Sunday, May 10, 2009

Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii (The Demon's Pure Soul) Chapter 7 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Ruby'' *Unanimated*

Chapter Seven: Kitsune No Ai Vs Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii!

The chapter starts with Hotaru, Kiyoshi, Sakura And Hotaru sitting next to eachother against a rock sleeping.
Sakura wakes up.
Sakura: ''Isamu, its morning
Isamu wakes up.
Isamu: ''What? Already?''
Hotaru wakes up.
Hotaru: ''An other day, one day closer to death.
Kiyoshi wakes up quickly with her eyes wide open.
Kiyoshi: ''Somethings coming this way!''
Hotaru: ''You had a dreem didn't you?''
Isamu smells the air.
Isamu: ''No... Something is coming!''
10 Minutes ago somewhere else!!!!!!!
An elf with a fox in his lap is sitting by a tree.
Ruby: ''This is the life, dontcha think?''
Ryou: ''Heh, yeah.''
Ruby: ''I've been meaning to ask you... Whats a dark elf?''
Ryou: ''*Sigh*''
Ruby: ''Its ok if you dont wanna talk about it!''
Ryou: ''Dont worry, i can talk about it.
Ryou: ''A normal elf can control sprits and use fire and ice magic. A dark elf has the power to use fire and shadow magic, and also can destroy the minds of demons who's blood the have tasted.''
Ryou: ''And as you know i'm a dark elf.''
Ruby: ''They dont sound so evil.''
Ryou: ''They have an evil power deep within thier souls, thats released at some times... mine is always released... I released the day the Ruby Crystal took over me.''
Ruby: ''But, your not evil...''
Ryou: ''I wonder about that...''
Ruby: ''I smell demon!''
Ryou: ''Is it Aimi?''
Ruby: ''No, its a dragon, a half demon, a human and a very evil demon.''
Ryou: ''Lets go!''
They ran awhile and they came to a place with a wicked aura around it... it was because one of the demons.
They also saw a human, with long white hair, green eyes and wearing a white dress.
Isamu: ''No... Something is coming!''
Isamu drew his sword.
Isamu: ''Come out! Heartless and i will crush you!
Hotaru: ''Kiyoshi, do you know what he ment by heartless?''
Kiyoshi: ''No, Hotaru, i have no idea... What about you Sakura?''
Isamu: ''Oh, thats right i never told you, i named my sword heartless.''
Isamu: ''I smell a fox!''
Ryou: ''Hello there, demon.
Isamu: ''My name is Isamu... And where the fox?''
Ruby: ''Right, here!''
Ryou: ''What are you doing so close to the elf village?''
Isamu: ''I see theres a village close by... I just hope that village doesen't get in our way then, heh.''
Ryou drew his sword!
Ryou: ''I wont let you pass!''
Isamu: ''Ok, i'll just kill you and be on my way then!''
Ryou and isamu charged eachother!!!!!!!
The slashed at the same time and thier swords met!
Ryou thinking: ''What is that incredible power i felt!''
Isamu thinking: ''I underestimated him, he's strong!''
the slashed swords again and then they tried to stab eachother but the tip of their swords met and struck their blades from their hands!
Isamu: ''Hotaru now!''
Ryou: ''Ruby now!''
Hotaru transformed into a raven and fired a fire ball!
Ruby used fox fire!
the blast collided and took eachother out!
then Ryou and Isamu fired a beam of fire from both their hands!
The beams hit eachother!
they struggled to overpower eachother!
Then Kiyoshi transformed into her dragon form and tried to help!
but then Aimi came and kicked Kiyoshi!
Aimi: ''Heh, its time for me to join the party!''
Aimi and Kiyoshi started to fight!
And Ruby and Hotaru did too!
Sakura just stod there and looked.
But suddenly Ryou got over powered by Isamu and to dodge it, Ryou jumped up and threw a knife that went through Isamus hand.
Isamu: ''Argh! Darn you!''
He took the knife and threw it back!
Ryou ducked it and picked it up.
Ryou: ''Heh, now your doomed.''
The others stoped fighting and looked at them.
Ryou licked a bit Isamus blood of the blade.
Ruby: ''Yes, i understand!''
Ryou: ''I say... Die!''
Isamu: ''Aaaaaarghhh!... You-You're a dark elf!''
Isamu held his hands on his head!
Sakura: ''By all my power!... Save Isamu from his torture!''
Isamus pain stoped.
He suddenly apeared behind Ryou.
Isamu: ''I say... YOU, die!''
He was just about to kill Ryou when a smoke bomb exploded and a shadow apeared in it!
Voice: ''Its the awesome, cool, amazing, outstanding and fantastic... Makoto the great!''
Sakura: ''You must be joking!''
Isamu: ''Lets withdraw... Makoto just ruinded the mood... We'll fight again...''
Ryou: ''My names Ryou...''
Isamu and his team ran away!
So did Ryou, Ruby and Aimi!
Makoto: ''How dare they leave when the most interesting part came, i mean i was in it!''
Ryou: ''I will...''
Isamu: ''Get you!''
Ryou: ''Cause I am!''
Isamu: ''Cause I am!''
Ryou and Isamu at the same time: ''Stronger!!!!!!!''

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

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