Friday, May 8, 2009

Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii (The Demon's Pure Soul) Chapter 4 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Dragon''

Chapter Four: Dragons, Names And Jokes!

Isamu had been arested and taken to the execution chamber...
Sakura: ''I told you... Try to avoid killing it... But when it begged for its life you just laughted and slaughtered the poor thing...''
Isamu: ''Hmhmhm...''
Sakura: ''Are you a monster!?''
Isamu: ''It'll all work out, you'll see...''
Sakura: ''I cant bail you out of this one, they would never listen to me...''
Isamu: ''I got it all worked out... As i said, you'll see. Hmhmhmmm''
2 minutes later they are about to hang him... But then Isamu raises his rope tied hands to the sky and a fire ball comes out of nowhere in the sky and burns the rope away!
The raven came flying in, injured, but in good enough condition to fly around and attack well.
Isamu: ''Let the killing start!''
Sakura went infront of Isamu.
Sakura: ''Isamu... Stop this madness! Theres no need for anyone to die!''
Isamu: ''Madness?... Hmph! Sakura move!''
Sakura: ''No! I refuse! You have to go through me cause i'm not allowing anyone to hurt my family!''
The raven landed on Isamu's arm...
Raven: ''Isamu the're coming!''
Isamu: ''More guards?''
Raven: ''No, Dragons! Th-They are coming!''
Isamu jumped up and out of the open roof exucution chamber.
Sakura: ''Oh no dragons! Guards warn everybody!''
Guards: ''Understod priestess Sakura!''
Isamu stod outside ready to face the dragons!
They came flying in, 5 of them!
Dragons: ''Scriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!''
Isamu charged them and slashed one with his sword!
He injured it in the neck it fell and landed on the ground. It was the smallest one that fell!
The others started to use thier fire breath on the village and burning down some houses!
HighPriest: ''Whats with the sudden number of demon and monster attacks!?''
The guards tryed to fight one the dragons but one by one they fell, while Isamu had defeated 4 of them without a scratch.
Now he had to fight the last one!
He charaged it!
It charaged him!
They collided tail vs sword!
The dragon fell!
After the fight, Isamu went to the first one he struck.
Isamu: ''Its still alive!''
HighPriest: ''Kill It!''
Sakura: ''Dont kill it!''
Isamu: ''Come'on high priest!''
HighPriest: ''My name is Eddy!''
Isamu: ''You call yourself a priest!? You are directly telling me to kill a pure beast, while you know all life is worth something!''
Highpriest: ''You kill for fun, dont talk to me about that!''
Eddy Shut his eyes.
Isamu: ''Dont you, shut your eyes in silence!... I'm a demon, your a priest... Theres a big difference!''
Eddy: ''Besides that beast isint pure, it tryed to destroy our village!''
Isamu: ''This dragon is pure, its just being controlled by a poison that can control others... And paralyze them when they are disobaying orders.''
Isamu started to lick the small dragon wound, curing the poison for some reason i dont know... What?!... Com'on! How am i supposed to know! I'm just a voice! (4Th Wall Broken!!!!!!!)
Dragon: ''What... Are You... Doing...''
Isamu: ''How long have you been awake?''
Dragon: ''Since the priest said his name... Wheres my family?''
Isamu: ''... They are dead... I killed them...''
The dragon looked surpried and scared!
Dragon: ''You-you-you-you d-d-d-did -wha-wha-wha-what!?''
Isamu: ''You heard me...''
The dragon had a sad face like it was crying, but no tears came out.
Dragon: ''End it!...''
Isamu: ''Huh?''
Dragon: ''End my life whats the point of living when i'm all alone in the world!''
Isamu: ''Fine...''
Sakura: ''You-you cant! Its just a child!''
Isamu: ''Hmph, It wanted to die... Besides its one year older than me its 19...''
Sakura: ''How can you tell?''
Isamu: ''I can do many pointless things that would not benifit in anyother situation than this...''
Dragon: ''Quit messing around and kill me!''
Raven: ''How can you ''Wany'' to die? I fear death more than most things!''
Dragon: ''I dont want to be alone in my life...''
Isamu: ''I can take care of you...''
Dragon: ''How can you say something like that!? You killed my parents!''
Sakura: ''How about I take ca-''
Eddy: ''Dont you even think about it!''
Isamu: ''The poisons gone and you can move again...''
Dragon: ''...''
Isamu put his hand on the dragons chest...
And it was like he passed out standing while holding his hand there.
Sakura: ''Whats going on?''
Raven: ''He has entered the heart of the dragon, he's trying to earn the dragons forgivness...''
Eddy: ''He's good i must admit...''
Sakura: ''You've become quite friendly with him dad.''
Eddy: ''No i still want him dead.''
Sakura: ''Oh...''
The raven entered her human form.
Sakura: ''Is that you?!''
Raven was now a girl, with long black hair, short and blood red eyes, that feels so powerfull that you feel like you get sucked into them just by staring at them.
Raven: ''Whats the matter, never seen a mix human/demon before?''
Isamu wkoe up!
And he gave the dragon a long hug and while he did that, the dragon transformed into a human form: A girl with blue eyes, long blue hair and dragon wings and tail.
Then she woke up in Isamus arms.
Raven: ''Looks like he did it! He aquired the dragons forgivness!''
Dragon: ''My name is Kiyoshi...'' (Kiyoshi Means ''Pure'' In Japanese!!!!!!!)
Isamu went over to the fallen dragons and toutched them with a glowing hand and they disapeared one by one...
Isamu: ''Rest in peace...''
Sakura thinking: ''I never knew Isamu could be so kind.''
Raven: ''Not that is matters at this point but... My name is Hotaru!'' (Hotaru Means ''Firefly'' In Japanese!!!!!!!)
Isamu: ''I'll be going for now... See ya...''
Then Isamu, Kiyoshi and Hotaru walked out of the village...
Eddy Thinking: ''I'll get you Isamu, you'll die...''
Sakura Thinking: ''Is kind... But he just dont show it very often...''
Sakura Thinking: ''....... Isamu.......''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

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