Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Oni No Kiyoi Tamashii (The Demon's Pure Soul) Chapter 8 / Script, Writing And Characters By Me!

Picture: ''Fennec Fox''
Not My Pic!!!!!!!

Chapter Eight: Kitsune Masion! Wait, isin't that taken already? I think i heard the name somewhere, but i dunno!

Makoto: ''How dare they! How dare they disrespect me!... Me! Can you believe it!''
voice: ''Do you want to stop them?... I can he-''
Makoto: ''Give me all the power i can get!''
voice: ''Greedy... I like that... You are now my servant.''
A black snake came out of nowhere and sunk its teeth in Makoto!...! Thanks snake!
Snake: ''Isamu, You will die...
On the other hand... Maybe we shouldn't thank the snake...
Ryou: ''Hmm...''
Ruby: ''Grrr... That Isamu, thinks he can beat you!''
Ryou: ''If that anoying human wouldn't have shown up... I would have been killed... I must beat him.''
Ruby: ''If that Priestess wound have stepped in you would have won!''
Outside a mansion in the middle of the forest.
Isamu: ''This place... It feels haunted...''
Sakura shivered.
Sakura: ''B-b-b-by what or who?''
Isamu: ''You hang out with demons and yet your afraid of ghosts... Well it should calm you that this place is haunted by a demon.''
Sakura: ''Is it strong?''
Isamu: ''Beyond, what ever you though was possible... Two of them.''
Sakura: ''Will we survive if we go in?''
Isamu: ''If they are friendly... Lets go say, hi.''
Hotaru: ''What are you crazy! Theres two strong demons in there, and we're going to take a chance that they are friendly!?''
Isamu: ''Its an order.''
Hotaru: ''...Fine! *Mumble*''
Kiyoshi: ''Here goes! Time to prove how brave i am!''
The entred the mansion.
A boy and girl stod there to greet them.
The girl had short red hair, green eyes, and was short but still not as young as she apeared.
The boy, had short blond'ish hair, big green eyes, and had kind face.
Isamu: ''Nice to meet you, Are you the spirits?''
Boy: ''No, no, we have lived here since our parents died. And this place has been haunted by demons it was built.
Girl: ''Are you spirits?''
Sakura: ''I'm not... I am priestess Sakura Etsuko.'' (Etsu means ''Joy'' and Ko means ''Child'' In Japanese!!!!!!!)
Hotaru: ''I am a half demon, named, Hotaru wingsong.''
Kiyoshi: ''I am a dragon, named, Kiyoshi Hanako.'' (Hana means ''Flower'' and Ko means ''Child'' in Japanese!!!!!!!)
Isamu: ''I'm a wolf demon named Isamu... I dont know my last name...''
Girl: ''I am Chiyo Chou.'' (Chi means ''Thousand'' and Yo means ''Generations'' In Japanese!!!!!!! And Chou means ''Butterfly'' In Japanese!!!!!!!)
Boy: ''I am Daisuke Chou.'' (Dai means ''Large/Great'' In Japanese!!!!!!!)
Isamu: ''So, your siblings?''
Chiyo and Daisuke: ''Yes!''
Chiyo: ''I hope you enjoy your stay here, you can even spend the night if you want to.''
Everybody started to look at Isamu.
Isamu: ''Stop looking at me like i'm saying, no... I say, Thank you for your hospitality.''
Daisuke: ''Great! I'll show you to the guest rooms.''
3 Hours Later...
Daisuke, Kiyoshi and Isamu is in the living room, the rest is upstairs.
Daisuke: ''Your a lucky guy, Isamu.''
Isamu: ''How so?''
Daisuke: ''Traveling with a group of girls... I wish i was you...''
Isamu: ''It never accured to me.''
Daisuke: ''What?! Your kidding, right?''
Isamu: ''Nope...''
Kiyoshi: ''What a pervert that guy is.''
Daisuke: ''Aw come'on! Its how i roll!''
Kiyoshi: ''Besides we're not even the same species!''
Daisuke: ''But still...''
Kiyoshi: ''I bet you even think of your sister pervertedly!''
Daisuke: ''Hell no! Now your the one who has a sick mind.
Isamu: ''Daisuke, theres no point in arguing with her.''
Kiyoshi: ''See! Ha!''
Daisuke: ''I still say your a lucky guy, cause even my sister have taken a liking to you.''
Kiyoshi: ''How cute!''
Isamu: ''Wait, What?''
Daisuke: ''You heard me.''
Isamu: ''Sorry, i didn't hear, i wasen't listening.''
Isamu saw 2 fox ears sick out of Daisukes head.
Isamu: ''Your a kitsune?''
Daiskue: ''*Gasp!*''
A fox tail came out aswell.
Isamu: ''Well, well, you were the demons after all!''
Daisuke: ''Its true, we are the demons... Please dont kill us... The people who summond us died, not our parents... They were too weak to dismiss us before they died, so we have to wait for someone else to take their place, before we are allowed to leave...''
Isamu: ''I wont kill you... If fact, I'll take their place.''
Daisuke: ''Huh?... Really?''
Isamu: ''Yeah... But, get up of the floor you look pathetic down there.''
Daisuke: ''Thank you so much!''
Isamu: ''Well its only right, you were so nice to us anyway.''
Sakuras voice: ''You have changed alot from when we first met you Isamu.''
The others came in...
Isamu: ''Your right! I'm going soft! Whats going on!?''
Hotaru: ''Shall we set of?''
Daisuke: ''Hehehe! Isamu, remember the time i said, your a lucky guy?''
Isamu: ''Yeah?''
Daisuke: ''Now i'm a lucky guy too!''
Kiyoshi: ''Pervert...''
Chiyo came out from behind Sakura, Also with fox tail and ears.
Chiyo: ''Yeah... My brother is the world biggest perv...''
Daisuke: ''Cut me some slack!''
Isamu: ''Can we just leave now?''
The set of...
But they got ambushed by Makoto.
Makoto: ''Get ready to taste the power of the new and, even if it is impossible, Improved Makoto the great!''
Makoto drew a sword that looked just like heartless.
Isamu: ''Where did you get that?!''
Makoto: ''A snake gave it to me!-But thats beside the point, lets fight!''
Isamu: ''A snake?... Whatever lets just get this over with!''
Makoto came charging with his sword.
Isamu tried to stop it with his sword but got knocked back when the swords collided!
The fought for a while and Isamu got knocked back again and again!
Then Isamu fell.
And to land the final blow Makoto slashed randomly in the air!
But isamu was too weak to get out of the way.
But then Chiyo took the blow instead and both her arm and legs got torn of!
Daisuke: ''Sis!!!!!!!''
Chiyo wasen't moving or breathing.
isamu's face had no expression.
Isamu: ''...''
Isamu: ''...''
Isamu: ''...''
Isamu: ''Chiyo... Why... Why for me?''
Isamu transformed into a wolf!
And he was pissed of!
Isamu: ''Grrr!... You'll pay for this Makoto!... Pay with your life!... You must die!... DIE!!!!!!!''
He charged Makoto with anger and bloodthirst in his eyes!!!!!!!

To Be Continued!!!!!!!

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