''I knew it!''
Hayato: ''Thats the demon that attacked us before!''
Sakura: ''He saved us!''
HighPriest: ''Lets hope the wolf and raven kills eachother!''
Sakura Thinking: ''They are not even listening...''
The Isamu had the raven by the neck and was ready to kill it.''
Isamu: ''Before i kill you... Tell me exacly why you are doing this!''
Raven: ''It happend about week ago...''
A Girl is inside a big mansion with a man...
Mans voice: ''Do it!''
Girls Voice: ''Master... Please dont do this...''
Man voice: ''I saved you from death and and raised you! you'll listen to me!''
Girls voice: ''I... I dont want to...''
Man voice: ''Do it! Take of your clothes!''
Raven narrating: ''This went on for days... This was when i was a human...''
Raven narrating: ''Untill i had enough...''
Girls voice: ''I i've enough... This ends today!''
Mans voice: ''You think you have a say in the matter?''
Girls voice: ''You Die!''
Raven narrating: ''I took a knife and sabbed him... Untill he stoped breathing and moving... And i want all the humans to pay... They call demons evil, when they are the ones thats evil!... So i asked demons for help... And with their power i now have the power to change between human form and raven form...''
(Flashback Ends!!!!!!!)
Raven: ''Spare me and i'll leave this village...''
Isamu let go of the ravens neck...
Isamu: ''Hahaha, You thought that a sad story could save your life... Pathetic!''
Isamu sunk his teeth in the ravens neck so that the blood started to gush, he took the raven by its neck ran into the forest and came back after 10 minutes without the raven, and was in his human form..With his mouth covered in blood.
HighPriest: ''Does this prove to you that demons are evil creatures Sakura?''
Sakura was chocked over what Isamu had done.
Sakura: ''Y-Yes.''
Isamu: ''Heh, now... Whats your next move priest?''
The guards sent out to look for Sakura came back.
HighPriest: ''Guards arrest the demon, but be careful its dangerous!''
The tied up Isamu...
Isamu Thinking: ''Now its up to you Raven... Its your turn...''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii (The Demon's Pure Soul) Chapter 2 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Symbol: ''Love''

Chapter Two: The Pure And The Tainted Souls Meet!

Isamu: ''I... Killed them... I ended their life... That feeling, that power, the blood... I must do it again!''
a gang of thieves attacked a village nearby.
Sakura: ''Whats going on?''
She heard a voice from out side yelling.
Voice: ''Thieves they are raiding the vill-Aguh!''
The voice was silenced...
The thieves entered the room where Sakura is...
Mneawhile outside...
Isamu came into the village!
HighPriest: ''Dont give in we have to protect the holy grounds.''
Then the thieves heads started to be cut of one by one.
Meanwhile inside...
Sakura let go of me, now...
Thief: ''You dont have a say in the matter, you coming with us baby!'
Sakura stuggled to get loose.
When the thieves suddenly got killed...
It was Isamu!
Isamu and Sakura just stared at each other for a while...
Isamu: ''You fear the darkness... But, yet you still fear the light... ''
Sakura: ''Wha-What do you want with me...''
Isamu: ''Dont worry... you cannot be overcome by either of them.''
Sakura: ''Are... Are you a demon-''
Then suddenly the high priest came in the room and punched Isamu to the ground!
HighPriest: ''Dont you dare violate this place demon.''
Isamu: ''Mahahahahaha!''
Isamu: ''You'll regret that.''
Isamu raised his sword.
Sakura got infront Isamu facing her dad.
Sakura: ''Dont hurt him!''
Isamu: ''...''
Isamu lowered his sword.
Sakura: ''Dont fight him dad...''
HighPriest: ''Its a demon, its not allowed on holy grounds!''
Sakura: ''He was the one that saved me from the thieves!''
HighPriest: ''That does not remove the fact that its a demon!''
Isamu: ''I have a name... Its Isamu...''
Isamu jumped up through the roof and left the building...
HighPriest: ''See what you have done, because of you it got away now who knows who it'll reek havok in next!?''
That night...
Sakura was alone in her new room they moved her to...
Sakura: ''I'll never get out of this house...''
She was about to cry when Isamu suddenly apeared in the room!
Sakura: ''Wha-Wha-What a-a-a-are you d-d-doing here?!''
Isamu: ''I came to ask you... Why did you stand up for me, back then?...''
Sakura: ''Well you saved me and i coulden't let someone die just like that.''
Isamu: ''Why, not... Death is ineveteble.''
Sakura: ''He was going to kill you, and killing is wrong...''
Isamu: ''Killing... Is wrong???''
Sakura: ''Yes.''
Isamu: ''Wow, have i made some misstakes...''
Sakura: ''Was that all?''
Isamu: ''Do you want to leave?''
Sakura: ''Huh?''
Isamu: ''Do you want to leave this place...''
Sakura: ''Whadda you mean?''
Isamu: ''I can take you out of this building.''
Sakura: ''!... You can?''
Isamu: ''Yes... Do you want to?''
Sakura: ''But what if were caught...''
Isamu: ''You wont have to worry about that, i knocked out the guards.''
Isamu: ''If we're going to leave you have to awnser yes or no right now.''
Sakura hesitated a little...
Sakura: ''Ye-Yes!''
Isamu: ''Grab my hand.''
She did and they found the're way outside...
Sakura: ''Oh the glorius outdoors!''
Isamu: ''Shhh, we're still in the village.''
Sakura: ''Oh, right.''
Isamu: ''How long wuld you like to be outside?''
Sakura: ''I dont ever want to go back there!''
Sakura: ''But... Why are you so nice to me, Isamu?''
Isamu: ''Your the first to look into my eyes without cowering, i addmire your courage... And cause of it, i will follow 3 of your orders...''
Sakura: ''Wow... That complex... But my first-''
Isamu: ''Your first was to come out side, i've done that for you, now move on to the second before i kill somebody, out of boredom.''
Sakura: ''Sorry!... Hmm... My second is to travel around!''
Isamu: ''Outside the village?... No problem, If you want you can travel with me.
Sakura: ''Well... If i'm not a bother...''
Isamu: ''I take that as a yes.''
5 Minutes later they are outside the village...
Sakura: ''Where are we going?''
Isamu: ''My master told me to find ''The one for me'' But i dont fully understand what it ment.''
Sakura: ''Who's your master?''
Isamu: ''... I dont know...''
Sakura: ''I'm tired...''
Isamu: ''*sigh*''
Isamu: ''We'll stay here for the night then...''
They sat down...
After 2 minutes Isamu noticed that Sakura started shivering...
Isamu gave Sakura his coat...
Sakura: ''But, dont you need thi-''
Isamu: ''No.''
Sakura and Isamu went to sleep...
The next morning they woke up about the same time when they heard truble back at the village...
Sakura: ''Whats going on!?''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii (The Demon's Pure Soul) Chapter 1 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Symbol: ''Demon''

Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii (The Demon's Pure Soul)
This story takes place in feudal japan!!!!!!!
Chapter one: The One For Me!

Voice: ''My very first memories are... a snow storm one winter night... A snake with red eyes... then... nothing...''
Voice: ''I wish i knew more... like who my parents are, where i came from or my name...''
The story starts of with a 18 year old boy... In a place unknown to all... and he has no memories of what accured, even 10 minutes ago...
Boy: ''Who am i...''
DeepVoice: ''You are my sevant.''
Boy: ''Who are you?''
DeepVoice: ''I'm your master... You will do as i say.''
Boy: ''Ma-master?''
DeepVoice: ''Yes... And you have powers other dont, and with those powers i want you to seekout a ''the one for you''.''
Boy: ''Who is ''the one for me''?''
DeepVoice: ''The one you chose.''
Boy: ''Who am i?''
DeepVoice: ''Isamu...'' (Isamu Means ''Courage/Bravery'' In Japanese!)
The Deep Voice vannished...
Isamu started to fall!
And suddenly he was up ontop of a sakura tree branch.
Isamu: ''Wha-What the?''
He jumped down.
Isamu: ''Find ''The one for me''?''
Then 8 thieves aproched Isamu.
Isamu just then noticed that he had a sword in a holder.
Thief1: ''Nice sword... Give it here...''
Isamu's eyes began to glow.
Isamu drew his sword.
Isamu: ''Come and get it then!!!!!!!''
Isamu Slaughtered the thieves one by one.
And in the end he was covered in blood.
Isamu: ''That... That felt good.''
and with a evil and currupted smile, he licked of some blood from one of his cheeks.
At a high priest home.
Girls voice: ''I dont want to be locked up like a prisoner anymore, father!''
Mans voice: ''If you go out then everybody will look at you with their inpure eyes! I wont allow it!''
Girls voice: ''I've been locked up in this room since i was 10 years old!... 8 whole years without even setting foot out side this room!''
Mans voice: ''You are the daughter of a high priest, you'll remain pure untill we find the right person for you!''
Girls voice: ''I want to deside that for myself!''
Man voice: ''A woman chosing a husband, like that'd ever happend!''
Girls voice: ''How do you know that!''
Man voice: ''I dont wanna hear anymore about these insane toughts, Sakura! Now go to bed!'' (Sakura means ''Cherry blossom'' in Japanese!)
Girls voice: ''One day... Someday... I will really get out... And live life for real...''
Enemy soldiers are closing in...
And Isamu... Is also on his way...
What will happen?
Find out next time!

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Kitsune No Ai (A Foxes Love) Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Symbol: ''Fox''

Kitsune No Ai (A Foxes Love)

Chapter One! Precious Ruby!

The story begins with a small female fox, running away from 2 people chasing it. But why is it running? Well because it stole a fish from a fish shop and the ones chasing it are the shop keepers.
Fox Thinking: ''Faster, *pant* *pant* must run faster!''
Shop keeper1: ''Come back with that fish!''
Shop keeper2: ''We'll Kill You!''
Shop keeper1: ''*shhhhh* Dont say that, or it wont stop.''
Shop keeper2: ''Its just a fox, its not like it understand what we're saying.''
Shop keeper1: ''What if its a demon fox?!
Shop keeper2: ''Even if it is... Its only more the reason to kill it!''
The fox tripped.
Fox Thinking: ''No! I'm doomed!''
Then a unknown person jumed in and grabbed the fox and ran away with the fox in his hands.
the fox looked up.
It saw a boy with pointy ears like an elf, black short hair, red evil eyes.
They stoped by a big tree and the fox dropped the fish.
Fox: ''You... You saved my life! oh, tha-
The boy interupted her.
Boy: ''Shut up.''
Fox: ''Wha... What?''
Boy: ''Its interesting that you can talk, but i didn't save you... I only wanted to eat you.
Fox: ''WHAT!?... But i tought that elves didn't eat meat!... You are an elf right''
Boy: ''Yeah... But... I've been starving for 4 days, i gotta eat something!... And you were just unlucky enough to be on the menu.''
The boy drew a knife from a holder, and put it against the foxes stomach.
Fox: ''No, please do-dont hurt me please im begging you.''
The boy didnt seem to litsen, and put the knife harder against the fox.
Fox: ''Stop... Please, it hurts.''
The boy didn't do anything at first. But then he took down the knife and put it back in its holder.
Then the boy let go of the fox, and looked away with a sad look in his eyes.
The fox looked surprised, and cearfully walked towards the boy.
The fox slowly took its paw and poked the boy in his hand.
The boy looked at the fox with an empty look in his eyes.
Boy: ''What?''
Fox Wispering: ''Thank you''
Boy: ''Hmph...''
Fox: ''Please dont take this the wrong way, but... Why did you stop.''
The boy looked away everything went quiet for a while.
Boy: ''I dont know...''
Fox: ''My names Ruby, Ruby Windpass... Whats yours?''
Boy: ''It doesen't matter.''
Ruby: ''You can have the fish i took.''
The boy looked surprised.
Boy: ''Really?''
Ruby: ''Yes... Your hungry right''
The boy ate the fish, and afterwards was about to leave.
Ruby: ''Where are you going?''
Boy: ''... I have no destination, but... I will keep walking.''
The boy turned around, and instead of the fox, it was a human girl.
A human girl with orange hair, orange eyes, Fox ears, Fox tail and her legs were the same as a fox paws.
Boy: ''What The?!''
Human Girl: ''Its still me, Ruby... Have the power to shapeshift. I can turn into whatever or whomever i want.''
Boy: ''I see...''
Boy: ''Fare Thee Well Then...''
Ruby: ''Bye...''
The boy turned around and started to walk away.
Then he turned back around and said.
Boy: ''My names Ryou.''
Ruby: ''Whats your last name?''
Ryou: ''I dont have one...''
Then he walked away.
Ruby: ''...Ryou, eh... I see.''
Ruby smiled, turned back into a fox and ran away.

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Chapter Two! Two Harpy Girls Go Round The Ouside, Round The Outside Round The Outside!

Ruby the fox is drinking water in a forest lake.
Ruby thinking: ''Ryou, eh...''
Ruby seem to be chocked over what she was thinking.
Ruby: ''Pull yourself together Ruby!... What are you thinking?!....... And who am i talking to?...''
Ruby continues to drink water.
Then all-of-a-sudden, a pair of bird claws flies down and tries to grab Ruby.
But Ruby reacts fast enough to roll over to the side.
Then Ruby sees what it is.
Its a Harpy.
A bird with the body of a human, feet of a bird, head of a human, hair of a human and arm with feathers so that it looks like wings.
The Harpy makes another dive for Ruby.
Ruby: ''Fox Fire!''
Making her sprout fire out of her mouth, Hitting the Harpy.
The Harpy got mad, and called for 3 more Harpys and they made a tornado with their wings, catching Ruby in it.
Ruby became furious, her orange eyes turned red, and her fur became mangy and then she said.
Ruby: ''How dare you!... I am stronger than you can ever be!... FACE MY WRATH!''
She turned the tornado, into a tornado of fire and yelled!
Ruby: ''FOX INFERNO!!!!!!!''
Blasting everything, and creating a crater.
Ruby returned to normal.
Ruby: ''Wha-what happend?! Where did the harpys go?! And where in the world did this crater come from?!?!?!''
The, she passed out.
Then after some hours shadow apeared above her.
It was a little girl with black raven wings, gray hair, and red eyes.
Little Girl: ''Heh, she doesen't even know her true power... Even though she just used it... So, basicly were came too late how are we gonna get her power now.''
Then an other person came out from the forest. This time it was a little boy, That person had a tatto that said evil on his forhead, Gray, blue eyes, a samurai sword and a scorpion tail.
Little Boy: ''Anyway that is as EVIL as possible.''
Little Girl: ''I see now that it was wrong to ask of your opinion, idiot.''
Little Boy: ''But whats the point of doing anything if it isin't completely EVIL!?''
Little Girl: ''I afraid any explenation would just lead to you asking something involving the word: EVIL.
Little Boy: ''...EIV-''
Little Girl: ''Let me guess? EVIL right?''
Little Boy: ''No, Sapphire i was not going to say that this time.''
Little Girl: ''Well then Saito! What is the ingienius thing you were going to say?! *Sarcasm*''
Saito: ''Um... EVIL- I mean... Um... EVIL? Damn.''
Sapphire: ''Lets just leave, she might be waking up any moment.''
Saito: ''Fine! You little *mumble*''
Sapphire: ''What was that?''
Saito: ''Nothing''
They left.
20 Minutes later Ruby woke up.
Ruby: ''Wa...ter... Need, Water... But... Too Weak... To move...''
Then a familiar shadow passed over her and gave her a leaf fuilled with water.
Ryou: ''Hi again.''
Ruby quickly drank the water and jump up on Ryou and gave him a hug.
Ruby: ''I'm so happy you came, I... I... I...''
Ryou: ''Calm down, i cant hear what your saying.''
Ruby: ''I'm just, I'm just so happy.''
Ryou: ''What happend here?''
Ruby: ''I dont know... Some harpys attacked me and trapped me in a tornado then i fainted, and later i woke up here with the place like this, Then passed out again, and woke up in the same place, very very thirsty... and then you came... And saved me again.
Ryou: ''Your blushing.''
Ruby just then noticed it herself.
Ruby: ''I-I am not!''
Ryou: ''Your not gonna admit it are you?''
Ruby: ''Nope.''
Then they heard a screem in a distance.
Ryou: ''I Gotta go! You'll be ok right?''
Ruby: ''Yeah, but... Where are you going?''
Ryou: ''No time to explain, see ya later.''
He ran away.
Ruby smiled widely.
Ruby: ''He said ''see ya later'' Does that mean he wants to see me again?!''
Ruby noticed what she was saying.
Ruby: ''Wait What Am I Thinking Now!?''
She stoped smiling and went quiet.
Ruby: ''I wonder why he had to go so fast... And what was that screem?''
Ruby started to run the same way she saw Ryou run.
Then a short while later at another place
A Harpy girl and Ryou were hiding under a bridge.
Ryou: ''Ok, what did you do this time Aimi?''
Aimi: ''I just said hi to a human.''
Ryou: ''You to realise that, humans fear Harpys and want them dead right?
Aimi: ''Yeah but it looked like a kind human.''
Ryou. ''Humans aren't kind, maybe some but they're not anyone you'd like to invite home...''
Then Ruby showed up, tired from all the running.
Ruby: ''Why *pant* did *pant* you have to run *pant*.
Ryou: ''I had to help this hopless case.''
Aimi: ''I my name is Aimi, the ''Ai'' stands for love/affection and the ''Mi'' stands for beutiful.''
Ruby stood there with open mouth.
Ruby: ''And your telling me this... why?''
Aimi: ''I like my name... Oh and Ryou-sama says that demons should stay away from humans.''
Ruby opened her mouth wider.
Ruby: ''Sama?!... Why do you call him that?!'' (Note: Sama is a word you put in the end of a name for a person you really respect.
Aimi: ''He saved my life, earlier today, and respect him for it.''
Ruby then started to remember the Harpys that attacked her... and the first one was the Harpy shes talking to.
Ruby: ''It... Was you... You attacked me!''
Aimi: ''Hmm?....... Oh! Now i remember! *hides behind Ryou* You almost k-k-killed me!''
Ruby: ''Dont be stupid you were going to eat me and YOU almost killed me.''
Aimi: ''Dont you remember, you used that big fire explosion at me and my friends... Becasue of you my friends died, and Ryou-sama had to save me in a near death state!''
Ruby looked surpried.
Ruby: ''Big... fire explosion?''
Ryou: ''I think i understand what happend now.''
Ryou: ''Aimi and her friends attacked Ruby and trapped Ruby in a tornado, then Ruby used some kind of fire exposion at them killing too and almost killing one.''
Ruby: ''But i... I didn't do anything wrong... I could never, kill someone.''
Ryou: ''Maybe you did it without knowing it.''
Ruby: ''But... I didn't do it!''
Ryou: ''I still think you did cause the injuries that Aimi and her friends had were burn injuries.''
Ryou: ''could you be quiet before the humans hea- Aw crap.''
23 Humans stood aiming swords, daggers, bow and arrow at them.

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Chapter Three! Crashing the party!

The Humans were getting ready to kill the demons.
Ryou counted them the humans.
Ruby was thiking: ''Ryou doesen't care about me... I'm sure he only cares for that Harpy... Doesen't he care about the fact that it wanted to eat me.''
Aimi was thinking: ''We're gonna die and its all my fault!''
Ryou: ''21, 22, 23... Ok, Heh.''
Aimi wispering: ''Whats up?''
Ryou wispering to both: ''Both of you duck down.''
Ruby was thinking about something so she didn't hear.
Ryou quickly got up and kicked a human in the face before they had time to react.
Then he punched another one.
Slamed two of the humans heads together knocking them both out.
Then Aimi got up and kicked a human with her bird legs, while the human was randomly waving his sword and hit three other humans with it, and all three fell.
and then Ryou punched yet another one, while Aimi kicked one... Again.
Ryou: ''Didnt i tell you two to duck down.''
Then Ruby stoped daydreeming and joined the fight.
Ruby transformed to a human form and used fox fire on 5 of them.
Ryou Punched out 2.
And Aimi kicked 2.
Now there was only one left.
Ryou: ''I'll handle this.''
Human: ''Prepare to die demon!''
the human drew his sword.
then Ryou also drew his sword.
and they started to fight!
the human slashed against Ryou!
He ducked and tried to stab the human!
He stoped it!
then the human attacked with super fast slashes!
Ryou ducked away from all of them!
and the fight continued.
While they were fighting, one humans that survived got up and aimed his bow against Ruby.
In the fight they started to use elemental spells and then in the heat of battle.
Ryou landed a slash and won!
The other human fired his bow.
And Ryou blocked the shot and got it in his back.
Ryou: ''This is why i told you to get down.''
Ruby: ''Are you.. Ok?''
Ryou: ''Dont worry i have taken more than this before, the important thing is that you are ok.''
Ruby smiled.
Ruby: ''So you really do care!''
Ryou turned around against the human.
The human looked terrified and said.
Human: ''Do-Dont kill me, i'll do anything!''
Ryou: ''To Late...''
The wind got really strong, Ryou's eyes started to glow red, And leaves from sakura trees started to fall covering everything, and all that was heard was a screem.
Afterwards the human or the other humans bodies were nowhere to be found.

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Chapter Four! Death Of Ruby...

One Month Later...

One mounth has passed since the battle, Where Dispeared with the sakura tree blossoms, Aimi and Ruby split up to look for him after 5 days and they haven't seen each other since then...
Ruby: ''Its been one mounth since he disapeared... But now he sent me the message that we're gonna meet at the mountain by the lake silence... I've... Missed him...''
Ruby: ''I wonder what took him so long tough.''
Ruby arived at the location, but it was empty.
Ruby: ''Um... Ryou... Where are you?''
Saito: ''Sorry, but the only thing you find here is EVIL...''
Saito came op from the lake.
Ruby: ''Who are you? And what do you want?... And wheres Ryou?''
Saito: ''I'm Saito, Power source number 3, i may be the weakest but you haven't fully awakend your power.
Ruby: ''Huh?-''
Saito: ''But what i want is simple... You dead... And your power... Mine.''
Ruby: ''So, by ''my power'' you mean?''
Saito: ''The other you that resides within you!''
Ruby: ''I... So I... So i really did kill Aimi's friends.''
Ruby: ''I've... Lied to Ryou...''
Saito: ''And thats not all of my EVIL plan!... I was the EVIL one that sent that message that told you to meet him here, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!''
Ruby's eyes turned red, And her fur became mangy.
Ruby: ''So... Its Time To Kill Now Eh... SO BE IT!!!!!!!''
Saito: ''Ha!... Thats the power i was talking about! Its so EVIL!''
Ruby flew full speed against Saito and hit him with her tail knocking him against the mountain side. But while that happend Saito had stung Ruby with his scorpion tail poisoning her.
Saito: ''*Cough* Heh that poison will kill you and allow me to take your power, when you die... isint it EVIL!''
Ruby turned back to normal... and said her last words.
Ruby: ''Ry... ou... I... I...''
Stoped moving.
Saito: ''now i'll take her power!''
Sapphire came out from the lake.
Sapphire: dodge fool!
Saito stoped and jumed back.
Ruby started to glow red and she let out one final fire inferno!
Sapphire lifted Saito and they flew away while looking back!
Saito: ''her power its escaping!''
Sapphire: ''Darn we'll have to find the Ruby Crystal after all!... Grrr... Fine!... Lets go!''
5 Minutes Later Ruby was still there, she wasen't moving.
Then a group 3 of elves came by.
One adult and two teens.
Elf1: ''Look!''
Elf2: ''its a kitsune.''
Elf3: ''Not just any kitsune, its a demon kitsune, its evil, we better leave there to rot.''
Elf2: ''But... Hana-sama dont you always tell us to take care of all of natures creatures.''
Hana: ''Good point Haruki, lets take it with us then, but be carefull.''
Haruki: ''Come'on Hayate, help me out.''
Hayate: ''Sure, i'll be... Smooth.''
Haruki: ''Would you stop making puns about your name! Geez!'' (Hayate Means ''Smooth'' In Japanese.)
Hayate: ''Hey i'm just being... Smooth.''
Hana: ''Just help your brother out already, its gone 2 minutes since we came across the fox, if we dont hurry it might die!''
Hayate and Haruki: ''Yes, Hana-sama!''
The picked Ruby up and carried her to a villige full of elves.
They made some kind of medicin and fed it to her.
After one hour she woke up with Haruki in the room.
Ruby: ''Ugh my head, it feels like its gonna explode... My entire body hurts.''
Haruki: ''Ah, you finnaly woke up... Wait a minutes... Wow, you can talk!''
Ruby: ''Who are you?''
Haruki: ''I'm Haruki, me, Hana-sama and my brother Hayate found you in the forest, you looked pretty hurt we took you here... And gave you a medicin that sa-''
Ruby: ''You didn't do anything wierd to me while i was passed out, Right!''
Haruki: ''Of course not! Thats not anyway to talk to the one who saved your life!''
Ruby: ''Oh yeah, then why am i so wet!''
Haruki: ''We had to wash you since you were dirty!''
Ruby: ''Wash me where?...''
Haruki: ''Everywhere!''
Ruby: ''Everywhere?''
Haruki: ''I mean... Whatever... Ungra-''
Ruby: ''But, thanks... I'm very grateful that you saved me.''
Haruki: ''Thats better, Hmph...''
Hayate and Hana came in the room.
Hayate: ''Smooth...''
Hana: ''I see you woke up, But what will you do now.''
Ruby: ''I dont know, but where am i?''
Hana: ''At the village of the elves.''
Ruby: ''Village of the elves!... Do you know a elf named Ryou?''
Hana Hayate And Haruki At The Same Time: ''You Know Ryou!!!!!!!''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Chapter 5! Ryou And Ruby's Past!

Hayate, Hana And Haruki At The Same Time: ''You Know Ryou!!!!!!!''
Ruby: ''Yeah?''
Hana: ''Ryou, is a evil dark elf...''
Hana: ''He was bannished for trying to destroy the village!''
Ruby: ''I dont believe you! Ryou is too kind hearted to ever do something like that!''
Hana: ''He once was pure, but his spirit was taken over by evil...''
Ruby: ''Explain...''
Hana: ''Ryou... 10 Years ago he was pure hearted, and couln't hurt a fly... Untill the Ruby Crystal had taken over some thieves that raided the village... He accedently got his hand on Ruby Crystal trying to protect me... And it changed it... He single handedly slaughtered all of the thieves... and then took the village sacred sword and attacked the rest of the village, he killed most of the population... Untill a Fox with red eyes and mangy fur saved us all...''
Ruby was surprised and remembered that she had full memory of knocking Saito into the wall while her fur somehow became mangy and her eyes red.
She Told Them That... And they were very surprised over the matter.
Hana: ''Haruki go and tell the village elder and tell him to inform the others!''
Haruki ran out.
Ruby: ''Whats going on?''
Hana: ''Whats your name?''
Ruby: ''Ruby Windpass... What about it?''
Hana: ''When the red eyed fox saved us, she defeated Ryou and took the Ruby Crystal like it belonged to her, then she left...''
Hana: ''Ryou had destroyed more of the village than the thieves ever could, and he was bannished for it. But when he was about to leave, the fox returned and was going to attack him... But he took control over the wind and made sakura tree blossoms cover him and when it was over he was gone... And so was the fox.''
Ruby Thinking: ''Come to think of it i dont remember anything from before i turned 10.''
Ruby: ''Could i... Could it be that i am that fox?''
Hana: ''We think so, yes...''
Ruby: ''So, i... Attacked Ryou...''
Haruki came in the room and said: ''the village elders wants to see you''
Ruby followed Hana and haruki to the elders.
Hayate: ''Smooth...''
Elders1,2 and 3: ''I am priestess Kaede Head of the elders.'' ''I Am Kouta...'' ''And I Am Makoto.''
Kouta: ''You are believed to be the fox that saved us from the betray-''
Makoto: ''Thats Madness Its not like that mare demon fox could be the one that saved us from the betrayer!''
Ruby: ''... Madness?... Dont ever call a hearted elf like Ryou a betrayer!''
Makoto: ''Ryou was a dark elf!... And that means he had an evil inside of him all the time!... The Ruby Crystal just released it!''
Ruby: ''DARN YOU!... Fox Fire!''
Ruby shot a fire ball at Makoto!
But Kaede stoped it like it was nothing, catching it in her hands!
Kaede: ''Theres no need for violence.''
Ruby: ''How did you stop my fox fire that easily?''
Kaede: ''I have battled demons 100 times bigger than you if you were 100 times bigger than you are now... And by that a mean, that i have battled demons 1000 times bigger than you before.''
Ruby: ''Wow...''
Kaede: ''Do you have the Ruby Crystal with you?''
Ruby: ''No... It flew away while i was fighting someone named Saito...''
Kaede: ''She had a fight with Saito and lived?'' Kouta: ''Is she one of the Crystal Guardians?...'' Makoto: ''Does this coat make me look fat?''
All Elders: ''*Mumble* *Mumble*''
Kaede: ''Can You explain you remember happend ever since met Ryou?
Ruby: ''Of Course.''
Ruby explained everything that happend the elders had a long convesation and then firgured out what to do.
Kaede: ''We want you to go to the mountain of the three Crystals and get the Ruby Crystal back, and then return it to us, can you do it.''
Ruby: ''Alone?''
Kaede: ''Nobody else is allowed in the Crystal Temple on top of the moutain exept for the other two Crystal Guardians... Sapphire And Saito.''
Ruby: ''Understod...''
She trandformed into the form of a human.
Kaede: ''Lets prepare you for the journey.''
Ruby Thinking: This wont be easy... But i have to do it... I have to... Or die on the way!''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Chapter 6! The Epic Battle Starts!

Preparations were complete!
Ruby was ready to set off!
Hikaru: ''Good Luck young fox!''
Hayate: ''I hope it goes... Smoothly...''
Makoto: ''Dont fail us... Stupid fox.''
Kouta: ''You can do this, prove your bravery!''
Kaede: ''Only YOU can do this... Dont let anyone get the Ruby Crystal!''
Hana: ''Come back soon Ruby!''
Ruby: ''Everyone... Heh, I'll do my best!''
Ruby set off on her journey!
She went through the forest!
Through The Plain Up The Mountain!
And To The Gate Of The Crystal Temple!
The Gate Looked More Like A Portal To The Nether World.
Ruby: ''This is it! Here I Come!''
Ruby entered the gate!
She was all-of-a-sudden in a desert, it was sunset, she started to walk... and hours later it was still sunset.
But Suddenly She Was Attacked By A Dragon!
She was at the moment in a human form.
She used fox fire!
The dragon got away from it!
She kept fire'ing fox fire!
The dragon kept dodging it!
The dragon used its fire breath!
Ruby bearly got away!
Ruby attacked with fox fire!
And she kept using it!
But it didn't even affect the dragon!
Ruby Turned Back Into A Fox!
The fight continued!
the dragon scratched her over and over again!
She kept using fox fire but it didn't do anything to affect the Red dragon. It was as big as a horse so it wasen't that big.
Ruby was all bloody and coudne't do a thing against it.
But then someone came with a big sword and cut the dragons arm of!
It was Ryou!
Ruby: ''Ry...Ryou! You came! You came!''
Ryou: ''Let me handle this!''
Ryou: ''Only this sacred sword build from over 9000 dragon teeth can beat it.''
Ruby: ''Really?''
Ryou: ''Aslong as the wielder as a heart of a dragon!''
Ryou: ''My heart is half dragon!''
Ruby: ''Wow... Look Out!''
The Dragon Came Charging!
Ryou cut of the other arm!
Ryou: ''I guess you have been, disarmed...''
Ryou smiled with bloodlust in his eyes.
Ryou cut one of the dragons wings with his sword!
Then the other!
Then The head!
Then Stuck The Sword Through Its Heart!
Ryou: ''Hows it going, its been awhile Ruby.''
Ruby was now in human form.
Ruby slapped Ryou!
Ruby: ''I've been waiting... For so long... Why... Why didn't you come!... And now all of a sudden, you have come to save the day!... Where have been!''
Ruby was crying.
Ryou: ''I'm sorry... but we gotta hurry before t
Saito and Sapphire gets the Ruby Crystal!''
Ruby: ''Sapphire and Saito!''
Ryou: ''You know about them?... Well you should, Crystal guardian...''
Ruby: ''So you knew all along... Why didn't you tell me...''
Ryou: ''I didn't want to hurt you...''
Ruby: ''Ryou... Lets go before its too late!''
Ryou: ''Well said!''
They had to fight an army of undead on the way!
Then go through i big sand storm!
Then when they finaly made it there...
Saito Was There...
Saito: ''I'm saddend... That you lived! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!... Wasen't that EVIL!
Ryou: ''I'll take care of him!''
Ruby: ''But-''
Ryou: ''He only wants to stall us you go and get the Crystal!''
Ruby: ''Right!''
Ruby Ran Passed Him!
Saito Turned Around Ready To Use His Poison Stinger!
Ryou: ''No you dont!''
Ryou stoped it with his sword!
Ryou: ''My sword has trandformed now! You wont win this time!''
Saito: ''You tried to stop us before, this time it all ends for you... In a EVIL way!''
Ryou and Saito Charged Eachother!
Sapphire: ''Stop right there hussy!''
Ruby: ''Oooooh ''Hussy'' was that the best insult you can come with you psycopathic crazy bitch!''
Sapphire: ''Thats it... Now You'll die!''
Sapphire And Ruby Charged Eachother!

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Chapter 7! Death And Love!

The battle starts!
Ruby Turns Into A Human Form!
Ryou slashed against Saito!
Saito Dodges it!
Saito Tries To Sting Ryou With His Tail!
Ryou Parry's It With His Sword!
Ryou: ''Todays not my day to meet my maker!... Not if your not coming with me to hell Saito!''
Ruby Fox uses fox fire agianst Sapphire!
Sapphire makes a gust with her wing causing the sand to block the fire!
Saito Draws His Sword!
Ruby: ''You'll never get me!''
Sapphire: ''Its the other way around!''
Saito: ''My little swordy friend would like to have a drinky drink! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Ryou charges Saito!
Saito Slashes Against Ryou!
Ryou dodges It And Cuts Saito In Half!
Ruby looked back!
Ruby: ''You did it!''
Sapphire Tries to stab Ruby!
Ryou jumps in the way and gets stabbed himself!
Ruby: ''Ry-Ryou! Oh, No!''
Ryou: ''Always Watch Your Back... *Caugh*''
Ryou: ''Are you ok?
Ruby: ''I'm ok but your not! Why did you do it?! Its all my fault!''
Ruby started to cry.
Ryou: ''Dont... *Caugh* Cry... The Important thing is that you are ok.''
Ruby: ''Ryou dont die i love you!''
Ryou: ''And i love you...''
Ryou closed his eyes, stopped breathing and fell down.
Ruby: ''Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
Sapphire: ''What a wuss!''
Ruby: ''AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
Ruby turned into a fox again, her eyes turned red and her fur became mangy!
Sapphire: ''Thats Imposible!... You-you can use your powers without the Ruby Crystal!?... So it was you power all along!''
Ruby: ''Burn In Hell!!!!!!!''
Ruby: ''FOX INFERNO BLAST!!!!!!!''
And A Big Fox Inferno Was Set Of!!!!!!!
And after everything settled... Ruby was the only one standing, she had tranformed back to normal...
Ruby: ''...*Sniff* *Sniff* Ryou... My... Love...''
She cried a while.
Ruby: ''I must get *Sniff* the Ruby Crystal! No matter what!''
Ruby kept going untill she eventualy, got to the next portal leading to the Crystals room...
Ruby: ''Here, I am...''
Ruby went through the portal...
She saw a Big red pearl in the middle of the room...
She picked it up...
Then she heard a voice!
Voice: ''Thank you for getting the Crystal for me!''
Voice: ''Now you'll die and its powers will be mine!
Makoto came out from the portal behind her.
She turned around!
Ruby: ''Elder Makoto!? How did you get here weren't this place forbidden for everyone exept the guardians?
Makoto: ''That betrayer got in... So i can too!... I was going to wait for you outside and trick you into give it to me! But i desided to act quicky instead!''
Ruby: ''The only berayer is you!''
Makoto drew a sprit ward.
Makoto: ''This will destroy any demon who touches it!''
Ruby: ''Grrr... You Snake!''
Makoto was just about to throw it!
But then he was cut in half!

To Be Concluded!!!!!!!

Chapter 8! A Foxes Love!

Makoto was cut in half!
By... Ryou!
Ruby: ''You... Your alive!''
Ryou: ''Sorry to make you worry...''
Ruby: ''How did you survive?''
Aimi came flying in!
Aimi: ''Hiya!''
Ryou: ''Aimi saved me.''
Ruby: ''You did?''
Aimi: ''Just returning the favor to Ryou-sama!''
Ryou: ''lets get the Crystal and get out of here.''
Ruby: ''Yeah, and go back to the village!''
Ryou: ''The village huh...''
Ruby: ''Oh... I'm sorry i forgot... You were bannished.''
Ryou: ''Dont be sorry! I'd love to go home after all this time!''
Ruby returned to the village with Ryou and Aimi!
Aimi: ''Everyone is staring at us.''
Ryou: ''Just ignore them...''
Ruby: ''were here.''
The came to the elders house and went in.
Kaede: ''You made it! Wonderfull news!''
Ruby Explained everything that happend.
Kaede: ''So that why Makoto left so suddenly...''
Ruby: ''yeah, thats what i just said...''
Kouta: ''You know, you can get married here if you want.''
Ruby and Ryou at the same time blushing: ''What!!!!!!!??????? Its ok its still to early, hehe.''
Ruby turned back into a fox.
They had a party that night, and as a ending they destroyed the Ruby Crystal and two other Crystals fell out of it. It was Sappire And Saito's.
They were destroyed too. And after that, Ryou's bannishment was removed and he was welcomed back into the village!

5 Mounths later...
Aimi is the village mail bird!
We end the story with Ruby running in the forest in her fox form with a fish she took. Ryou jumped in and grabbed her and took her too a safe place. Ruby turned into her human form.
Ruby: ''I love You...''
Ryou: ''I love you too...''
Then They Kissed!

The End!!!!!!!