Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kitsune No Ai (A Foxes Love) Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Symbol: ''Fox''

Kitsune No Ai (A Foxes Love)

Chapter One! Precious Ruby!

The story begins with a small female fox, running away from 2 people chasing it. But why is it running? Well because it stole a fish from a fish shop and the ones chasing it are the shop keepers.
Fox Thinking: ''Faster, *pant* *pant* must run faster!''
Shop keeper1: ''Come back with that fish!''
Shop keeper2: ''We'll Kill You!''
Shop keeper1: ''*shhhhh* Dont say that, or it wont stop.''
Shop keeper2: ''Its just a fox, its not like it understand what we're saying.''
Shop keeper1: ''What if its a demon fox?!
Shop keeper2: ''Even if it is... Its only more the reason to kill it!''
The fox tripped.
Fox Thinking: ''No! I'm doomed!''
Then a unknown person jumed in and grabbed the fox and ran away with the fox in his hands.
the fox looked up.
It saw a boy with pointy ears like an elf, black short hair, red evil eyes.
They stoped by a big tree and the fox dropped the fish.
Fox: ''You... You saved my life! oh, tha-
The boy interupted her.
Boy: ''Shut up.''
Fox: ''Wha... What?''
Boy: ''Its interesting that you can talk, but i didn't save you... I only wanted to eat you.
Fox: ''WHAT!?... But i tought that elves didn't eat meat!... You are an elf right''
Boy: ''Yeah... But... I've been starving for 4 days, i gotta eat something!... And you were just unlucky enough to be on the menu.''
The boy drew a knife from a holder, and put it against the foxes stomach.
Fox: ''No, please do-dont hurt me please im begging you.''
The boy didnt seem to litsen, and put the knife harder against the fox.
Fox: ''Stop... Please, it hurts.''
The boy didn't do anything at first. But then he took down the knife and put it back in its holder.
Then the boy let go of the fox, and looked away with a sad look in his eyes.
The fox looked surprised, and cearfully walked towards the boy.
The fox slowly took its paw and poked the boy in his hand.
The boy looked at the fox with an empty look in his eyes.
Boy: ''What?''
Fox Wispering: ''Thank you''
Boy: ''Hmph...''
Fox: ''Please dont take this the wrong way, but... Why did you stop.''
The boy looked away everything went quiet for a while.
Boy: ''I dont know...''
Fox: ''My names Ruby, Ruby Windpass... Whats yours?''
Boy: ''It doesen't matter.''
Ruby: ''You can have the fish i took.''
The boy looked surprised.
Boy: ''Really?''
Ruby: ''Yes... Your hungry right''
The boy ate the fish, and afterwards was about to leave.
Ruby: ''Where are you going?''
Boy: ''... I have no destination, but... I will keep walking.''
The boy turned around, and instead of the fox, it was a human girl.
A human girl with orange hair, orange eyes, Fox ears, Fox tail and her legs were the same as a fox paws.
Boy: ''What The?!''
Human Girl: ''Its still me, Ruby... Have the power to shapeshift. I can turn into whatever or whomever i want.''
Boy: ''I see...''
Boy: ''Fare Thee Well Then...''
Ruby: ''Bye...''
The boy turned around and started to walk away.
Then he turned back around and said.
Boy: ''My names Ryou.''
Ruby: ''Whats your last name?''
Ryou: ''I dont have one...''
Then he walked away.
Ruby: ''...Ryou, eh... I see.''
Ruby smiled, turned back into a fox and ran away.

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Chapter Two! Two Harpy Girls Go Round The Ouside, Round The Outside Round The Outside!

Ruby the fox is drinking water in a forest lake.
Ruby thinking: ''Ryou, eh...''
Ruby seem to be chocked over what she was thinking.
Ruby: ''Pull yourself together Ruby!... What are you thinking?!....... And who am i talking to?...''
Ruby continues to drink water.
Then all-of-a-sudden, a pair of bird claws flies down and tries to grab Ruby.
But Ruby reacts fast enough to roll over to the side.
Then Ruby sees what it is.
Its a Harpy.
A bird with the body of a human, feet of a bird, head of a human, hair of a human and arm with feathers so that it looks like wings.
The Harpy makes another dive for Ruby.
Ruby: ''Fox Fire!''
Making her sprout fire out of her mouth, Hitting the Harpy.
The Harpy got mad, and called for 3 more Harpys and they made a tornado with their wings, catching Ruby in it.
Ruby became furious, her orange eyes turned red, and her fur became mangy and then she said.
Ruby: ''How dare you!... I am stronger than you can ever be!... FACE MY WRATH!''
She turned the tornado, into a tornado of fire and yelled!
Ruby: ''FOX INFERNO!!!!!!!''
Blasting everything, and creating a crater.
Ruby returned to normal.
Ruby: ''Wha-what happend?! Where did the harpys go?! And where in the world did this crater come from?!?!?!''
The, she passed out.
Then after some hours shadow apeared above her.
It was a little girl with black raven wings, gray hair, and red eyes.
Little Girl: ''Heh, she doesen't even know her true power... Even though she just used it... So, basicly were came too late how are we gonna get her power now.''
Then an other person came out from the forest. This time it was a little boy, That person had a tatto that said evil on his forhead, Gray, blue eyes, a samurai sword and a scorpion tail.
Little Boy: ''Anyway that is as EVIL as possible.''
Little Girl: ''I see now that it was wrong to ask of your opinion, idiot.''
Little Boy: ''But whats the point of doing anything if it isin't completely EVIL!?''
Little Girl: ''I afraid any explenation would just lead to you asking something involving the word: EVIL.
Little Boy: ''...EIV-''
Little Girl: ''Let me guess? EVIL right?''
Little Boy: ''No, Sapphire i was not going to say that this time.''
Little Girl: ''Well then Saito! What is the ingienius thing you were going to say?! *Sarcasm*''
Saito: ''Um... EVIL- I mean... Um... EVIL? Damn.''
Sapphire: ''Lets just leave, she might be waking up any moment.''
Saito: ''Fine! You little *mumble*''
Sapphire: ''What was that?''
Saito: ''Nothing''
They left.
20 Minutes later Ruby woke up.
Ruby: ''Wa...ter... Need, Water... But... Too Weak... To move...''
Then a familiar shadow passed over her and gave her a leaf fuilled with water.
Ryou: ''Hi again.''
Ruby quickly drank the water and jump up on Ryou and gave him a hug.
Ruby: ''I'm so happy you came, I... I... I...''
Ryou: ''Calm down, i cant hear what your saying.''
Ruby: ''I'm just, I'm just so happy.''
Ryou: ''What happend here?''
Ruby: ''I dont know... Some harpys attacked me and trapped me in a tornado then i fainted, and later i woke up here with the place like this, Then passed out again, and woke up in the same place, very very thirsty... and then you came... And saved me again.
Ryou: ''Your blushing.''
Ruby just then noticed it herself.
Ruby: ''I-I am not!''
Ryou: ''Your not gonna admit it are you?''
Ruby: ''Nope.''
Then they heard a screem in a distance.
Ryou: ''I Gotta go! You'll be ok right?''
Ruby: ''Yeah, but... Where are you going?''
Ryou: ''No time to explain, see ya later.''
He ran away.
Ruby smiled widely.
Ruby: ''He said ''see ya later'' Does that mean he wants to see me again?!''
Ruby noticed what she was saying.
Ruby: ''Wait What Am I Thinking Now!?''
She stoped smiling and went quiet.
Ruby: ''I wonder why he had to go so fast... And what was that screem?''
Ruby started to run the same way she saw Ryou run.
Then a short while later at another place
A Harpy girl and Ryou were hiding under a bridge.
Ryou: ''Ok, what did you do this time Aimi?''
Aimi: ''I just said hi to a human.''
Ryou: ''You to realise that, humans fear Harpys and want them dead right?
Aimi: ''Yeah but it looked like a kind human.''
Ryou. ''Humans aren't kind, maybe some but they're not anyone you'd like to invite home...''
Then Ruby showed up, tired from all the running.
Ruby: ''Why *pant* did *pant* you have to run *pant*.
Ryou: ''I had to help this hopless case.''
Aimi: ''I my name is Aimi, the ''Ai'' stands for love/affection and the ''Mi'' stands for beutiful.''
Ruby stood there with open mouth.
Ruby: ''And your telling me this... why?''
Aimi: ''I like my name... Oh and Ryou-sama says that demons should stay away from humans.''
Ruby opened her mouth wider.
Ruby: ''Sama?!... Why do you call him that?!'' (Note: Sama is a word you put in the end of a name for a person you really respect.
Aimi: ''He saved my life, earlier today, and respect him for it.''
Ruby then started to remember the Harpys that attacked her... and the first one was the Harpy shes talking to.
Ruby: ''It... Was you... You attacked me!''
Aimi: ''Hmm?....... Oh! Now i remember! *hides behind Ryou* You almost k-k-killed me!''
Ruby: ''Dont be stupid you were going to eat me and YOU almost killed me.''
Aimi: ''Dont you remember, you used that big fire explosion at me and my friends... Becasue of you my friends died, and Ryou-sama had to save me in a near death state!''
Ruby looked surpried.
Ruby: ''Big... fire explosion?''
Ryou: ''I think i understand what happend now.''
Ryou: ''Aimi and her friends attacked Ruby and trapped Ruby in a tornado, then Ruby used some kind of fire exposion at them killing too and almost killing one.''
Ruby: ''But i... I didn't do anything wrong... I could never, kill someone.''
Ryou: ''Maybe you did it without knowing it.''
Ruby: ''But... I didn't do it!''
Ryou: ''I still think you did cause the injuries that Aimi and her friends had were burn injuries.''
Ryou: ''could you be quiet before the humans hea- Aw crap.''
23 Humans stood aiming swords, daggers, bow and arrow at them.

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Chapter Three! Crashing the party!

The Humans were getting ready to kill the demons.
Ryou counted them the humans.
Ruby was thiking: ''Ryou doesen't care about me... I'm sure he only cares for that Harpy... Doesen't he care about the fact that it wanted to eat me.''
Aimi was thinking: ''We're gonna die and its all my fault!''
Ryou: ''21, 22, 23... Ok, Heh.''
Aimi wispering: ''Whats up?''
Ryou wispering to both: ''Both of you duck down.''
Ruby was thinking about something so she didn't hear.
Ryou quickly got up and kicked a human in the face before they had time to react.
Then he punched another one.
Slamed two of the humans heads together knocking them both out.
Then Aimi got up and kicked a human with her bird legs, while the human was randomly waving his sword and hit three other humans with it, and all three fell.
and then Ryou punched yet another one, while Aimi kicked one... Again.
Ryou: ''Didnt i tell you two to duck down.''
Then Ruby stoped daydreeming and joined the fight.
Ruby transformed to a human form and used fox fire on 5 of them.
Ryou Punched out 2.
And Aimi kicked 2.
Now there was only one left.
Ryou: ''I'll handle this.''
Human: ''Prepare to die demon!''
the human drew his sword.
then Ryou also drew his sword.
and they started to fight!
the human slashed against Ryou!
He ducked and tried to stab the human!
He stoped it!
then the human attacked with super fast slashes!
Ryou ducked away from all of them!
and the fight continued.
While they were fighting, one humans that survived got up and aimed his bow against Ruby.
In the fight they started to use elemental spells and then in the heat of battle.
Ryou landed a slash and won!
The other human fired his bow.
And Ryou blocked the shot and got it in his back.
Ryou: ''This is why i told you to get down.''
Ruby: ''Are you.. Ok?''
Ryou: ''Dont worry i have taken more than this before, the important thing is that you are ok.''
Ruby smiled.
Ruby: ''So you really do care!''
Ryou turned around against the human.
The human looked terrified and said.
Human: ''Do-Dont kill me, i'll do anything!''
Ryou: ''To Late...''
The wind got really strong, Ryou's eyes started to glow red, And leaves from sakura trees started to fall covering everything, and all that was heard was a screem.
Afterwards the human or the other humans bodies were nowhere to be found.

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Chapter Four! Death Of Ruby...

One Month Later...

One mounth has passed since the battle, Where Dispeared with the sakura tree blossoms, Aimi and Ruby split up to look for him after 5 days and they haven't seen each other since then...
Ruby: ''Its been one mounth since he disapeared... But now he sent me the message that we're gonna meet at the mountain by the lake silence... I've... Missed him...''
Ruby: ''I wonder what took him so long tough.''
Ruby arived at the location, but it was empty.
Ruby: ''Um... Ryou... Where are you?''
Saito: ''Sorry, but the only thing you find here is EVIL...''
Saito came op from the lake.
Ruby: ''Who are you? And what do you want?... And wheres Ryou?''
Saito: ''I'm Saito, Power source number 3, i may be the weakest but you haven't fully awakend your power.
Ruby: ''Huh?-''
Saito: ''But what i want is simple... You dead... And your power... Mine.''
Ruby: ''So, by ''my power'' you mean?''
Saito: ''The other you that resides within you!''
Ruby: ''I... So I... So i really did kill Aimi's friends.''
Ruby: ''I've... Lied to Ryou...''
Saito: ''And thats not all of my EVIL plan!... I was the EVIL one that sent that message that told you to meet him here, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!''
Ruby's eyes turned red, And her fur became mangy.
Ruby: ''So... Its Time To Kill Now Eh... SO BE IT!!!!!!!''
Saito: ''Ha!... Thats the power i was talking about! Its so EVIL!''
Ruby flew full speed against Saito and hit him with her tail knocking him against the mountain side. But while that happend Saito had stung Ruby with his scorpion tail poisoning her.
Saito: ''*Cough* Heh that poison will kill you and allow me to take your power, when you die... isint it EVIL!''
Ruby turned back to normal... and said her last words.
Ruby: ''Ry... ou... I... I...''
Stoped moving.
Saito: ''now i'll take her power!''
Sapphire came out from the lake.
Sapphire: dodge fool!
Saito stoped and jumed back.
Ruby started to glow red and she let out one final fire inferno!
Sapphire lifted Saito and they flew away while looking back!
Saito: ''her power its escaping!''
Sapphire: ''Darn we'll have to find the Ruby Crystal after all!... Grrr... Fine!... Lets go!''
5 Minutes Later Ruby was still there, she wasen't moving.
Then a group 3 of elves came by.
One adult and two teens.
Elf1: ''Look!''
Elf2: ''its a kitsune.''
Elf3: ''Not just any kitsune, its a demon kitsune, its evil, we better leave there to rot.''
Elf2: ''But... Hana-sama dont you always tell us to take care of all of natures creatures.''
Hana: ''Good point Haruki, lets take it with us then, but be carefull.''
Haruki: ''Come'on Hayate, help me out.''
Hayate: ''Sure, i'll be... Smooth.''
Haruki: ''Would you stop making puns about your name! Geez!'' (Hayate Means ''Smooth'' In Japanese.)
Hayate: ''Hey i'm just being... Smooth.''
Hana: ''Just help your brother out already, its gone 2 minutes since we came across the fox, if we dont hurry it might die!''
Hayate and Haruki: ''Yes, Hana-sama!''
The picked Ruby up and carried her to a villige full of elves.
They made some kind of medicin and fed it to her.
After one hour she woke up with Haruki in the room.
Ruby: ''Ugh my head, it feels like its gonna explode... My entire body hurts.''
Haruki: ''Ah, you finnaly woke up... Wait a minutes... Wow, you can talk!''
Ruby: ''Who are you?''
Haruki: ''I'm Haruki, me, Hana-sama and my brother Hayate found you in the forest, you looked pretty hurt we took you here... And gave you a medicin that sa-''
Ruby: ''You didn't do anything wierd to me while i was passed out, Right!''
Haruki: ''Of course not! Thats not anyway to talk to the one who saved your life!''
Ruby: ''Oh yeah, then why am i so wet!''
Haruki: ''We had to wash you since you were dirty!''
Ruby: ''Wash me where?...''
Haruki: ''Everywhere!''
Ruby: ''Everywhere?''
Haruki: ''I mean... Whatever... Ungra-''
Ruby: ''But, thanks... I'm very grateful that you saved me.''
Haruki: ''Thats better, Hmph...''
Hayate and Hana came in the room.
Hayate: ''Smooth...''
Hana: ''I see you woke up, But what will you do now.''
Ruby: ''I dont know, but where am i?''
Hana: ''At the village of the elves.''
Ruby: ''Village of the elves!... Do you know a elf named Ryou?''
Hana Hayate And Haruki At The Same Time: ''You Know Ryou!!!!!!!''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Chapter 5! Ryou And Ruby's Past!

Hayate, Hana And Haruki At The Same Time: ''You Know Ryou!!!!!!!''
Ruby: ''Yeah?''
Hana: ''Ryou, is a evil dark elf...''
Hana: ''He was bannished for trying to destroy the village!''
Ruby: ''I dont believe you! Ryou is too kind hearted to ever do something like that!''
Hana: ''He once was pure, but his spirit was taken over by evil...''
Ruby: ''Explain...''
Hana: ''Ryou... 10 Years ago he was pure hearted, and couln't hurt a fly... Untill the Ruby Crystal had taken over some thieves that raided the village... He accedently got his hand on Ruby Crystal trying to protect me... And it changed it... He single handedly slaughtered all of the thieves... and then took the village sacred sword and attacked the rest of the village, he killed most of the population... Untill a Fox with red eyes and mangy fur saved us all...''
Ruby was surprised and remembered that she had full memory of knocking Saito into the wall while her fur somehow became mangy and her eyes red.
She Told Them That... And they were very surprised over the matter.
Hana: ''Haruki go and tell the village elder and tell him to inform the others!''
Haruki ran out.
Ruby: ''Whats going on?''
Hana: ''Whats your name?''
Ruby: ''Ruby Windpass... What about it?''
Hana: ''When the red eyed fox saved us, she defeated Ryou and took the Ruby Crystal like it belonged to her, then she left...''
Hana: ''Ryou had destroyed more of the village than the thieves ever could, and he was bannished for it. But when he was about to leave, the fox returned and was going to attack him... But he took control over the wind and made sakura tree blossoms cover him and when it was over he was gone... And so was the fox.''
Ruby Thinking: ''Come to think of it i dont remember anything from before i turned 10.''
Ruby: ''Could i... Could it be that i am that fox?''
Hana: ''We think so, yes...''
Ruby: ''So, i... Attacked Ryou...''
Haruki came in the room and said: ''the village elders wants to see you''
Ruby followed Hana and haruki to the elders.
Hayate: ''Smooth...''
Elders1,2 and 3: ''I am priestess Kaede Head of the elders.'' ''I Am Kouta...'' ''And I Am Makoto.''
Kouta: ''You are believed to be the fox that saved us from the betray-''
Makoto: ''Thats Madness Its not like that mare demon fox could be the one that saved us from the betrayer!''
Ruby: ''... Madness?... Dont ever call a hearted elf like Ryou a betrayer!''
Makoto: ''Ryou was a dark elf!... And that means he had an evil inside of him all the time!... The Ruby Crystal just released it!''
Ruby: ''DARN YOU!... Fox Fire!''
Ruby shot a fire ball at Makoto!
But Kaede stoped it like it was nothing, catching it in her hands!
Kaede: ''Theres no need for violence.''
Ruby: ''How did you stop my fox fire that easily?''
Kaede: ''I have battled demons 100 times bigger than you if you were 100 times bigger than you are now... And by that a mean, that i have battled demons 1000 times bigger than you before.''
Ruby: ''Wow...''
Kaede: ''Do you have the Ruby Crystal with you?''
Ruby: ''No... It flew away while i was fighting someone named Saito...''
Kaede: ''She had a fight with Saito and lived?'' Kouta: ''Is she one of the Crystal Guardians?...'' Makoto: ''Does this coat make me look fat?''
All Elders: ''*Mumble* *Mumble*''
Kaede: ''Can You explain you remember happend ever since met Ryou?
Ruby: ''Of Course.''
Ruby explained everything that happend the elders had a long convesation and then firgured out what to do.
Kaede: ''We want you to go to the mountain of the three Crystals and get the Ruby Crystal back, and then return it to us, can you do it.''
Ruby: ''Alone?''
Kaede: ''Nobody else is allowed in the Crystal Temple on top of the moutain exept for the other two Crystal Guardians... Sapphire And Saito.''
Ruby: ''Understod...''
She trandformed into the form of a human.
Kaede: ''Lets prepare you for the journey.''
Ruby Thinking: This wont be easy... But i have to do it... I have to... Or die on the way!''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Chapter 6! The Epic Battle Starts!

Preparations were complete!
Ruby was ready to set off!
Hikaru: ''Good Luck young fox!''
Hayate: ''I hope it goes... Smoothly...''
Makoto: ''Dont fail us... Stupid fox.''
Kouta: ''You can do this, prove your bravery!''
Kaede: ''Only YOU can do this... Dont let anyone get the Ruby Crystal!''
Hana: ''Come back soon Ruby!''
Ruby: ''Everyone... Heh, I'll do my best!''
Ruby set off on her journey!
She went through the forest!
Through The Plain Up The Mountain!
And To The Gate Of The Crystal Temple!
The Gate Looked More Like A Portal To The Nether World.
Ruby: ''This is it! Here I Come!''
Ruby entered the gate!
She was all-of-a-sudden in a desert, it was sunset, she started to walk... and hours later it was still sunset.
But Suddenly She Was Attacked By A Dragon!
She was at the moment in a human form.
She used fox fire!
The dragon got away from it!
She kept fire'ing fox fire!
The dragon kept dodging it!
The dragon used its fire breath!
Ruby bearly got away!
Ruby attacked with fox fire!
And she kept using it!
But it didn't even affect the dragon!
Ruby Turned Back Into A Fox!
The fight continued!
the dragon scratched her over and over again!
She kept using fox fire but it didn't do anything to affect the Red dragon. It was as big as a horse so it wasen't that big.
Ruby was all bloody and coudne't do a thing against it.
But then someone came with a big sword and cut the dragons arm of!
It was Ryou!
Ruby: ''Ry...Ryou! You came! You came!''
Ryou: ''Let me handle this!''
Ryou: ''Only this sacred sword build from over 9000 dragon teeth can beat it.''
Ruby: ''Really?''
Ryou: ''Aslong as the wielder as a heart of a dragon!''
Ryou: ''My heart is half dragon!''
Ruby: ''Wow... Look Out!''
The Dragon Came Charging!
Ryou cut of the other arm!
Ryou: ''I guess you have been, disarmed...''
Ryou smiled with bloodlust in his eyes.
Ryou cut one of the dragons wings with his sword!
Then the other!
Then The head!
Then Stuck The Sword Through Its Heart!
Ryou: ''Hows it going, its been awhile Ruby.''
Ruby was now in human form.
Ruby slapped Ryou!
Ruby: ''I've been waiting... For so long... Why... Why didn't you come!... And now all of a sudden, you have come to save the day!... Where have been!''
Ruby was crying.
Ryou: ''I'm sorry... but we gotta hurry before t
Saito and Sapphire gets the Ruby Crystal!''
Ruby: ''Sapphire and Saito!''
Ryou: ''You know about them?... Well you should, Crystal guardian...''
Ruby: ''So you knew all along... Why didn't you tell me...''
Ryou: ''I didn't want to hurt you...''
Ruby: ''Ryou... Lets go before its too late!''
Ryou: ''Well said!''
They had to fight an army of undead on the way!
Then go through i big sand storm!
Then when they finaly made it there...
Saito Was There...
Saito: ''I'm saddend... That you lived! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!... Wasen't that EVIL!
Ryou: ''I'll take care of him!''
Ruby: ''But-''
Ryou: ''He only wants to stall us you go and get the Crystal!''
Ruby: ''Right!''
Ruby Ran Passed Him!
Saito Turned Around Ready To Use His Poison Stinger!
Ryou: ''No you dont!''
Ryou stoped it with his sword!
Ryou: ''My sword has trandformed now! You wont win this time!''
Saito: ''You tried to stop us before, this time it all ends for you... In a EVIL way!''
Ryou and Saito Charged Eachother!
Sapphire: ''Stop right there hussy!''
Ruby: ''Oooooh ''Hussy'' was that the best insult you can come with you psycopathic crazy bitch!''
Sapphire: ''Thats it... Now You'll die!''
Sapphire And Ruby Charged Eachother!

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

Chapter 7! Death And Love!

The battle starts!
Ruby Turns Into A Human Form!
Ryou slashed against Saito!
Saito Dodges it!
Saito Tries To Sting Ryou With His Tail!
Ryou Parry's It With His Sword!
Ryou: ''Todays not my day to meet my maker!... Not if your not coming with me to hell Saito!''
Ruby Fox uses fox fire agianst Sapphire!
Sapphire makes a gust with her wing causing the sand to block the fire!
Saito Draws His Sword!
Ruby: ''You'll never get me!''
Sapphire: ''Its the other way around!''
Saito: ''My little swordy friend would like to have a drinky drink! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Ryou charges Saito!
Saito Slashes Against Ryou!
Ryou dodges It And Cuts Saito In Half!
Ruby looked back!
Ruby: ''You did it!''
Sapphire Tries to stab Ruby!
Ryou jumps in the way and gets stabbed himself!
Ruby: ''Ry-Ryou! Oh, No!''
Ryou: ''Always Watch Your Back... *Caugh*''
Ryou: ''Are you ok?
Ruby: ''I'm ok but your not! Why did you do it?! Its all my fault!''
Ruby started to cry.
Ryou: ''Dont... *Caugh* Cry... The Important thing is that you are ok.''
Ruby: ''Ryou dont die i love you!''
Ryou: ''And i love you...''
Ryou closed his eyes, stopped breathing and fell down.
Ruby: ''Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
Sapphire: ''What a wuss!''
Ruby: ''AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
Ruby turned into a fox again, her eyes turned red and her fur became mangy!
Sapphire: ''Thats Imposible!... You-you can use your powers without the Ruby Crystal!?... So it was you power all along!''
Ruby: ''Burn In Hell!!!!!!!''
Ruby: ''FOX INFERNO BLAST!!!!!!!''
And A Big Fox Inferno Was Set Of!!!!!!!
And after everything settled... Ruby was the only one standing, she had tranformed back to normal...
Ruby: ''...*Sniff* *Sniff* Ryou... My... Love...''
She cried a while.
Ruby: ''I must get *Sniff* the Ruby Crystal! No matter what!''
Ruby kept going untill she eventualy, got to the next portal leading to the Crystals room...
Ruby: ''Here, I am...''
Ruby went through the portal...
She saw a Big red pearl in the middle of the room...
She picked it up...
Then she heard a voice!
Voice: ''Thank you for getting the Crystal for me!''
Voice: ''Now you'll die and its powers will be mine!
Makoto came out from the portal behind her.
She turned around!
Ruby: ''Elder Makoto!? How did you get here weren't this place forbidden for everyone exept the guardians?
Makoto: ''That betrayer got in... So i can too!... I was going to wait for you outside and trick you into give it to me! But i desided to act quicky instead!''
Ruby: ''The only berayer is you!''
Makoto drew a sprit ward.
Makoto: ''This will destroy any demon who touches it!''
Ruby: ''Grrr... You Snake!''
Makoto was just about to throw it!
But then he was cut in half!

To Be Concluded!!!!!!!

Chapter 8! A Foxes Love!

Makoto was cut in half!
By... Ryou!
Ruby: ''You... Your alive!''
Ryou: ''Sorry to make you worry...''
Ruby: ''How did you survive?''
Aimi came flying in!
Aimi: ''Hiya!''
Ryou: ''Aimi saved me.''
Ruby: ''You did?''
Aimi: ''Just returning the favor to Ryou-sama!''
Ryou: ''lets get the Crystal and get out of here.''
Ruby: ''Yeah, and go back to the village!''
Ryou: ''The village huh...''
Ruby: ''Oh... I'm sorry i forgot... You were bannished.''
Ryou: ''Dont be sorry! I'd love to go home after all this time!''
Ruby returned to the village with Ryou and Aimi!
Aimi: ''Everyone is staring at us.''
Ryou: ''Just ignore them...''
Ruby: ''were here.''
The came to the elders house and went in.
Kaede: ''You made it! Wonderfull news!''
Ruby Explained everything that happend.
Kaede: ''So that why Makoto left so suddenly...''
Ruby: ''yeah, thats what i just said...''
Kouta: ''You know, you can get married here if you want.''
Ruby and Ryou at the same time blushing: ''What!!!!!!!??????? Its ok its still to early, hehe.''
Ruby turned back into a fox.
They had a party that night, and as a ending they destroyed the Ruby Crystal and two other Crystals fell out of it. It was Sappire And Saito's.
They were destroyed too. And after that, Ryou's bannishment was removed and he was welcomed back into the village!

5 Mounths later...
Aimi is the village mail bird!
We end the story with Ruby running in the forest in her fox form with a fish she took. Ryou jumped in and grabbed her and took her too a safe place. Ruby turned into her human form.
Ruby: ''I love You...''
Ryou: ''I love you too...''
Then They Kissed!

The End!!!!!!!

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