Thursday, May 7, 2009

Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii (The Demon's Pure Soul) Chapter 2 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Symbol: ''Love''

Chapter Two: The Pure And The Tainted Souls Meet!

Isamu: ''I... Killed them... I ended their life... That feeling, that power, the blood... I must do it again!''
a gang of thieves attacked a village nearby.
Sakura: ''Whats going on?''
She heard a voice from out side yelling.
Voice: ''Thieves they are raiding the vill-Aguh!''
The voice was silenced...
The thieves entered the room where Sakura is...
Mneawhile outside...
Isamu came into the village!
HighPriest: ''Dont give in we have to protect the holy grounds.''
Then the thieves heads started to be cut of one by one.
Meanwhile inside...
Sakura let go of me, now...
Thief: ''You dont have a say in the matter, you coming with us baby!'
Sakura stuggled to get loose.
When the thieves suddenly got killed...
It was Isamu!
Isamu and Sakura just stared at each other for a while...
Isamu: ''You fear the darkness... But, yet you still fear the light... ''
Sakura: ''Wha-What do you want with me...''
Isamu: ''Dont worry... you cannot be overcome by either of them.''
Sakura: ''Are... Are you a demon-''
Then suddenly the high priest came in the room and punched Isamu to the ground!
HighPriest: ''Dont you dare violate this place demon.''
Isamu: ''Mahahahahaha!''
Isamu: ''You'll regret that.''
Isamu raised his sword.
Sakura got infront Isamu facing her dad.
Sakura: ''Dont hurt him!''
Isamu: ''...''
Isamu lowered his sword.
Sakura: ''Dont fight him dad...''
HighPriest: ''Its a demon, its not allowed on holy grounds!''
Sakura: ''He was the one that saved me from the thieves!''
HighPriest: ''That does not remove the fact that its a demon!''
Isamu: ''I have a name... Its Isamu...''
Isamu jumped up through the roof and left the building...
HighPriest: ''See what you have done, because of you it got away now who knows who it'll reek havok in next!?''
That night...
Sakura was alone in her new room they moved her to...
Sakura: ''I'll never get out of this house...''
She was about to cry when Isamu suddenly apeared in the room!
Sakura: ''Wha-Wha-What a-a-a-are you d-d-doing here?!''
Isamu: ''I came to ask you... Why did you stand up for me, back then?...''
Sakura: ''Well you saved me and i coulden't let someone die just like that.''
Isamu: ''Why, not... Death is ineveteble.''
Sakura: ''He was going to kill you, and killing is wrong...''
Isamu: ''Killing... Is wrong???''
Sakura: ''Yes.''
Isamu: ''Wow, have i made some misstakes...''
Sakura: ''Was that all?''
Isamu: ''Do you want to leave?''
Sakura: ''Huh?''
Isamu: ''Do you want to leave this place...''
Sakura: ''Whadda you mean?''
Isamu: ''I can take you out of this building.''
Sakura: ''!... You can?''
Isamu: ''Yes... Do you want to?''
Sakura: ''But what if were caught...''
Isamu: ''You wont have to worry about that, i knocked out the guards.''
Isamu: ''If we're going to leave you have to awnser yes or no right now.''
Sakura hesitated a little...
Sakura: ''Ye-Yes!''
Isamu: ''Grab my hand.''
She did and they found the're way outside...
Sakura: ''Oh the glorius outdoors!''
Isamu: ''Shhh, we're still in the village.''
Sakura: ''Oh, right.''
Isamu: ''How long wuld you like to be outside?''
Sakura: ''I dont ever want to go back there!''
Sakura: ''But... Why are you so nice to me, Isamu?''
Isamu: ''Your the first to look into my eyes without cowering, i addmire your courage... And cause of it, i will follow 3 of your orders...''
Sakura: ''Wow... That complex... But my first-''
Isamu: ''Your first was to come out side, i've done that for you, now move on to the second before i kill somebody, out of boredom.''
Sakura: ''Sorry!... Hmm... My second is to travel around!''
Isamu: ''Outside the village?... No problem, If you want you can travel with me.
Sakura: ''Well... If i'm not a bother...''
Isamu: ''I take that as a yes.''
5 Minutes later they are outside the village...
Sakura: ''Where are we going?''
Isamu: ''My master told me to find ''The one for me'' But i dont fully understand what it ment.''
Sakura: ''Who's your master?''
Isamu: ''... I dont know...''
Sakura: ''I'm tired...''
Isamu: ''*sigh*''
Isamu: ''We'll stay here for the night then...''
They sat down...
After 2 minutes Isamu noticed that Sakura started shivering...
Isamu gave Sakura his coat...
Sakura: ''But, dont you need thi-''
Isamu: ''No.''
Sakura and Isamu went to sleep...
The next morning they woke up about the same time when they heard truble back at the village...
Sakura: ''Whats going on!?''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

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